How bick is your dick

QuoteHet mannelijke geslachtsorgaan, gemeten aan de bovenkant, wordt als normaal beschouwd wanneer deze in normale toestand minstens vier centimeter is en 7,5 centimeter in erectie, tonen de cijfers aan.

"normal" length: 4 cm in normal state, 7.5cm in erection state

i have measured my penis, its around 15cm give or take a few (8) cm's. Sometimes i wish i had a niggerdick 25cm's :s pff ! will never happen to me i guess, unless i do some penislengthen surgery shit :P xo

how big is yours?

someone should get all the penis lengths from this journal, and calculate the average length of the male crossfire'ers

BTW: plz be serious, i really want to know if im normal to the cf standards, or if im way less "big"

it doesnt say anything about the diameter of a "normal" penis :p i havent measured it, and i cant since i dont rly want to get a stiff one right now, but if i think it over, it might be around 3 cm diameter or smth ? i dunno lol :p

it also doesnt say anythin about how big normal balls are :p i dont rly want to measure that because im sensitive in that area...
there is no way normal size is 7.5cm erected :D:D:D
"normal" length: 4 cm in normal state, 7.5cm in erection state

Inches would be closer than cm.

Also nice game earlier al1m8.
its a belgian site, and it says "cm" not "inch" :P so i dunno man

and yeah nice rape from my side to your side :P boem g5'd
Do you believe everything you read? :/
7,5 inches? Depressing
no it wouldnt? cm are more precise

look how much is for example 15 cm... 5'905 inches, its shit to measure with inches and ft
If you didn't have the flag of retardation I'd probably try and have a conversation with you.
go on, cunt
4 cm is fucking tiny wtf
around 8 cm's normal, 15'ish erection state
zomg, what a big boy!!
200 cm erection
dus komt er op neer dat hij meer dan de helft ervan gestolen heeft.
good luck
what is your fav penis? thick? long? short? fat? tiny? black? cut?
i have a five dollar foot long
pic or never happened
how would u know its my dick :p
write your name on it? ;D
6/7 cm when its normal, 16 when its hard.. got a real "bloedworst".

on that notice ill go to bed now bye
i completely feel intimidated by u now :) id like to kill you for being bigger than me xx
mine 18cm
lekker "bloedworst" :DDDDD
normal 8 erection 17
sad journal is sad
i dont understand why its sad ?? i read smth on a site and i wanted to check it out if its "normal" or not
wtf is wrong with you : D
what man :D ! im so bored so i decided to make an interesting journal lol :) penis lengths are awesome
XD whatever, go for it!
There is no such average length, remember the world penis length map that was posted in a journal a few weeks ago ? There was big differences between even two close countries...
Hehe i posted that succesful journal <3
kevin copied it.
ppl say if you got small hands/feet, you got a small cock too.

I have really tiny hands and small feet (size 41-42) but otherwise im pretty big ( i mean my height)
i got size 40 & have small hands too :P
hardly know a guy with a shoesize below 45 :o
we should meet up
45 is pretty long
If you're above 1,80?
ye i guess, im like 1,77 and i wear 43 (we dont calculate like this here but i "translated" it)
I know some1 with 52... thats pretty big!!!
I got shoesize 48, but my dick is still tiny as fuck
didn't feel a thing
i have pretty big shoesize 47 but my hands are big my gf shoesize is 38 and my hand (with fingers ofsho) is a little bit bigger. Im 185cm tall
I've heard/read somewhere ages ago that if you got small feet you have big penis :XD

Never heard anything about small hands - small penis tho
5-6cm when soft and 16,52539cm erected

I fucking bet this journal will have 200 replies by tomorrow and average penis size is 17-20cm
pff even ure bigger than me, brb cutting myself
What does it matter as long as its not a micropenis? (poor Scarzy) Anyway Im outta this journal
Penisvergroting onderzoek
Onderzoek heeft aangetoond dat de gemiddelde penisgrootte lang geen 20cm of groter is, zoals veel pornsterren ons doen geloven. Deze pornsterren zijn uitzonderingen en zeker niet de regel. Zij zijn goed geschapen, omdat zij hierop worden geselecteerd. Laat je niet van de wijs brengen en denken dat dit de doorsnee is. De gemiddelde penisgrootte is eigenlijk veel kleiner, zo tussen de 13 en 16,5 centimeter in erectie en 11,5 tot 13 centimeter in slappe toestand. Volgens de onderzoeken komt de lengte van 10cm en korter maar bij 1 op 5.000 mannen voor en de lengte van 22cm en groter bij 1 op 10.000 mannen.

Vrouwen en penisvergroting
Teld de mening van vrouwen ook nog? De meeste vrouwen zijn het ermee eens dat de dikte (of de omtrek) van de penis belangrijker is als het op seksueel genoegen aan komt. De lengte wil niets zeggen. Waarom? Omdat de zenuwen die tijdens de geslachtsgemeenschap worden gestimuleerd dichtbij de ingang van de vagina en anus liggen, en niet dieper van binnen.

De omtrek van de penis is dus veel belangrijker, omdat een groter en bredere penis de vaginale of anale wanden uit elkaar kan rekken en zo de zenuwen stimuleren. Dit zorgt voor wrijving en de tintelende sensatie die de meeste vrouw wild maakt. Toch kan een brede penis ook weer niet te kort zijn, omdat deze anders uit vorm lijkt. Een goede balans tussen omtrek en lengte is wenselijk.

