image: eurocup5

After a long and tight season, it is once again time for the real deal. This Sunday we will see ET’s finest teams battering eachother to gain the ultimate ET title. Both teams have walked a long path, but now they are facing eachother in a final battle. MegaProGaming on one side is the favourite one in this game, they are still unbeaten, and have by far the best odds. Edit on the other side is getting better and better every Eurocup Seasons, are they the best this one? If the title of this topic didn’t contain EC, than many people could think of a Nationscup title. Two almost full nation powerhouses are battling eachother for a victory. Many people are speculating what the outcome could be of this match, and that is why i’ve asked several people some small questions about their view on this game.

In this table at clanbase: you can see both wins and losses. Mind that MegaProGaming is still unbeaten, and the only time they’ve lost a round was against their opponent now, EDiT.