BelgiumKrosan from AnonymousCrossfire Nazi Admin Crew

2. FinlandFintastic5
3. BelgiumOverload
4. NetherlandsNetherlandsFiF
5. United KingdomImpact.Gaming
6. EuropeRockit
7. United KingdomColt 45
8. FinlandFinspastic5
9. EuropeSleeperz/zZz.ET
10. NetherlandsDream

As to be expected Night's is king of the hill once more, shortly followed by the Finns.
BelgiumOverload 's impressive performance against EuropeRockit last night proved that the Belgians still got it - after their little hiccup against NetherlandsDream in the early stages of this season's Eurocup. With their cheating past now hopefully once and for all behind them, they've shown us some good results against SL, BelgiumBelgian Fraternity , 1stcav and now EuropeRockit, earning them the third spot in my ranking.
NetherlandsFiF 's long-lasting teamwork pays off in both EMS and EC, leading their groups in both competitions. They haven't had the chance to show that their reformed line up also works against the top teams, but with the worm and Jere combo - also confirmed for the upcoming AEF - what can go wrong?
United KingdomImpact.Gaming has been the most anticipated team in recent history, yet they fail to convince me. Numerous line up changes and activity problems kicked up a ruckus in eVo's ranks, but let's be honest, with this line up the team has got a vast amount of potential. Up until now they've disappointed, so that's why they get NetherlandsFiF th place (only). Let's see what this allstar team can do later on in the competitions.
EuropeRockit completely bit the dust against BelgiumOverload yesterday, which proved a EuropeRockit without mAus just doesn't cut it. Will we see mAus returning to EuropeRockit for AEF together with the other ex-TLR stars? Or will mAus stay loyal to his fellow Belgians? As for now, EuropeRockit drops down to the sixth place.
Looking further down we've got United KingdomColt 45 who's raging the Eurocup group stages, but failed to win versus EuropeRockit. Also the other Finns with miNd and chmpp in the ranks have done well in the EC. EuropeSleeperz/zZz.ET and NetherlandsDream close the list. EuropeSleeperz/zZz.ET have been around for ages, and with their experience they manage to perform very well against the sub-top. It will be interesting to see what they can pull off once the easy stages of the competitions are finished. NetherlandsDream manages to get a top ten ranking, not in the least because of their shining performance against BelgiumOverload , but also some convenient wins against the sub-top. Their line up doesn't contain allstars, but they surely have a lot of potential.

BelgiumChizz6l from EuropeAngelDust

2. FinlandFintastic5
3. BelgiumOverload
4. United KingdomImpact.Gaming
5. NetherlandsNetherlandsFiF
6. EuropeSleeperz/zZz.ET
7. FinlandFinspastic5
8. EuropeNulli
9. EuropeRockit
10. BelgiumBelgian Fraternity

Well is/was and always will be the best team in ET :P the Finnish guys are quite good as well but they're online only :D BelgiumOverload has great teamplay even though United KingdomImpact.Gamings lineup looks better they have a lot players that were inactive and still need to get their best shape back. NetherlandsFiF was quite good with Worm especially offline, and the other teams are quite equal depending who has their best day.

FranceRizkKk from NetherlandsDream

1 : FinlandFintastic5 they are dominating
2 : EstoniaIdle.eee add or karnaj is awesome imo
3 : United KingdomImpact.Gaming if they got gifty
4 : BelgiumOverload
5 : EuropeSleeperz/zZz.ET good teamplay
6 : United KingdomColt 45 if they keep this line up
7 : FinlandFinspastic5
8 : EuropeNulli they showed good result
9 : NetherlandsDream but we aren’t praccing much anymore
10: GermanySpeedlink

BelgiumGifted from BelgiumBelgian Fraternity,
BelgiumOverload ,
United KingdomImpact.Gaming,
NetherlandsFiF ,
FinlandFinspastic5 ,
GermanySpeedlink ,

The top 3 in my list are pretty much the strongest teams in the online scene right now. If they all attend AEF I see them all ending up in the top 3. The other listed teams can all battle it out for the 2 other slots in the top 5. But will always be the best team in et, still any of the other top teams can surprise & would be a good team to have in your mgc.

PolandMiks from Poland1stcav

1. FinlandFintastic5
3. BelgiumOverload
4. FinlandFinspastic5
5. NetherlandsNetherlandsFiF
6. EuropeSleeperz/zZz.ET
7. EuropeNulli
8. EuropeRockit
9. United KingdomImpact.Gaming
10. Poland1stcav

I think top3 is definitely out of reach at the moment. The rest seems to be on similar level and between them should be played tight matches. I guess United KingdomImpact.Gaming should improve but doubt they will be able to beat any of top3 teams.

EstoniaBff from EstonianOu!

3. BelgiumOverload
4. EuropeNulli
5. EuropeRockit
6. NetherlandsFiF
7. FinlandFinspastic5
8. United KingdomColt 45
9. EstonianOu! !
10. United KingdomImpact.Gaming

I think that and FinlandFintastic5 are kind of on the same level, both have really talented players and deserver to be number 1.
All the other teams are mostly randomly placed, except United KingdomImpact.Gaming. Their performance has been really bad and I think they could do ALOT better considering their players.

MaltaKillerboy the EuropeClanbase ET Game Supervisor

1) FinlandFintastic5
3) BelgiumOverload
4) FinlandFinspastic5
5) NetherlandsNetherlandsFiF
6) Poland1stcav
7) GermanySpeedlink
8) EuropeRockit
9) United KingdomColt 45
10) United KingdomImpact.Gaming

I haven't seen dignitas play yet so I'm not sure whether they are as strong as FinlandFintastic5, time will tell but I think FinlandFintastic5 are the strongest at the moment considering their performance of almost both teams in the NC Final. BelgiumOverload have been practicing hard and as one can see they have won their Group, the Group of Death, after they were seeded as worst (seed 6) they managed to beat every
everyone and place at seed 1. Finspastic 5 is like the second squad of Finland, if you had to allow 2 teams from Finland to compete in the NC, the final would probably end up being FinlandFintastic5 vs Finspastic 5. I give them 4th because they are practicing hard and have beaten many of the Top 10 teams listed. NetherlandsFiF , GermanySpeedlink and 1stCav are in the same range I believe, all 3 have surprised in my opinion and if they had to play each other, all of them would be close games. EuropeRockit 8 place because they lost 4-0 versus Ovr and I was expecting them to win at least 1 map just like GermanySpeedlink did, wouldn't be surprised if they go up 2 places, GermanySpeedlink vs EuropeRockit next week will be a close match. I had to choose between EuropeTAG.ET, Sleeperz, EuropeNulli , EstonianOu! , United KingdomColt 45 and United KingdomImpact.Gaming, this was very tough, considering zZz lost to EuropeTAG.ET and EuropeTAG.ET lost to NetherlandsDream and EuropeNulli won over United KingdomImpact.Gaming and nOu against United KingdomImpact.Gaming aswell, and United KingdomColt 45 won over EstonianOu! and EuropeNulli so my final 2 were United KingdomColt 45 and United KingdomImpact.Gaming, even though United KingdomColt 45 are an unstable mix they are a good team and have delivered good results, United KingdomImpact.Gaming at 10th place, I think most of their performances (especially at EMS) were almost as disappointing as tMoe losing all matches in Group C, they have to get their team together and beat the teams above, c45 vs United KingdomImpact.Gaming will be played next week so it will either justify or EuropeNulli fy my prediction :)