[img|left]http://www.webstylestudio.de/winter-groupstage/asd/cc_answerchallenge_nav.gif[/img] When ever u visit the esl page, u have this navigation. U see a point "Answer Challenge" in it. Its only there, if there a matches with status "challenge" and if u have to reply to confirm a date.
In this Cup, u will have 7 matches there. This doesn't means, that they are all in one week. They have a different date and u can start arrenging matches by checking your personal calender.
By looking at your calender, please remember the "only one map twice", try to select your home map against 2 good opponents, and select another map against not so goods.
All matches are at status "challenge", until both sides agreed on one time.
Try to contact your opponent in IRC, if the challenge takes to long.

image: enter_result2
If a match is set to "open", than it means, you can still try to get another date for this match.

image: challenge_movematch
Click on "move match", after it, you can propose a time and enter a reason, why u want to move it. Also try to contact your opponent first, before u just use this function.
You have one wildcard, u can use until 1 hour before the match starts, just contact an admin if u need it. You can use it, if the opponent doesn't wants to reschedule your match.
(The Delete function is not avi in this cup, its usefull for ladderwars.)

If you sent a request for moving a match, the opponent can agree, decline it or propose a new time.
If he did the last one, you will see this status after under "open matches". The same happends, if an opponent of you wants to move a match. Than you will have another point in your navigation, under "open matches".