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Rinse Lather Repeat, always Repeat

The title are some of the truest words ever spoken by the great prophet Homer Simpson. Though he may have been talking about the secret of silky soft hair, his words are a far fetching statement to game designers that change can quite often be a bad thing. Modern Warfare 2’s release and near instant collapse amongst the competitive community has left me puzzled as to where competitive gaming goes from here.

Squeezed out?

Online Multiplayer Gaming has since its inception been dependent upon another multi million dollar industry, the Game Server hosting industry. Something of a niche within a niche, Game Servers companies have been around since day 1, making eSports possible but for how much longer?

What about PC games?

A couple weeks ago a random British site claimed the PC version of Modern Warfare 2 was going to be delayed for 2 weeks. The source listed was a link to another page on the same site showing an allegedly legitimate release schedule scheme from Activision-Blizzard. It was hard to call this proof as the trail stopped there, since the scheme couldn't be found elsewhere on the net.

Can we do it again?

So, things haven't gone as expected for the Crossfire community recently. Wolfenstein is a complete and utter disaster, and there seems to be no support at all post-release. Activsion and id are no longer together, Endrant Studios is no more and Raven has made several employees redundant.

Recipe for success

Tonights Eurocup match between asd and sublime had all the ingredients needed for any game to be compelling viewing, however they are ingredients that in order to replicate require fundamental change in the way in which gaming communities as a whole operate.

Top 5 ET Moments

Crossfire is launching a series of ‘Top 5’s’ a subjective look from the admins at what their personal Top 5’s have been across the wonderful game of ET. Whether its the top 5 ET moments, the top 5 matches or perhaps the Top 5 flame wars we’ll be dropping them down in the columns over the coming weeks, do feel free to submit requests for your own Top 5 topic too!

ET's Future

Lets face it, Wolfenstein didn't turn out to be what roughly 95% of us expected or wanted. While decent in it's own right, it hardly lives up to it's predecessors. Most of us play this series because of the feel, the movement and the speed of RTCW or ET. We play it because we enjoy fast paced objective based team play. What most of us expected from Wolfenstein was nothing more than updated version of this. Some new maps, updated graphics, some new models and maybe some weapon variation.

Quality Test #347

This article is just an expression of my thoughts towards moviemaking and its future. Besides my mouse cable seems broken.

Where it all began

Social Gaming

A feature on Social Benefits, The Big Picture & Gaming Elitism, by Richard "Dr. Gonzo" Lewis.

Editor's Note: The author of this column has been writing as a regular columnist on Cadred.org for just under a year, and was recently hired as the Content Manager over there. As a one-off feature here on Crossfire, he shares his views on social gaming with us.

Wolfenstein: Way to go?

It has been over a week since Wolfenstein was released and already we have two mods out.
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