The Quarter finals and subsequent matches will use the AB system. Which means the winner of Group A takes on the runner-up of Group B and so on. The matches are as follows

Estonia vs. Finland uQ Gaming – Match #1

Europe IDKFA vs. Spain wArning! – Match #2

United Kingdom one4one vs. Germany Oceans6 – Match #3

Finland Gods Incorporated vs. Europe Ratatosk – Match #4

The first match week is scheduled to start this Wednesday (14th) as Gods Incorporated take on Ratatosk.

As it’s clear to see, there’s one match that stands out. A replay of lasts season’s final, the two powerhouses of Europe come head to head. A revitalised against a resurgent uQ Gaming – too close to call! One of these teams will end up in the losers bracket, will it be an untested idle or have uQ yet to recover from their shock defeat to one4one?

I caught up with a few of the captains in the final eight to gage their reaction on the events so far and their prospects for the future.

We start with former Quakecon and Eurocup champion Estonia idle^Night:

“As a team we always expect to win, but the match against uQ will be tough. With regards to this Eurocup, as far as I’m concerned this season’s top 3 should be more exciting than ever, but overall the skills of this season’s teams seems lower. It’s hard to explain, there are some outstanding teams, and then there’s the rest… But as Group B’s already shown, this is an exciting Eurocup.”

Gods Incorporated looked surprisingly strong in the group stage, and recent additions to their roster can only bolster this. This is what Finland God`MulSu had to say:

“The group stages went well for us, at the start wArning! was the only question mark – but we won that match luckily, then it all fell into place. As for Ratatosk, they are good it will be hard for sure. But if we play our best we can win.”

The surprise package of Group A are undoubtedly Oceans6, they’ll face one4one in the next round – Germany o6`pumu had this to say:

“This EuroCup for us couldn’t be going better. 1 month ago we hoped to get a qualifier spot and now we are in the play-offs. I think we can win against every clan in this EC and also lose to every clan in this EC it's a lot about the daily form of the clans, so let's see what we can do against 141 and if we can take revenge for our helix friends it’s great. “

Unfortunately we had to cut pumu's iview short because the police where knocking at the door and he had to run away.