First to get back the faith, we need people who are more committed than the current cb admins. To solve the issue, that every Cup has it's own rules, I think an independent board/committee solely for discussing about cheats would be best, but a ClanBase detective position would do give a bit of faith back if people see that people are actually getting banned.

Such a board could also discuss about issues what an appropriate sanction is and what is enough as proof.

A detective position at ClanBase could only use safe proofs, but I think nowadays cheaters can get a big advantage without leaving a definite traces. And catching these guys would give back the faith, I think, so people would actually start again being less oversuspicious, trusting their opponents and just having fun playing the game - wether they lose or not.

I think, if we have a spot, where a cheater is accused for something, can give his statement to this and people can download the so-called proofs and getting the option to vote for every accusation after they've seen the proofs and read the accusation and defense speech. We could determine that the community doesn't believe a guy anymore if 80% of all voters say that he should be banned.

What do you think?