[center]Tell me who your friends are, and I'll know who you are.[/center]

This is an old saying and we know that it doesn’t fit for every person out there but a serial killer doesn’t hang out with a pacifist and vice versa. This has given me the idea of doing a full background check of Netherlands Jo0f. The first clan worthy of mentioning is Europe Mentiz. If this name doesn’t immediately ring a bell then I’ll help you a bit. Europe Mentiz has been the kind and nurturing home for busted players such as Belgium Skeiz, Netherlands Vanquish and Sweden Slajdan. As if having three of these wasn’t bad enough they also had more or less obvious and heavily accused players such as Belgium Randori and Finland Fanta amid their ranks.

The excuse of not knowing that he was or is playing with cheaters isn’t valid here since Netherlands Jo0f and Netherlands Vanquish still play alongside each other in Benelux Friends In Force. Oh, forgive me, how foolish of me, this doesn’t mean that Netherlands Jo0f cheats. It does however indicate that he has no problem playing with busted and very obvious players, his tolerance towards cheaters is very big and it only makes one wonder why.

So far for the abstract part of this column, on to the evidence.