Poland Poland vs Belgium Belgium

Date and Time: Sunday 14th September 2008, 20:30 BST

Road to the Semis! ]
Poland 4 - 0 Slovakia
Poland 4 - 2 United States of America
Poland 1 - 0 Norway
Poland 4 - 0 Malta
Poland 4 - 2 Hungary
Poland 4 - 0 Finland
Belgium 4 - 0 Austria
Belgium 4 - 2 Czech Republic
Belgium 4 - 0 Israel
Belgium 4 - 0 Switzerland
Belgium 4 - 0 Japan
Belgium 4 - 0 Germany

It’s taken us a long time since we started way back in July but here we are, the final. In my mind the two teams who performed best overall have earned themselves a place in the last two and whoever comes out on top, both have to be pleased with the way things have gone. Both have shown us what any NC is and should be about, capturing the attention of many of the highly-critical ET community!
Lineups! ]
Poland wiesiek
Poland Xanah
Poland zMk
Poland dialer
Poland n00n
Poland edain
Belgium vila
Belgium jetro
Belgium Kevin
Belgium lio
Belgium acid
Belgium mAus

So, the contenders. In the red corner wearing the white and red trunks, Poland. Not exactly a nation most people have adopted as their own as home nations have tumbled out of the competition left and right, nothing has put off these hungry Poles from showing the rest of the ET world how this game really should be played. With a mix of individual brilliance and synchronization between any of the extended roster, this team has simply blasted the competition out of the water. What can I say that I haven’t already said about these guys? I for one have been gob-smacked when watching this NC team and looking through the sides that have taken part in our tournament so far, there’s only one team that has the same attributes, abilities and the hunger needed to win any NC title, Belgium.

I hate comparing teams man for man, like for like but on this occasion, it’s like looking in a mirror. The similarities are astonishing. The outrageous individual talent and team synchronization you see with Polish national side is simply echoed in the form of their NC final opponents, it’s incredibly remarkable. You need a fine tooth-pick to try and find any sort of separation in style or form between these two sides and with the Gbooky odds only putting Poland as marginal favorites, the game promises to be a colossal showdown of massive proportions.

So, how do we analyze this game? I mean, it’s hard to think of anything new to say that I haven’t already said in this tournament about either side, their form and composed progression through the knock-out stages has simply gone from strength to strength and the confidence in each camp must be sky high, after each semi-final match respectively.

With that in mind, if the only way to find some sort of separation is to compare each player like for like, then so be it, that’s exactly what I’ll do. As I said, I don’t like doing this but hopefully I can find out the key areas for each team by doing a player for player comparison. Where the game may be won and lost, who will have the most influence on the match and what will the overall outcome be?