Roughly five years ago Enemy Territory got released, and boy was it a promising game. It had the best engine for 2003 standards, a revolutionary gameplay and the unconditional hate from the RTCW-Community. In early 2004 the source code for the game logic got released in order to give the modding community more freedom. This resulted in Bani’s ETPRO which most will agree is a gift from heaven.

But more freedom also meant that hackers could make more sophisticated cheats and they obviously did. Our beloved game has always been taunted by cheaters and it’s gotten a lot worse lately. The first busted cheater on a decent level which my mind allows me to remember was Sweden JLn a.k.a. Unisol. After him more and more cheaters started getting caught and a massive paranoia was born, the witch hunt was on. There have been numerous victims of this paranoia such as Belgium Maus, Netherlands Perfo, Finland Torspo and last but not least even Finland Mystic. All of them underwent accusations coming from every corner only to prove us wrong in the end. While our herd mentality made us look like fools there it did us good in other cases such as the busts of Hungary Senti, Poland Gnajda and Germany Kenta.

Right now another questionable player is getting a very hard time from the scene. It’s true that Netherlands Jo0f has played on lans before but a sudden skillboost raised eyebrows and right now it looks like it’s the world against Benelux Friends In Force. An objective view on this matter is what most people lack and although I'll try to make one in this column, feel free to discuss with me since pure objectivity doesn't exist.