So now we take you to the name and shame part. Well, not really. Here you will find the panelists views on what teams should be in the Top 10 and their reasons behind these choices. Remember, every team that places 1st on the list receives 10 points, 2nd 9 points, 3rd 8 points and so on, until the 10th place team which receives 1 point. Teams that are left out receive 0 points.

United KingdomeVo from United KingdomImpact.Gaming

2. FinlandFintastic5
3. BelgiumOverload
4. EuropeRockit
5. United KingdomImpact.Gaming
6. EuropeNulli
7. EuropeTAG.ET
8. NetherlandsFiF
9. EuropeSleeperz/zZz.ET
10. GermanySpeedlink

I think overall you have to give top spot to, their sheer consistency and record speaks for itself both online and offline, they have made a few changes but I doubt that will affect their dominance too much, F5 come a close 2nd though, these guys just seem to keep on winning and they have some very talented players in their squad. BelgiumOverload return however this time with mAus I think they will be very strong, give them some time and they could hit top spot but at the time of this I would say 3rd they would likely be happy enough with, EuropeRockit or United KingdomImpact.Gaming for 4th, I think right now they could both be as inconsistent as each other, capable of beating anyone on their day but also capable of losing when they shouldn’t, EuropeNulli surprise me, i didn't know too much about them but freeze seems to give them that cutting edge, his damage is very impressive. after that it gets a case of take your pick, most teams below that line are capable of beating each other on their day and probably all of them capable of causing upsets to the top teams when they play well.

United KingdomKamz from United KingdomColt 45

1) FinlandFintastic5
3) BelgiumOverload
4) EuropeRockit
5) NetherlandsFiF
6) United KingdomColt 45
7) EuropeSleeperz/zZz.ET
8) FinlandFinspastic5
9) United KingdomImpact.Gaming
10) BelgiumBelgian Fraternity

Fins have been dominating the scene for last few seasons. No mystery that I think they're the best. team is legendary but karnaj for me makes them 2nd (no offence to the guy). BelgiumOverload have improved recently and are praccing more than anybody and getting better. Same for EuropeRockit, praccing a lot and improving. United KingdomImpact.Gaming has a lot of improving to do to get higher imo.

GermanyDrago from

Drago from

2) FinlandFintastic5
3) BelgiumOverload
4) EuropeRockit
5) United KingdomImpact.Gaming
6) FinlandFinspastic5
7) EuropeNulli
8) EuropeSleeperz/zZz.ET
9) United KingdomColt 45
10) NetherlandsFiF

I'll start at the bottom - NetherlandsFiF used to be a good team in 6on6, but I haven't really seen them shine in 5on5 yet. United KingdomColt 45 has some potential, but the team lacks consistency. EuropeSleeperz/zZz.ET and EuropeNulli both seem to be stable and praccing and have showed so in their latest results. Double EuroCup winner Mind carries finspastic to a 6th place in my ranking. The United KingdomImpact.Gaming team is a bit unpredictable, but I don't think they could do better than their previous lineups. There is great potential in Team EuropeRockit, but right now they are playing like headless chicken, I think a few weeks of Clownschool will do miracles to their players. BelgiumOverload features their always aim-heavy lineup with mAus and zeto, but I have no good words to spare for them since their cheating incident.
Last but not least I put us above Fintastic, but that’s only considering LAN environment. I guess in an online tournament this would be a very close and interesting match!

LatviaClown from EuropeRockit

1. - doesn’t need a comment,
2. FinlandFintastic5 - great talent,
3. BelgiumOverload ovr - maus + long years played together,
4. NetherlandsFiF - long time together + not a bad team,
5. United KingdomImpact.Gaming - not performing well, but have great potential,
6. EuropeRockit - :>,
7. FinlandFinspastic5 - scrappy team, that plays well,
8. GermanySpeedlink - not performing well atm as well, but cant be underestimated,
9. Netherlandsdream - dno much but some results are there
10. EuropeTAG.ET

GermanyBlad3 from GermanySpeedlink

2. FinlandFintastic5
3. BelgiumOverload
4. GermanySpeedlink
5. NetherlandsFiF
6. United KingdomImpact.Gaming,
7. FinlandFinspastic5
8. United KingdomColt 45
9. EuropeSleeperz/zZz.ET
10. EstonianOu!, cuz they’re the best team players ive ever seen and night is in my opinion the best et player
FinlandFintastic5 cuz they online only and they got nice teamplay
BelgiumOverload , all about mAus he’s doing a good job but he cant be everywhere
GermanySpeedlink , were doing great performances atm and good also nice teamplay
NetherlandsFiF playing for 3 years together and played in the past 24/7 ? no wonder why or :D?
United KingdomImpact.Gaming, just being the old man in my opinion with sheep and mystic in the past they were fantastic players but now they’re just like the other 9, they have good moments and teamplay !
FinlandFinspastic5, just being lagging and good shooting = win with 5 in a team from it
United KingdomColt 45 well I don’t want to say smt about lan performances but some of this dudes will never visit a lan ! :)) that’s why they’re in my top 10 just being some times not normal
EuropeSleeperz/zZz.ET sleepers playing for a long time together and that not with bad players
EstonianOu! n0u well they have Canadian mAus and Estonian retards :D <3

