Of the teams signed up on https://www.rtcw.events/teams so far, what’s your prediction for final rankings?

nP being the clear favorites to win. bZ, n9 and us will battle for 2nd place, AAA and Marauders will fight for fifth place.

Playing on LAN is different than from home I’d say so maybe we’ll see a surprise. Imagine Estonia Zed showing his perfect aim skills with 0 ping. He will destroy the whole enemy team.

Who are you most looking forward to meeting at LAN and why?

If I have to say one person it would be Netherlands Crabje. We spent so much time together these past few years it’s crazy to think we needed this LAN to meet up.

Which player do you think is the most likely to drink so much they can’t play the following day?

I guess everybody is so eager to play the players won’t show up late, but I heard Belgium Graecos will be shout casting. Big chance he will miss the first match on Saturday morning.

Are there any particular match-ups you’re looking forward to?

I saw some interesting strategies used by Follow.rtcw on the last ET LAN. They will show it even better this time.