For ages, the Enemy Territory community has complained that the game we all love has not received enough credit from big tournaments and has never been accepted as one of the elite e-sports titles, which has not let the legends in the game earn a living racking up amazing killing sprees and making fanboys at ETTV go berserk.

While I wholeheartedly agree, that Enemy Territory is underrated and as an amazing game to both play and watch should receive far more credit, I would like to use this moment to show those of you that were not aware or had forgot about the fact that it has not always been about just fun and fame - we've had a fairly significant sum of money up for grabs spread out over the last few years - A lot more in Total than I for example would have guessed from the top of my head.

NB! If someone knows the lineups of the teams from the 6 Israeli LANs or from GGL Ladder Season 1, GFO1 or GFO 2 open division I would really appreciate if you contacted me, this would help the rankings a lot.

06.03.2007 - Added shgOpen 2007 and ETFRAGLAND 3 to the list. A combined total of over 7000 euros caused some nice mixups in the rankings :)

21.02.2007 - As soon as I get internet back at home I will update the rankings with SHG 5000€ and it should cause quite a few mixups in the rankings.

25.01.2007 - Portugese ETL @ Kaos #2 Was added to the rankings and finally the ESL IPS is also a part of these moneyrankings.

25.11.2006 - The Update following Poznan Game Arena 2006 saw 12 new faces enter the rankings. Surprisingly - 11 of them were polish. This helped Poland climb to the 5th spot in the country rankings past austria and slovenia. Thanks to the Austrian trio from zP! the country managed to hold on to their 6th position though, as these 3 combined have earned slightly more than Jakazc alone.

In teams rankings FF climbed a few places to a well deserved 7th the other podium finishers NETrunners and zP! entered the rankings to places 11 and 23 respectively.

No major shakeups in the players rankings as just 4 of the prizewinners in Poznan were previously in the rankings. All the new entrants however managed to sneak into top 100 and thus made it mandatory to have won at least 100 $ for anyone to be able to challenge the top 100.

30.10.2006 - Yet another tournament was added to the rankings. Portugese 3on3 LAN ABTlanParty. Thanks go out to Portugal Chute for digging this one out :)

27.10.2006 - With the release of Crossfire3 I started to update the rankings again. I added INVEXCUP 2006, ET Lan Series @ Kaos and Experience Enemy Territory in the tournament listings. I have also found out about a total of 6 Money tournaments for ET in Israel and as soon as I get the rosters for those events I will update the rankings again.