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The Past[/u]
Enemy Territory is the spiritual successor to RTCW - a first person shooter played competitively (by the majority) in the 6v6 format. Once ET had taken it's baby steps and finished teething, it too adopted 6v6. This was the accepted format until Quakecon '06.

KRP's farewell to 2k10

I aint gonna start this babbling artsy & supposedly philosophical phrases... or atleast I wasnt supposed to. Then I realized that the post would be deleted so here we go:

I have a few things I would love to share with you before the dawn of a new decade arrives!

KRP minimovie 3 issue

ET's Number 1 Woe

Brethren. If put into a real life battle, Quake players would be the first to die. While I realize video games aren't reality, seeing a complete disregard to the realities of war in competitive clan wars should bring tears to the spectating eyes of all who are above 12 years of age. And while Counter-Strike leaves much to be desired in the areas of movement, atrocious bullet spread, and boring gameplay, its players are correct in viewing Quake players as little girly men.

Why PC Gaming Is Better Than Console Gaming But Alcohol Is Better Than BiO

The elderly statesmen amongst you might remember TosspoT's drunken scrawls as to why Alcohol Is Better Than BiO. It wasn't his greatest column, in fact, it's arguably one of his worse - a vitriolic attack on the ET community as a whole. But it's from his column I take inspiration, and recent events that set the scene.

Just Another EuroCup Final

England's blood lustier habitants might be pleased to learn that ClanBase's organisers have scheduled this seasons EuroCup Grand Final on another bloody Sunday. Giving the highest potential for coke to be supped and popcorn to be munched. Following last weeks donnybrook this Sunday viewers will have to contend with another bout of Dignitas vs The Last Resort.

NC: 5on5 or 6on6?

Note: This is only about swaping NC to 6on6, rest should stay 5on5

After my last column with my views on ODC it's time for something that people actually care about: the 5on5 vs 6on6. Both formats have their pros and cons and we could argue forever what to use for everyday gaming. But what about the "fun" tournaments like the Nations Cup?

Why is 5on5 good for ET?

Ways to improve Crossfire in general

After reading Krosan's Coverage Ad Nauseam column about improving Crossfire I wrote a pretty long comment describing my thoughts on the matter. It wasn't very well written but at least I made my point. This website is very much set in its ways and some major changes are hard to push through.

Coverage Ad Nauseam

Coverage on Crossfire - Could be better?

How many of you really read the newsposts on upcoming ET matches?

Our future, our gaming

Through out the last couple of decades eSport or more known as video gaming has been a part of the western worlds culture.

The fifth class

This might be a rather narrow subject for a column, but as it concerns me a bit I wished to write about it. Not a journal, of course, as long texts in journals tend to be wasted in this community, as I've learnt the harsh way. Pardon the possible typos, my keyboard is getting worn out.
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