The first post is up, "RTCW2 Screenshots" and whether they're real or not (if they're not by god does someone have a lot of spare time) even the thought has got this intrepid MP40 bearing soldier drooling at the prospect of a new lease of gaming life. However that thought is caught in a loop, what does anyone actually want from a new game?

I look at certain games as perfection of their genre (in multiplayer), evolution reaching a climax that can never be beat. Now it's impossible to create that list without certain subjectivity however, I believe RTCW to be the perfection of Team Objective/CTF type gameplay. Just like Quake 3 to be perfect deathmatch, CS 1.6 of search and destroy (rts' are a bit more diverse in their success'). Occasionally something new comes along, out of the box that is a breath of fresh air, CoD4 was that for me. Now another Wolfenstein is on the horizon, and since RTCW MP was for me, as it was for many, perfection what do you want from the next one?

Would it be ok for Mr Carmack and Mr. Raven to copy paste RTCW onto a new game engine and say here ya go community, enjoy! The easy answer is yes.

However then I wonder why I got bored of ET all those years ago, the answer is because it really was RTCW MP 1.5. Look at it on paper, its the same engine, same look and in comparison to anything after ET, its got the same feel. Sure there are subtle differences such as mines, rifles and such which deterred many a hardcore RTCW player away from ET, but from a developers perspective rather than a hardcore players it couldn't get much closer to RTCW without being RTCW.

Thats where answering my question is hard, genre theory stifles creativity. Aristotle stated that its human nature to copy and replicate what we've already seen. Genre gives you EA's lack of creativity as they mass produce the same crap over and over again without innovation, if that happens to this new Wolfenstein then the second coming may be somewhat painful.

From personal experience, Copy & Pasting games is un-fulfilling and if you can remember that far back, the RTCW vs ET divide was pretty bitter, its a bitterness that can still be felt in CS 1.6 vs CS Source and for what? Sure you complete some new objectives and the pitch changes shape momentarily, but eventually you come to see you're still kicking the same ball you've been kicking in the previous game only the ball is just a little prettier. So what am I asking, because most of you like you did with the Quakewars demo, will give the next game a huge try and try to find that next game to lose years of your life to. But with your Quakewars experience in hand, what is it that you're looking for on the other side of the rainbow?