EstoniafrEeze from EuropeNulli

1. FinlandFintastic5
3. BelgiumOverload
4. NetherlandsFiF
5. EuropeSleeperz/zZz.ET
6. EuropeRockit
7. GermanySpeedlink
8. United KingdomColt 45
9. NetherlandsDream
10. United KingdomImpact.Gaming

Picking out the best 10 teams at this moment was not an easy task to do.
Lining them up was even harder. Chose the teams by current performances and lineup.
Overall I am pretty sure that these are the top10 teams, which are hopefully going to give us some exciting matches to watch
FinlandEnsam from FinlandFintastic5

2. Fintastic5
3. BelgiumOverload
4. EuropeRockit
5. GermanySpeedlink
6. United KingdomImpact.Gaming
7. FinlandFinspastic5
8. NetherlandsDream 5
9. United KingdomColt 45
10. EuropeNulli

1. - No need for explanation. Even though they seem to be kind of out of shape right now im sure they will get their skills back with time. 2. Im quite satisfied with our results so far and I expect us to be able to challenge during this season. 3. BelgiumOverload - They have really surprised me with their performances. It seems like they are improving very fast at the moment and I expect them achieve good results especially on lan.
The rest of the list is pretty much guessing since we haven’t really played many of these teams so far.

BelgiumJere from NetherlandsFiF

2. FinlandFintastic5
4. EuropeRockit
5. NetherlandsFiF
6. GermanySpeedlink
7. United KingdomColt 45
8. EuropeSleeperz/zZz.ET
9. BelgiumBelgian Fraternity
10. United KingdomImpact.Gaming

Well I doubted which one to put 1st, or ffive, but I've picked for their lan-performance, let's hope ffive can change this and come to a lan. BelgiumOverload looks really strong at the moment, they got their teamplay up again.
After those 3 there's actually a bunch of decent clans and it was hard to pick out teams. I would put EuropeRockit NetherlandsFiF GermanySpeedlink and United KingdomColt 45 on the same level to be honest. GermanySpeedlink really surprised me lately, they are stronger than I suspected. United KingdomColt 45 started off great, they deserved the 3rd spot at that time. Unfortunately the team had to reform to a less good team.
EuropeRockit is a nice mix of good players, but I still feel they are lacking some chemistry. However even without the perfect teamplay they are able to win against most teams, I only see them becoming better. With NetherlandsFiF , we had some good results in offis. Pracs were not too good though. With Worm returning soon, I hope we'll go back to what we've been at CC6.
EuropeSleeperz/zZz.ET BelgiumBelgian Fraternity and United KingdomImpact.Gaming are the last clans on my list. They are all decent clans, but lacking either big stars or the teamplay. I really regret I couldn't pick more, because after the top-3 there's a bunch of skilled teams, which are very close to each other skill wise. NetherlandsDream and FinlandFinspastic5 should be the ones to prove me wrong.

BelgiumVila from BelgiumOverload

1. FinlandFintastic5
2. BelgiumOverload
3. EuropeRockit
5. United KingdomImpact.Gaming
6. United KingdomColt 45
7. GermanySpeedlink
8. EuropeSleeperz/zZz.ET
9. FinlandFinspastic5
10. NetherlandsFiF

This is my ranking , I’ve based myself on individuals - potential - recent performance.
I've ranked FinlandFintastic5 the highest basically because I think they are the best aiming team around,
they have an insane rifle as well. It will be hard to hold them from the throne. Sample really amazed me sometimes, unbeatable lineup if they practise.

Secondly I placed my own team, not because of arrogance but simply because I think we have a great potential and recently we have been able to perform the way we should. In a very good day I think we can compete against fintastic5.Some people don't get why zeto is playing with us and like a more damaging player, I wouldn't trade him for anyone else because he brings balance to the team. I have kept on pushing him into reviving/teamplaying because let's be honest, he was just some rambo fragging statswhore, and now we have a great mix of gamestyles. I'm not the best rifle but I fit into it.

third place goes to EuropeRockit although we've taken them down quite simple in the last official, I still think they'll end high, what I saw from them in praccs against us they are capable of doing a lot more then they did yesterday. They raped us and it surprised me, so if they get their act together I can see them being a big surprise

4th place just because I think they are overrated. Don't get why Night/Reload would be the best players in this game (Ok they won a lot, but so has England and Rooney alone won't make it either -> See Finland vs Estonia) . Night got his moments, if you want to call him the best player based on those, be my guest, I won't. Reload has unstable aim, might be awesome, might suck. They don't have a good mix with Night rifling and I don't think they are the top team they once were (because the others
lacked skill back then, don't know) karnaj is just a damaging fragwhore with no sense of teamplay and the others are just fillers.

5th United KingdomImpact.Gaming, just because I like sqzz /sheep , rest is underperforming / not adapted to 5v5 (sheep too) / lost skill /unstable etc

6th United KingdomColt 45 , they have some skilled players and on a good day they can pull something off, otherwise just a normal team failing under the lead of retard Kamz.

7th GermanySpeedlink , surprising me quite a lot lately (chaplja housecoder anyone?) , don't think they'll make it all the way into the top because they lack experience and they just miss something extra.

8th. EuropeSleeperz/zZz.ET , because I fall asleep when I see them play

9. FinlandFinspastic5 , improved after lineup change which was very very necessary. Might surprise

10. Team that has been playing together for a long time and hanging around so that has to mean something I guess. Also placing NetherlandsFiF above us is like picking a rocket ice stick above a magnum