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R.I.P - 2/3

With three episodes these columns will bring you a view behind the business we are all together with every day we play or talk about the games. With more than 40 years history of gaming so far, it's much you can tell about the mistakes and ideas, failures and success which repeat over and over again. Even though the amount of success is going downwards, failures keep us up discussing about the background.

R.I.P - 1/3

With three episodes these columns will bring you a view behind the business we are all together with every day we play or talk about the games. With more than 40 years history of gaming so far, it's much you can tell about the mistakes and ideas, failures and success which repeat over and over again. Even though the amount of success is going downwards, failures keep us up discussing about the background.

Get up Off of yo' Ass! (And Dance)

One thing the ET community can take great pride in is its achievements, the fact this game is even alive today is because of what the community has done in its past. However, those are yesterdays achievements the question of the column is what are you going to do today?

5on5 or 6on6 ?

Some high skilled players are giving their opinion on the two formats. They all answered the same question.

[center]Having now played 5on5, what conclusions can you draw from it?[/center]

How to make Bremen better.

Yesterday, my column got deleted, which honestly, I expected to happen, but I thought that it would at least raise some bigger discussion about the way maplists are decided for major tournaments. Seeing that it didn't, I decided to throw out one more issue that's been bugging me in the interest of seeing how will people react to it.

As the title says, it's a column about how to make Bremen better...

Finally Fantasy!

Is MMOFPS the future?

Recently there was a newspost about Quakewars Online and it was met with utter distates because of the word Quakewars, however the prospect of QW Online as a Massively Multiplayer Online First Person Shooter is something that makes my mouthwater.

You see Crossfire right after RTCW, ET and Quake my fourth favourite online PC Game is actually PlanetSide. What is Planetside? Well Wikipedia sums it up nicely:

Nations Cup or Country Championship?

Quote by eiMStick together and create a base level of professionalism

Picking up what eiM stated in his previous column should be the perfect introduction for this column. The question is: How professional it is to host two tournaments that are "Nation Cups"?

Missing opportunities

Enemy Territory is on just another one of its seasonal peaks, now that the Fall season comes to the hot phase and Crossfire Intel Challenge was just announced with atleast 5000€ of prizemoney to be won by Enemy Territory teams. Impressive numbers one might think for a free, buggy released game that is already over 6 years old. But the question we should ask is, where could or morely should we have been by now?

Pay to read your websites?

Today marks a new dawn on the Internet, The Johnston Press have started charging for written content on their websites. Though hardly a world known printing press the company make newspapers in the North of the UK and their move is set to the be the first of many. Newscorp, the Rupert Murdoch owned empire is going to follow suit by next Summer and the question of this article is whether such a model will ever succeed?
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