Furthermore we are giving their opponent MegaProGaming a reaction aswell.

All Questions have been answered by MegaProGaming e-Sports e.V. Chief Information Officer FlyingDJ, eventhough they were supposed to be answered by drago!

Hello, FlyingDJ, I’m happy to meet you on this Saturday afternoon. I hope i’m not interrupting you too much, but i’d like to pose you some questions about your upcoming EC match. Are you available to answer them?

Yes I am.

Oke let’s get this started. MegaProGaming has proven to be the strongest team so far. You’ve made your way throughout the winnersbracket with only losing one map. How does that feel, does it make you more confident for the upcoming match, or didn’t it affect you at all?

Yes, we feel really confident regarding this game. Our practice matches in the last days have shown that we are on top of our game and we have a few tricks up our sleeves that should help us in this final. We know that everyone will be watching and we're willing to give our fans one hell of a show.

Suppose that the next cup would be a Nationscup, would you compete with the same team (with some adjustments ofcourse)?

No. I believe that the German national team will be lead by duKe_ and he's going to pick the best players. We have a lot of undiscovered talent in Germany and we should give them a chance.

Do you think you are able to overcome Edit in a 2-mapper or do you think they aren’t to be underestimated?

I think we will win after two maps, but we should not underestimate them.

I thank you very much for this interview, and i wish you the best of luck in your final!