For BelgiumVila himself the consequences are quite obvious.

In the case of no additional evidence turning up he should get banned for cheating in an unofficial game. This way Vila would get banned for six months. We should however not forget that this is the second time that Vila gets busted. The consequence of this is that according to the Clanbase policy Vila will get banned for twelve months.

If additional evidence were to show up which proves Vila cheated during an official match, then he would get banned for 12 months immediately. Basicly both options end up with the same result, only the reason behind the ban differs.

The ban has not been forced through yet but if it will then Vila will also be banned from AEF. BelgiumKrosan already stated this.

For the other BeneluxOverload members there could also be consequences. Let us take a look upon BelgiumZeto since he obviously is the most controversial player of the team. Zeto has been busted more than once and the general opinion is that he should receive a lifetime ban on Clanbase.

However, there hasn't been any evidence of Zeto cheating since he got unbanned a couple of months ago. His performances lately have been anything but suspicious and he was planning on attending AEF, which shows that he is not afraid of playing in front of other people. Zeto also says that he was unaware of Vila cheating in that match. A lot of people will find this to be very unlikely, but at the moment there is no evidence that proves otherwise.


ovr-zeto : I didn't know Vila was cheating during that game, to be honest I can't even remember the specific match. I won't go as far as pretending that I thought it was impossible that he would turn his cheats on whenever he wanted, but I certainly wasn't aware that he actually was cheating.

The second player that got mentioned throughout the scandal was BelgiumCherry. Vila claimed that Cherry dared him to post the picture, and that the bet was about 10 pints. This statement makes it look as if Cherry knew about Vila cheating, and that he kept on playing with him nevertheless. On the other hand both Cherry and Zeto say that Vila's statement was a blatant lie. Since there is no waterproof evidence we can't assume that Cherry knew of Vila's actions.


ovr-zeto : It's all bullshit, Vila has told so many lies the last couple of hours that he doesn't even know anymore which ones to use to protect himself.

The last two players of Overload, who barely got mentioned after the bust, are BelgiummAus and BelgiumLio. There is no evidence that suggest that either of them knew Vila was cheating. Maus can fall back upon a community that likes him which makes it even more unlikely that he will get banned. Lio doesn't have the same luxury. Let us hope that if Lio gets banned that it will be for the right reasons, and not for all the wrong ones. Lio his reaction about the bust was one that expressed surprise and disappointment.


ovr-lio : What? Again? pfffff

Ps : All quotes have been copied from the authors without them actually knowing that they would get published, therefore I'm inclined to think that they are correct and accurate.