EstoniaIdle. - GermanyDrago

Q. GermanyDrago I have counted the results from the rankings given to me from each team participating in this seasons EC/ESL. You have come 1st narrowly, with FinlandFintastic5 a close second. (2 points/votes behind you). Is this something you expected? Are u happy placing in the pole position?

A. It makes us happy that people still see us at the first spot even after our lineup changes and I think once the LANs get closer and we get praccing, we should be able to live up to peoples expectations.

Q. do u ever see idle being pipped to the number 1 spot with teams like FinlandFintastic5a close second ?

A. At least online everything is possible huh :P

FinlandFintastic5 - FinlandEnsam

Q. With the results in from panellists (each EC/ESL team), you have placed a close 2nd. In fact you only missed out on 1st place to EstoniaIdle. who received 2 more points/votes than you. Are you happy with this? Is this something you expected? Do you believe u can reach pole position in the next top 10 ranking in 3months time ?

A. Im satisfied with second place since we are quite new team. I’m confident that if things go our way we could very well be the number one in 3 months :)

BelgiumOverload - BelgiumVila

Q. So BelgiumVila the results are in and you have finished a very reasonable 3rd place. In fact around 80% of the teams asked put you 3rd place. Is this something you are happy with? Are u at all surprised given that many teams had wrote you off before the start of EC? Is it a position you think you can improve on?

AHah , I was just discussing it with Belgiumzeto actually and I was telling him how disgusting it is to see how some people are now asslicking/fanboying us whilst 2 months ago when we announced the lineup and started to practice we haven't seen anything but hate and flame towards us. So I’m having mixed feelings about it. Was expecting to be placed in the top 3 (by the other teams). But I don't think we'll be happy if we won't play the EC final. So we'll go for top 2. With a bit of luck and some effort we might get there. Looking forward to some good games so I’ll be able to make more controversial statements! Thanks for this opportunity Ross!

EuropeSleeperz/zZz.ET - BelgiumLazio

Q. After asking 21 people in total your team (zZz) has ranked in at 8th position. Are u surprised by this at all, give than last season u finished 4th in Eurocup. Do you believe that in 3months time when the ranking is done again you will place higher? Is there anything you can do i.e. attend lans with what is arguably a online only team (no offence) to push your ranking up

A. I believe some teams are maybe up too high due to their name, but I'm ok with an 8th spot. I think the team will do well in the playoffs and hopefully prove that a top 5 position is possible for them even though the competition for it seems hard.
I hope to pull together a LAN team for the AEF lan, which should be more of an "oldschool" like zZz lineup

FinlandFinspastic5 - FinlandKapaa

Q. The results are in and FinlandFinspastic5 have finished 7th. You were close to 6th place with NetherlandsFiF just getting the edge. Is this something of a surprise to you, seeing as you have had a lot of lineup problems/changes. Do you think that in 3 months time your ranking will rise? Would 7th be a respectable finish in competitions like EC and ESL for you guys ?

A. I guess top5 could be possible if everything goes well but tbh I don’t know how motivated they are and how much they are praccing at the moment and Finnish teams always perform well, except for vae :D.

NetherlandsFiF - BelgiumJere

Q. After a few long hours of getting panellists' opinions, the results are in and NetherlandsFiF have ranked in at 6th place. Is this something you were looking at before the results? Is it something you are happy or disappointed with ? Do you aim to place higher in the rankings in 3months time? Is there something you will try and do to raise your rank next time round?

A. I think it's quite logical to put us at such a place at the moment. We've been doing ok, but certainly not great. It's our goal to climb up the ladder as high as possible, a 3rd-4th place would be nice. With Worm coming back for AEF I think we got a good chance to do that.

United KingdomImpact.Gaming - United KingdomeVo

Q. So with the scores counted Impact have finished in 5th place. However, they were mentioned in every single panellists' Top 10, 1 of only 4 teams to achieve that. Is 5th place something you expected? Are you happy with it considering recent performances? What would be your ideal rank come 3 months time?

A. Its completely what i expect for where we are right now and its a perfectly fair ranking for the position the team is in. Is it what i expected, hmm no frankly, its been a rough few months for the squad, too many changes which have been forced have caused instability. In 3 months time i want the squad to be in the top 2 which would be satisfactory however my goal is 1st!!!

United KingdomColt 45 - United KingdomKamz

A. I'm actually surprised that we made even the top 10, considering our lineup changes and hence lack of consistency and progress. I'm guessing people are just going by the names we have in the new lineup. It's early days for us yet but so far so good. I hope we can keep this up with our new team and hope that we manage to keep this lineup without any backstabs or anything this time. I'm also surprised Impact finished so highly but I guess we'll see on Sunday how good they really are.