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You know what really grinds my gears?

We're lacking columns on Crossfire at the moment and tumble weed is really getting quite annoying so I figured I'd start a new column series based on Peter Griffin's lovely segment on TV. It may not be Crossfire related all the time but its content and if you don't like that, well don't read it!

Show me that you care

The Crossfire Challenge 5 was the last international Call of Duty 4 LAN to be announced, right now the tunnel is dark and the future is bleak for the game. However CoD4 needs to take a leaf out of ET's books if it wants to survive until its sequel at the end of the year.

CC5: Who's going to win CC5?

The Crossfire Challenge 5 is up this weekend and the question on everyone’s lips is who’s going to win it? Both tournaments have a strong field and today we’re going to look at who’s likely to take home gold in both tournaments.

Enemy Territory

CC5: Why do we go to LAN?

With the Crossfire Challenge 5 around the corner the reason as to why people are happy to travel across the world to play a video game is puzzling me, and this article we’ll find the answer!

Where Gaming meets Reality

Pardon me for stealing ESReality’s famous tag line but for this article it seemed appropriate. Tonight my football team play against the side top of the league in a battle that will decide whether last week’s 4-0 win was a mere fluke or whether we’ve got what it takes to challenge the big boys. [img=right]http://images1.filecloud.com/781311/1Hackney_Marshes_Football_01.

UK CoD4 Scene in dire straights?

For a game that has some 849 teams signed up on this seasons Clanbase OpenCup, the biggest team FPS based prize purses outside of CS 1.6 for its LAN's and the attention of the G7 you'd be forgiven for thinking that filling Call of Duty LAN's was easy, well not in the UK!

COD4 On Tour

First Antwerp, then Roskilde and next Stoneleigh Park the CoD4 community have had three weeks and 57,000 Euro to contest for. Now two thirds of the way through that tour its time for reflection on what has been a highly successful 2 weeks thus far.

Beware the Ides of March

SK Gaming have wielded the axe down upon their Call of Duty 4 squad and the harsh realities of being involved with a pro-gaming team have come to light. MYM are rumoured to be next under the guillotine unless they can prove themselves worthy at The Experience this weekend and it all leaves a very sour taste in the mouth for onlookers.

Play it again Sam

The first post is up, "RTCW2 Screenshots" and whether they're real or not (if they're not by god does someone have a lot of spare time) even the thought has got this intrepid MP40 bearing soldier drooling at the prospect of a new lease of gaming life. However that thought is caught in a loop, what does anyone actually want from a new game?

Poland please!

As far as gaming success stories go, Poland have many to tell! PGS (now MYM) are reigning ESWC CS champions and Av3k is one of the most feared Quake players in the world to name but 2. However in ET something odd has happened, the same stories cant really be told in the same volume and because of rife activity of cheaters within the game, the associated paranoia has turned into craziness.
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