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Going out in style

The last (true) RTCW eurocup, season 8 finished with arguably the greatest season it ever had. The final concluded in true dramatic style with MYSOD winning a 3-3 thriller because Kreaturen had to go to bed had a jammed packed season filled with star names and end to end action. Roll the clock forward a few years and you reach this Eurocup season and well, none of the above could be used to describe it.

CGS CoD4 - Hit or Miss?

When the £10,000 CGS CoD4 tournament was announced it was another step in the right direction both for the game and for the CGS. The game needs organisations such as The CGS to back it to continue its rise up the ranks of the eSports elite and The CGS needed CoD4 to grow its own community and brand value, so the relationship should have been great but neither really seemed to hit it off with one another.

CB Treading a dangerous path

Call of Duty 4 has caught the imagination of nearly all of Europes top gaming organisations since its release. Its size, its community and its exciting matches have seen many view this as the first real alternative to Counter Strike. So when the Clanbase Eurocup was announced it was expected to be the jewel in the crown should signups permit, however it was infact the jewel in the baseball cap and that hasn’t gone unnoticed by CB’s biggest player base.

Thank you PB... seriously

This is not a direct slur to Cash's previous column as I do infact agree with the sentiment he makes that nC's actions will force a reaction that will hopefully be beneficial to the community, however there is one point in which he is wrong and most of you on Crossfire are wrong about.

Cash ends a provocative column with the line "we dont need them" - wrong, very wrong in any context he may have meant that, we DO need Punkbuster.

Somethings wrong with this picture

The case of Lio and alexl is one that would have Columbo himself in a muddle! The case of two of the games opposites being tarred with the same brush. Lio a player who has worked his way up from obscurity and proven 4 times on LAN that slowly but surely he has climbed the ladder of skill to great effect.

You say goodbye, whilst I say hello

CDC4 was a fantastic event, statistically speaking it was a monster of an event and it dwarfed everything that had gone before it in the project. That being the case, its quite fitting that the series should bow out on a high as there will not be a CDC5, but that doesn’t mean the end of LANs run by this group.

So this is Christmas

It’s that time again, the last days before CDC and finally the ‘to do’ list is almost gone and I can actually sit back and think about the tournaments, and we really do have a mouth watering line up of teams in all the games. If you’re someone that looks at a tournament and thinks what a match that will be then you’re in for the weekend of your life!

Enter SK

Generally if you've read any of my columns (rants) over recent years any mention of G7 and or their teams has been negative, because my overall opinion is that they don’t use their position to aid the average competitive gamer anywhere near as much as they should do. On the whole I think they just waste valuable sponsorship money that should be going to teams/players who actually give a damn. However SK's addition of a CoD4 roster actually is met by a round of applause from this writer.

Crap makes good TV!

Last week I watched the Royal Rumble, the first time I’ve watched anything Wrestling based since I was 15 or so. Wrestling is homoerotic crap, half naked, sweaty men running around touching each other, not even hitting one another and yet it’s an international multimillion dollar scripted phenomenon.

2007 in a nutshell

Inspired by one of Meez’ comments I decided Crossfire needed a review of 2007 because it was one heck of a year for this wee community, and it kicked off with a bang from the off!
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