ET: Quake Wars - "It's pretty safe to say the top 4 will be Germany Speed-Link, Sweden Epsilon, United Kingdom Four-Kings and Europe us", that's what the current Dignitas ETQW player and former ET star Germany senji had to say on who will win the inaugural ET:QW competition. "I don't know how good Speed-Link is on LAN but i guess they are the weakest of these teams."

While ET:QW is still developing by both the community and splash damage, senji is feels the recently-released community mod is definitely a great leap forward in making the game much better, especially for competitive gaming: "ETQWPro is definitely a great mod and there is no doubt it should be used in future. There has been a lot of discussions about rules and the map pool in the last weeks. There haven't been any big changes except the use of promod and a new tank rule that is still being discussed all the time. I think the tank rule that is in the CDC rules right now is quite acceptable even though the admins just changed the rule that the community has voted on."

"The removal of Volcano is really good and this should have been done some time ago already", the rules established in different leagues slowly but surely come down to those the clans can finally accept and play with and so does the map pool for the competitions. "I find it really weird that Refinery got removed even though there was not a single vote against it in the community vote. On the other hand Ark had some votes against it and it's still in", as in this case many things change to fast without the clans testing stuff good enough to finally decide what to do with it, the ETQW rules and map pool are far from done but they definitely will be sooner or later as long as the major competitions keep their eyes and ears open for the players and clans."

Not only the game mod but the competition evolves very well, with 4kings getting better and better the top of quake wars is getting closer to each other: "It will be really interesting to see if 4Kings can beat Epsilon once (or twice) again on the LAN. They have beaten them every time in the last weeks and it seemed to be quite easy for the tean. Still a LAN is always a bit different but i think 4Kings will continue their winning streak against Epsilon, it might be alot closer though."

While talking about the major teams and their recent streaks, it's a fact Dignitas is in the favorite role this weekend: "We have won every tournament in the last weeks that we played in so winning CDC would be a great end for this 'winter season'. Our second group match on Friday morning is against Speed-Link and it will probably decide who is going to win our group. If we want to win the tournament we have to win our group as well." With only 9 teams attending for ET:Quake Wars the playoffs will be a high quality tournament for sure with the favorites divided in two groups the double elimination bracket will decide the true champion in the end."

With just winning the xleague, Team Dignitas had a lack of time preparing new tactics for the CDC and according to senjí only a few days were available for the team to practice. "In the end a good day or a bad day might make the difference in the playoffs."