Currently the ClanBase is the main authority in ET to determine who is cheating, but their admins don't do anything. Well, I understand it if they don't ban people because of a demo where some people say 'doesn't cheat', but there are threads with pbshots that show us definite proofs. Well with only 1 authority, doing nothing, we are left with no one to ban cheaters and thus with no one saying who is cheating and who is not. Other cups and leagues don't seem to ban anyone from their competition if he is not banned on ClanBase first.

Well I think one big part of the discussion is what is enough to proof. But as etpro and pb automatic cheat detections only find a few public hacks, punkbuster screenshots can be spoofed easily by the hacks themselfs and cvars can be injected by the server, a good cheater is currently able to cheat without even risking to get caught by objective proofs. ETTV and Demos are both very subjective evidences, and discussion always seems to be equally devided to both sides, saying 'cheating' and 'not cheating'.

Also people say the game is no longer fun, the first guy threatens to leave the community if nothing is done and underscore has folded.

On the other hand, people seem to be oversuspicious, losing the fun while playing because they suppose the opponent is cheating after they've been killed the first time.

I think what is taking all the fun away and making people so oversuspicious these days is that they've lost the faith, as nothing is done against cheating. Seeing every day new accusations, being sure that at least one of them must cheat and also seeing that no one gets punished.