Now we’ve seen what both teams have accomplished so far, it is time to go on to the speculations part. First of all i met with Edit’mesq and Edit’lio.

Hi edit’mesq and edit’lio, pleasant to see you guys around here. I have to be honest i didn’t expect you and your team to be on this position, preparing for the grand final. I’m sure i’m not the only one who didn’t see this one coming. Are you both available for some questions?

Yes, we are.

Well for a starter, your latest victory upon Impact gaming, how did it feel lio? Did you expect it, or was it a surprise to you when you ended up with a straight four to nil score?

Lio: Well it was a surprise for us to get this far in the tournament, although we have been playing a longtime together and it was about time that I started to pay off something. The victory over impact wasn't really a surprise for me considering the line up they were playing with, I would have liked it more to win versus their original line up. I can say I am pretty happy we have reached the finals of this Eurocup!

How come we suddenly see mAus playing in your line-up? What was the reason the spot wasn’t taken by zeto, and will he be playing in this final match aswell?

Mesq: Well, we had some internal problems with zeto, therefor we had to go separate ways. The next thing we had to do was to get another player, since mAus is belgian and played with us before, he was without any doubt the best replacement for zeto.

Do you think your team is in strong shape? Are you prepared?

Lio: Well in the past I have played with alot of teams and I must say I hardly had any team where I could play and feel comfortable at any moment ingame, but in EDiT I have all that, I trust all the people im playing with and that is a very positive point for me and for the team. The preparation last weeks has been abit less then normal but I feel quite confident that we are up to the challenge.

Mesq: With the addidtion of mAus we are stronger than ever. We did prepare for this sunday, although the exams are holding us a bit back when it comes to praccing.

After many seasons not performing as well as now, you are suddenly getting a chance to come out on top. Are you excited by the fact that you could possibly grab a win in ET’s most prestigious cup ?

Lio: Ofcourse we are happy to get out on top and to be able to show what we are made off, we hope to get a pleasant and entertaining game for everyone hopefully without to much of whine. It's too bad that we didn't have the chance to play with this team and the shape we are in now in any of the last eurocups because I feel on the level we are playing now we can compete with every team!

Do you think the competition in the highest levels of ET has dropped (a bit) ?

Lio: It certainly has but events like cdc4 and now the qpad cup I can see some teams coming back to the scene to the delight of everyone I think. It will also be a chance to show what we are made off. This last Eurocup has been lesser then others skillwise but I think that the top 6 teams from this eurocup haven't been much better / worser then the last ones.

The odds at this very moment are in favour of mPg, do you think the role of ‘underdog’ is a correct one, or do you think people shouldn’t underestimate you ?

Mesq: Well, I think we played every match as the underdogs, expect the match versus Incomplete. It actually gives us an extra boost to play even better. Well, I don't mind if they underestimate us or not, I know what we are capable off.

Lio: Well I think that the chances are almost 50/50 but for me I feel it is always nicer to be able to win a game as the underdog then winning as the favorite. And due to our 'negative' attitude ingame we don't get to much sympathy from other people in the community so I'm already used to the fact that we are and always will be the underdogs just because a majority of people don't like us.

With the match nearing and the tensions are heating up, is your team getting nervous, do you feel tensions which’ve never occured before, or are you staying smooth and cool?

Lio: Our team is more like a family then a real competetive team, in that I mean that there is no leader, everyone is the same and everyone is feeling comfortable with whatever they do. This feeling just makes us stronger ingame because ( and this may be difficult to believe ) we never whine in any official games we have and just support eachother in any possible way.

Mesq: Nervous? Not really. Honestly said, we are all looking forward to play our first EuroCup Grand Final. It somehow gives a very nice feeling to be in the Grand Final.

Last but certainly not least, how do you see this match end? Is a victory a possible option, would you be pleased with a second spot?

Lio: We would be pleased with the second spot if we feel that we gave the best of ourselves and they are just simply the better team. The last meeting we had with them it was a pretty close call so I think it should be possible!

Mesq: I'm pretty sure this will be an exciting final. I'm looking forward to meet them again, and I hope that we can take our revenge from the winner bracket.

Any more shoutouts to spread into the world?

Mesq: shoutout shoutout to dNzl, snot, waki, oLi, Mgz, blaze, eddie, graecos, Arga, Lithium, anim and spiroze

Lio: Shoutout to everyone that have made this game so wonderfull, especially all my teammates, SneeK for making me laugh so much. And for all the players that are out there and haven't been at lan, with the game at this stage I just want to say I don't trust any fucker that hasn't performed at lan yet bye bye

Then i wish you and your team the best of luck! Hopefully we’ll meet after the match once more for a final interview.