With the recent announcement of the AEF website going live, what better time to introduce an Enemy Territory Top 10 Ranking System? The ranking system is based on panellists giving their view on what teams should be ranked in the Top 10 based on a shortlist I created. So I went about my business, starting early yesterday afternoon annoying 1 member from each team participating in EC and or ESL. I asked them to give me their opinion on what teams should make up the Top 10 based on lineup, achievements, current performances and potential. I also asked the same question to a few lucky members of the community. After they gave me their top 10, I asked them to give me a statement explaining some of their choices.

The idea was to give points to a team when they made the top 10. So, after each panellist had given me their top 10 i converted these rankings into points/scores. A team that was ranked 1st would receive 10 points, 2nd 9 points etc etc till the 10th ranked team, which would receive 1 point. The shortlist contained 17 teams who were chosen to try and break into the Top 10, at a time where many have called the current EC and ESL the lowest ever, there were a huge amount of variances, with some panellists telling me it was very difficult to rank 10 teams in order.

1 of the main reasons I decided to make a Top 10 for ET was looking at the interest teams receive in the Top 10 for COD4 and TF2, both from the community and from orgs looking to financially back some if not most of the teams that make it into the Top 10. Looking at our current teams, many do not have any kind of financial backing - illustrated in my column made the other day. I hope that those teams that made it into the Top 10, get some kind of recognition and can use it to persuade orgs/financial backers that their team is right.

This ranking system will be conducted quarterly (every 3 months)

So without further ado I give you the panellists, the teams, the Top 10 ranking and the reactions from those teams who made the Top 10.