Open letter to CB

Dear CB,

I've been playing your leagues ever since I started gaming. I enjoyed your leagues for years now and its the only competition I still play since most of ET competition is dead. Recently however a lot of strange rules and decision have been made. CB still has a lot of influence in ET, but you're loosing ground fast. Here is a list of things that are on a lot of ETplayer' minds:
  • PB Screenshots

Happy pills

This column was originally posted on ESReality by Seomoon "DanishSnake" Park.

QuoteHas everyone gone stark raving mad? What is going on? Did Infinity Ward hire the CIA and with clandestine precision, inject every gamer on the planet with happy juice? Where did this latest fad of loving a game right out of the box suddenly spring from?

Scary Config

Recently, WL released its own config. Having heard so many troubled tales about the Global Config, I decided to check out the three configs made by ESL, WL and CB. So what did this investigation turn up. An endless list of commands, the configs looked totally different and it took me over 5 minutes to find these big differences:

Quoteteam_maxMg42s [0-1]
b_helmetprotection [0-1]

Antilag and you!

QuoteKnockback throws your aim off in a way you can't compensate for. Prediction errors are a dime a dozen in ET, it's not a big deal. Yes, they are worse for people with high pings... that's gaming on the Internet for you.

This comment was made by Reya1p in a reply to Madscientist discussing ETpro antilag. As you can see in the quote, ET's has a few weird bugs concerning netcode and knockback.

Care to debate?

Last night I joined Pumu's kinky ventrilo and had a nice chat with Mztik and Reload. It's one of these nice things about the ET community. Even an average player as myself can fire up ventrilo and talk with the biggest stars of ET. Imagine that in the CS community ;) So we started talking and Reload was telling how some of his friends wanted to try out ET. Too bad for his friends it was impossible to start playing because you needed so many patches.


This article is meant to be an addition to the Aiming by Raziel guide which can be downloaded via It is directed towards people who are fairly new to the game, or to people who generally have no idea whatsoever about their mouse and its' settings.

ET Awards 2006

ET Awards 2006

Once a year we gamers unit in something truely profound. We set aside our differences on map choice, riflegrenades and Polish people, join together to appreciate the achievements of a select few: That time has come again, the time has come for the ET awards!

Interview: Idle^Erral

GTV`FlyingDJ did an interview with Idle^erral after the Eurocup Final where UQ took home the gold.

Erral comments on the EC finals, the future of the Idle ET-squad and ET itself.