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Meeting Mazarini

After the recent release of Mazarini's recent hit fragmovie "Mazarini & Paradox: Play with Soul", which is now rated as the #1 movie to be released on crossfire, I caught up with the Czech Call of Duty 4 player,

Q: Hello Mazarini, for those who do not know you please introduce yourself

Interview with adze

Hello everybody! This is my first interview, and my first victim is adze!

Hi adze! For those who don't know you yet introduce yourself please!

Hello, my name is Gábor "adze" Fábián. I am 19, living in Hungary. I have been playing this game for 5 and half years now.

When and how did you get in touch with ET?

Queen of Denmark

For a very long time I've been trying to have a talk with gyzr, who most view as one of the best Danish Enemy Territory players for a very long time. However, traditionally accompanied with a lot of controversy, he has had his fair share of ups and downs in the game as of late.

I hope you’ll end up enjoying this article.

Advisable is to take a cup of coffee while reading, it might take a while...

Man of the moment: XyLoS

I am here with AEF's Most Valuable Player and one of the top riflers ever in the game - XyLoS, who has amazingly never been interviewed before. His team Impact Gaming managed Silver at the recent AEF lan with XyLoS shining as the star player. I got a moment to talk to him about his opinions, feelings and future plans..

Rockit - Consulting abort

One new face of our newly-reformed Enemy Territory team is the Dutchman abort, who has played with some of our ET guys in the former H2K lineup. Because he wasn't active in the past since the mixxed team of JungleBrothers at the Crossfire Intel Challenge 7, destii and shmoe took the time to ask him about his private as well as his thoughts about the game itself and the upcoming AEF event.

Interview with BoRi

My first interview. A quick chat with BoRi.

Hi BoRi, for those who don’t know you, could you introduce yourself?

Hi! My name is Zsolt "BoRi" Borbély. I am 24, living in Budapest, I just finished the school and currently looking for job. I broke up with my girlfriend recently so I have some freetime to play again. :)


Here is 2 interview in French of 3 dESIRE's player, First day @ CiC7 13th/35
Bruceh (c)

TanQ Strikes Back

Thanks to TanQ for sacrificing his time for this interview. It was a fast one. Here we go:

Tell us a bit about yourself.
- My name is Serkan Gözkaya and i am known as TanQ in the ET. I am 18 years old and just finished high school and going to university next year.I live in Ankara, the capital of Turkey.

How long and why were you away?

A look inside danL

Last year Croatia had a small Allstar cup running and during that cup I was supposed to shout-cast but unfortunately I had some major Internet problems back then which resulted in me not being able to shout-cast.

As a preparation for the Allstar cup I made a small preview where I included a interview with Daniel 'danL' Drvodelić which I feel was worth posting here mainly because I want to give you some sort of new Interview.

For the love of nature

*Note: This is not a gaming related interview, so not sure how long it will last in this section*
Interview by Jani

Hello, could you introduce yourself and tell us how you got into photography?
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