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Where do we stand?

I was very optimistic about how things might end up in ET community but now I'm not really sure anymore.

Chapter 1 - Publics

Bad NC playoff bracket

So I saw these NC playoff brackets and they're terrible. Hentai picked some stupid thing where matches are completely random and rounds won and lost are not even considered for the structure of the bracket. Hentai picked something like "#1 team in group 1 plays #2 team in group 8, #1 team in group 2 plays #2 team in group 7" etc.

The Professional Admin

I need to get this of my chest since it's been bothering me a lot on this website lately.
Now this is not whine directed @ crossfire admins, since they do most of the time keep a certain professional distance between themselves and the general flamer/crossfire user. No this is directed towards the Cup and League Admins.

A LAN To Remember

There was a time when Bill Clinton was president of the USA, Enemy Territory was a distant idea and the Euro was not a currency yet. In this time, people used to grab their computer, put it somewhere else and play. It didn't matter if there were five, fifty or five hundred people there.

COD4 On Tour

First Antwerp, then Roskilde and next Stoneleigh Park the CoD4 community have had three weeks and 57,000 Euro to contest for. Now two thirds of the way through that tour its time for reflection on what has been a highly successful 2 weeks thus far.

Gilles de la Tourette

After some thorough observations and intense studies, I've found out that this disease is everywhere, from little forms to big forms.
At first I thought that the disease was quite rare and only found in a few people, like say one in a million, but after my research I've found out the rate of infection is far worse, even though for some it may only be temporary.

A Night to Remember

I’m not very comfortable around women; they make me nervous, on edge. They cause my mind to freeze and my mouth to become motionless. I’m sure this is a reaction many of you share. After I posted my pimp journal, I began to research the techniques and theories that powered the interaction I saw on the video. I read about body language, negs, DHV’s, IOI’s, things I’d never really consciously acknowledged suddenly had names and definitions: I started to realise exactly what I was doing wrong.

Beware the Ides of March

SK Gaming have wielded the axe down upon their Call of Duty 4 squad and the harsh realities of being involved with a pro-gaming team have come to light. MYM are rumoured to be next under the guillotine unless they can prove themselves worthy at The Experience this weekend and it all leaves a very sour taste in the mouth for onlookers.

Dangerous conservatism

We covet new processors, graphics cards, mice, mouse pads, cellphones, and ipods, and we relish the innovations which the web has to offer: peer-to-peer file sharing, social networking, video sharing etc. Yet when it comes to games, our will to embrace changes is slight: talk of "modification" and "innovation" is considered alarming, often even offensive. It prompts shudders and frowns, bitterness and angry rants.

Why You Shouldn't Just Use "What Feels Right."

In every sport, every technical endeavour, there exists a legacy passed down from coach to player, from expert to novice; this legacy comes as form, training techniques, tips and tricks that would otherwise be obscure and difficult to grasp. This imparting of knowledge is fundamental to the process of mastering a sport.
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