What’s your confirmed lineup, and roles of the players?

Our line up is: Germany Twister, Germany Delgon, United Kingdom Neo, United Kingdom Dusty, Netherlands Crabje and Netherlands me.
I will be panzer, and for the others nothing is confirmed yet. We will figure everything out in the upcoming pracs before LAN.

What’s your goal at LAN? Is there a finishing position you are targeting?

Our main goal is to have fun and enjoy our time during LAN.

Position-wise I would say we are battling with bZ and n9 for 2nd place.

What would you say was your best performance as a team to-date?

Taking 4th place in the league “Road to Ghent”.

Our LAN team is a combination between Hazy and EBD. We just lost our semi-final play-off match against them.

Who on your team is most likely to miss their flight and turn up late to LAN?

Only two of us go by plane to LAN, so chances of missing their flight are slim, but if there is anyone who’s going to turn up late that will be me….

I am quite known to sleep through matches… You don’t want to know how many times Crabje called me 10 minutes before a game.

Adlad: Haha. Sounds like you and Estonia ZeD have something in common then!