The QCUP has come and gone and it was a marvelous success! This column is something of a brief summary and mainly a letter of thanks from myself to the crew who ran it.

Cast aside your indecision
22 Dec 2007, 11:49
Welcome to Pleasentville, a cute American town with white picket fences and good old fashioned American values.

Remember the fork?
8 Nov 2007, 14:10
Sometime ago I wrote about the fork in the road that was going to meet the Crossfire community head on. Now the fork is prodding down upon us like the dinner that we are and its time to look at one of the forks stainless steel prongs in particular, the Call of Duty prong.

I need a hero!
24 Oct 2007, 15:47
I need a hero, I’m holding out for a hero ‘til the end of the night, He’s gotta be strong ,And he’s gotta be fast, And he’s gotta be fresh from the fight. Enough Bonnie Tyler for the time being, however I do need a hero, I need someone or some team or something to get those juices flowing once again!

Introducing GR-OF
13 Oct 2007, 22:07
Some time ago I was told about Dignitas Call of Duty star 'Mick' being offered a contract with a Greek clan. The deal was that he'd get paid for every official he played for them, one rumour even had him getting paid per frag! I brushed the thought aside that Greece would harbour a financially backed gaming team, let alone one that would back CoD but it turns out I was wrong...

Too much, Too quick?
12 Oct 2007, 02:46
I write this openly admitting my hours on Quakewars since release are quite low, I think this point is valid even if you're outside the competitive circuit. Is Quakewars being dismantled too early in its life?
The main motivation for writing this column came after reading a comment by a_qwer on the Dignitas ET:QW Cup news on ESReality;
The main motivation for writing this column came after reading a comment by a_qwer on the Dignitas ET:QW Cup news on ESReality;

Sunshine on the horizon
3 Oct 2007, 14:29
Good Morning to you on the day of our revolution! For many of you it has been a long and tiring journey, filled with false hope and the ever growing struggle of making it up the mountain. However now we sit upon the top of the mountain and despite fallen comrades all I can see is a bright competitive future.

TosspoT on CDC3 Part 1
1 Oct 2007, 15:09
Having exiled myself from all things iRC and Crossfire for a week, I think now the detox may be complete and its time for TosspoT to reflect upon the Crossfire devotii Challenge 3 (part 1!)There will be no photos and really there won’t be any social stories because until the final night, like many of the Crossfire team there was no time for such activities, the Challenge project is hard work.

CDC Live Log!
21 Sep 2007, 14:38
A popular feature of coverage from the last CDC, here you can find a live listing from the event being updated by several admins. This will be a vidiprinter services of some scores and general small event updates throughout the event;
03:00 - finally finished only 10 hours behind schedule!
00:46 - "cZar where good, ferus was better" TosspoT, SRP take adler
01:06 - The teams are on the server warming up & the maps are decided: they'll be Adlernest & sw_goldrush_te
03:00 - finally finished only 10 hours behind schedule!
00:46 - "cZar where good, ferus was better" TosspoT, SRP take adler
01:06 - The teams are on the server warming up & the maps are decided: they'll be Adlernest & sw_goldrush_te

Beware of the fork
6 Sep 2007, 14:20
The birth of ET and Call of Duty came within months of each other. The Activision titles were released within 6 months of eachother and for the RTCW community it presented a fork in the road. Now in 2007 the fork is back as Quakewars and Call of Duty 4 arrive on the shelves just 6 weeks apart. Which path will you take?