As many of you will already know. This entire bust-scandal evolves around one screenshot. On this screenshot you can clearly see that BelgiumVila is using wallhack in a 3v3 against United KingdomKamz and co.

image: kamzhahaha

The first escape route the Belgian tried was claiming that it wasn't his screenshot, apparently Zeto made the screenshot while watching Vila's demo with wallhack. MaltaKillerboy swiftly proved that this was not the case, simply because demos do not show echo's.

image: 1orsox

The second escape route tried was pretending that the image itself was photoshopped. They supplied us of the following screenshot to prove that it could easily be done.

image: 2dane39

No one really believed this but on the other hand, no one could prove that Vila was lying. It took some time until United KingdomEvo gave the proof everyone wanted. He used a site on which it can be checked if images got photoshopped or not. The conclusion was that the first image was not photoshopped while the second one was. You can see this because of the lighting in the second image. Here it is light and bright which shows signs of editing and re-saving. In the first one this isn't the case.

The first picture :
The second picture :

Killerboy is however still claiming that banning Vila needs more proof, he uploaded the demo of the particular screenshot so that everyone could help.

On a sidenote we need to admit that there is absolutely no proof that Vila cheated during any official matches. The only proof that we have at our disposal is that he cheated during a late night 3v3 against Kamz.