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After last weeks interview with hollywood I have this time met up with SoD.

He is one of the most successful players who ever played RTCW and apart from multiple eurocup and nationscup trophys he also placed second on quakecon 2002 and won quakecon 2003 with iNfensus.

Clown in the limelight

This interview is taken from the French website www.wolfarea.org where Clown is answering about his career, his gameplay and his best line-up all seasons mixed.

wolfarea.org - Hello Clown, could you please introduce yourself?

Clown - Hi, well, I think everyone already knows who I am, but just in case, I'm 21 year old guy from Latvia playing ET in my free time.

Hollywoods Walk to Fame

Following the RTCW History movie I decided to sit down with some of the stars of the movie to have a small talk about the past, the present and the future.

d.Phantasy talks!

With Team Dignitas returning with a new solid lineup and one of the major additions being Mark "Phantasy" Pinney, i thought we could catch up for a chat.

So Phantasy, can you please introduce yourself?

Hi im mark "phantasy" pinney, im 18 from luton, im currently studying Imedia in my second year of college. In CoD4 ive played in teams such as exabyte, Reason gaming, Team Coolermaster and now Team Dignitas.

Cool chat with crumbs

After qualifying for CB Eurocup XX with Sublime, I caught up with Uk's own cruncher, crumbs!

Yo crumbs, can you please introduce yourself!

Hi, My name is Richard "crumbs" Wright. I hail from Enfield, North London, England. I'm 21 and I've recently finished uni and now a full time bum in the evenings and looking for work in the day!

Matty from Zebrahead Talks about Gaming

Gaming is a popular hobby, this also counts for famous band members. Guitarist and co-lead singer of Zebrahead, Matty Lewis, is the perfect example of this. When he's not on tour with the band, he's sitting at home playing games on one of his many gaming consoles! Team Dignitas decided to have a chat with him about his music career and mainly about his love for video games.

a bomb with Hype

Well i am here with possibly the most controversial player in the ET scene hYpe

mAv: hYpe could you you tell us something about yourself to start of with?

hYpe: My name is Hype. Brother of the famous KAMZ/b2k. Started playing ET like a year after it came out, took a few inactivity breaks but still been playing this game quite along time. Outside of ET, I am a proud graduate in Mathematics and Management studies.

mAusiiboy pops in

A quick chat with Belgian superstar mAus. I'm sure everyone knows who he is, if you don't where have you been?!

Hello mAus. Could you introduce yourself?

I'm David "mAus" Herreman, I'm 18 years old, i'm playing et for like 4 years and in my free time i like to go gym, play some soccer and the usual 18 years old boy stuff.

How long have you been playing online games?

Interview With one4one.wolf

Former Team UK.ETQW players with a twist of CS:S? Sounds like an unlikely combination, right? Well one4one are here to prove you wrong! I managed to catch up with their all-UK Wolfenstein squad for a quick interview.

Ladies & gentlemen, boys & girls, I bring you...

So let's start this off as expected. What are your names, and can you tell us a little about your gaming history?

Oldschooling with Xpaz

It's the middle of 2009 at the moment. So many years Enemy Territory is giving a fun already. For my last interview, I wanted to catch someone, who could speak about the past with passion, someone, who could make a confession about old times, someone, who is still well recognized on the scene. Thank God, I found such person. Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, introducing one of the best Finnish players that scene offered - [url=http://www.crossfire.
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