To end the article I have collected some quotes by respected members of this community.

United Kingdom Evo :

I am 100% that the screenshot is legit and that Vila was cheating. First he told us that he only took a screenshot of the console and that the bottom half was photoshopped. As far as I know that isn't even technically possible, he also refused to give the original screenshot.

In the demo you can see him standing still to do /scores. Afterwards he claimed that he used your hack whilst playing the demo, and merged the console with another screenshot. But that would mean he actually scanned to the exact same time in the game when he did /scores, and that he managed to merge the two images together perfectly sync'd. On top of that he then managed to do it so accurately that the image identification software I used couldn't detect it. No chance, no chance at all.

MaltaKillerboy :

I spent four hours talking to Vila and it took him three hours to explain what happened. He had three / four different excuses before he came up with this plausible one.

BelgiumJere :

Well it's simply 100% proof I'd say. It's proven that it's him playing, it's him making the screen, no doubt about that. He should be banned for it. I'm not sure wether his teammates knew about this, so if there's no proof against them, only ban vila.

LatviaClown :

Nothing to explain, ban.

EnglandSheep :

There has always been something just quite not right about the Belgians, I'm not sure if it's their over-inflated egos or their natural affiliation with cheating, but vila... well, that does come as a surprise. I don't really care about the cheating part though - I just think it's hilarious at in which manner vila was actually caught. How delightful!

Finland Sample :

rofl vila :D every time i hear/see this name i start laughing. no1 else can be so stupid to bust himself like vila did and afterwards trying to defend himself. his excuses were so shit i'd rather believe gnajda didnt hack, especially the last one where he claimed he could have been faking his own screenshot :DDD