Following on this i’ve asked some known people from this community who are involved in this Eurocup a couple of questions:


Hi AndyF1, most people know you from your work as a gamestv cooperator, but you are also well known in the ET scene for all the reffing work you have done. With the upcoming match EDIT – MPG i’d like to know your opinion on a few questions. Are you willing to answer them?

Yes, ofcourse.

First of all, what is your opinion on how this Eurocup went so far? There was some contraverse about some teams, some cheater issues, and some odd last minute line-up changes. What is your view on all this? Do you think this is normal, or did you notice more problems and defects this EC compared to previous editions?

I think in any competition there is no "norm". Due to many circumstances, real life issues, relationships etc. no 1 cup will be the same as another. On the subject of cheaters, it has unfortunately become a bigger issue in recent competations that people feel the need to gain an unfair advantage, I personally think this is very sad! This EC despite, what people see as problems, has still turned out some well skilled, close (at times) and exciting matches. As long as people are willing to play the game and CB is willing to organise the EC I think it will carry on and evolve!

With this final match nearing fast, who do you think has the best odds? Do you agree with the ones given by and

So has 70:30 in favour of pro and gtv has 1.4 vs 3.49 in favour of pro. In general, having had the privelidge to witness both these teams in action over the latter part of the competition, I agree that on paper pro have the advantage. However I just wonder how well prepared they are? pro have effectively had 2 weeks off whilst EDiT fought through the LB to gain their place in the final. If pro are well prepared I think they can win. However EDiT have been building strength fighting in each match. I just hope that it is a close and entertaining match!

Eventhough you are a referee in this game, and therefor have to be neutral at all times, do you slightly prefer one team to win over the other one?

Thats easy to answer, being totally honest NO. I enjoy more a close fight and just hope thats what we get. I bet on gtv and if u look at my bets they are all only 5 (whatever the units are called) and when I place the bets it is always on the least favoured team! I bet to try and see if my system of backing long odds gains money compared to backing the favourite! SO again No I have no favourite.

I thank you very much, and hopefully we’ll meet this Sunday at the match!


Hi [CB]Bartichello, we all know you from running this EC season. How did you like this experience? Is it much different from being a normal ref? Do you still have the same amount of fun, or is it a real hell of a job?

Well it has been difficult at times to maintain activity troughout this cup. It's fun to do, but also takes up a lot of time. Thats why i could do less games then before as a ref, which i've alwas enjoyed. It's not a real job to me but it is very different in the amount of work you’ve got.

With this final match upcoming, what are your odds?

With the long streak megapro have gathered, they are the favorites in my eyes. EDiT have done very well but i can't really see them beat megapro which did eliminate the full strength Impact team earlier.


And last but not least i spread out my wings as well in this community, to gathering some opinions of ‘normal’ people. The following persons gave me their opinion on the outcome of the match:

Finland Kaide : Well, it will definetly be tight and intense match, with both mpg and EDiT having enough firepower to literally whipe out each other. Though we musn't forget that mpg came to finals by winners bracket, in my opinion they have slight mental advantage to EDiT who had to beat Impact.Gaming in loser bracket finals. I say that the team who wants it more, will get it. 4-2 for mpg

United Kingdom Elfii: Both teams have traveled far to get to this final, and shown good skill as, not just a team, but as players themselves. This promises to be a very tense game, I probably wont have any fingernails left after this. But, as in most games, there has to be a winner, and O am going to have to go with the German powerhouse, Mega Pro Gaming.

My predicted score: Mega Pro Gaming 4-2 EDiT

Belgium Nunca : This EC final will be a mental war, since they are skillwise less or more equal to eachother.

I think mentally the belgian side is very strong, they are a bunch of belgian tards (we all know belgians are retards), who aren't scared to flame and they know eachother very good, maybe too good.

But on the otherside if mpg plays their own game, and doesn't get influenced by all the tactical provocation of EDIT, then MPG should take it.

My prediction MPG 2-4 EDIT.