Kijkend vanuit seksuele genoegdoening houden vrouwen wel degelijk van grotere penissen. Onthou echter dat vrouwen niet louter voor seks alleen gaan. Romance speelt ook een grote rol dus combineer een grotere penis met romantische ideeen en je zult een geweldige tijd met elkaar hebben
11,5 to 13 in normal state, oops.
Penislengte per land in kaart gebracht
zaterdag, 19 maart 2011 17:34 | |
De site Target Map heeft de penislengte per land in kaart gebracht. Voor alle duidelijkheid : de metingen gebeurden in erectie-toestand… kwestie van het te weten natuurlijk (en desnoods te kunnen vergelijken met je eigen kwaliteiten).
De top 10 van de grootst geschapen volkeren, ziet er zo uit :

Congo : 17,93 cm
Ecuador : 17,77 cm
Ghana : 17,31 cm
Colombia : 17,03 cm
Venezuela : 17,03 cm
Libanon : 16,82 cm
Kameroen : 16,67 cm
Bolivië : 16,51 cm
Hongarije : 16, 51 cm
Soedan : 16,47 cm
africa big dicks
Ik ben Congolees xoxo
and in hungary?
je hongarije lol
dunno, but ive read somewhere that jamaice was around 20 average.
Congo used to be a colony of Belgium. It is clear how they won.
by measuring their slaves dicks and saying it was theirs :D
Your logic..makes no sense. Congo was the colony, not vica versa.
your sarcasm detector

e. your ability to process information and put 2 and 2 together
You made no sense tbf
makes sense to me.. so ":D"
that makes so much sense
they had one on one, biggest dick vs biggest dick and the bigger dick won.
haha wtf guys
Wtf How about going out and trying to use them fuck size as long as u get it in

"Die dümmsten Bauern haben die dicksten Kartoffeln"
warum hast du dann nicht > 25 :DDDD
dachte stray & co posten noch sowas wie OH WOW ICH HAB 20 CM

hehe vllt kommts ja noch ^^
ahah, what a epic journal :D teen survey style

either way, it's wrong to write it here, let just say it's the average (africa). Jew style (circumcised xD )
1cm normal
3cm erection
my nose is cut at the middle, u know what does it say
Negerdick ;)
nice troll :)
guess iam lucky, or shit in measuring..


gonna measure again sometime and hope to reach my lucky number 21!
Fucked up journal, Get the fuck out
1cm, 2cm when erect.
poor Edmund :(
I never seen my penis :(
Cant see my dick (nor the numbers in my measuring stick). Should I take camera or ask someone else to measure it? Or to lose weight?
3cm soft, cuz i got surgery when i a was little kid - meh at least iml being honest, i dont give a shit x)
14,5 erect

& btw, with a 25cm niggerdick u cant do shit
its not about length but about thickness

also, if a girl likes u, she'll play with your dick no matter how small or big
I also had penis reduction surgery, they cut off my fucking foreskin :<
welcome to the club ^^

(so did i when i was 7 yo)
I was 5 or sth, all I can remember was me crying cuz my dick was bleeding :D

it's a horrible tradition tbh :<
mmm...i remember perfectly, lots of pain.. grrr
and it's not a tradition here, i had to do it...
coitadinho de ti :<
acredita :(
oh, was no medial reason for me, just my moms new boyfriend :D

it's sexy anyways, I like it and chicks dig it too so -.-
that sucks tbh xD atleast they should allow you to decide. I had to do it, i don't remember exactly why, but i remember doctor said it would be better when i became older / more clean. I think the skin was somehow stuck...
agree, it's ok for medical reasons but all that: it's cleaner shit they preach is a bunch of bullshit anyways, how hard is it to soap up your hands and wash your dick -.-

another retarded religous tradition.. root of all evil imo ":D"
ye, the clean excuse sucks... everyone takes care of their body nowadays.. i do understand that back then people didn't take showers so frequently as we do nowadays, but well... lame :X
I honestly don't even think it was ever about hygene.. prolly lots of horny guys arround fucking everything cuz all they did was hard labour n shit and that eventually makes your nuts explode so some nerds with power decided to cut of the most sensitive part of the penis to fuck with their libido ":D"

e: it doesn't work :DDD
loool nice theory xD

but even if it doesn't work, it removed alot of sensitivity, plus it looks ugly this way :X
I don't think its's ugly, personally. Chicks always liked it so I don't really care.. The sensitivity part is why I think it's just stupid or very smart depending on who you are.. stupid cuz it cuts of a piece that has lots of nerv endings and really is responsible for a lot of pleasure, and all of it cuz of some retarded religious belief.. and smart cuz they do it from a very young age which actually changes the way the brain develops. Conspiracy much? :D
woot about the brain thing? never heard about it, care to develop a bit?
and it is ugly imo :(looks un-natural and it's way to much exposed xD
trauma causes alterations in brain chemistry, see depression etc.. That's just a theory that makes sense to me.. I'm no expert in it tho there are some interesting articles about circumsition if you google (I guess:D)

The reason it does make sense to me is because the jews circumsize the kids at birth or ... dunno how old they are maybe 1 year old, dunno but if you find that out you might be able to correlate it to what parts of the brain are predominatly developing in that period to see if you can't find a reason to why someone thought it's a good idea to be done at that age..

like I said, conspiracy or sth but I don't care enough to figure shit like that out, there's people that have probably already done it are have good arguments to their claims but I leave the science and philosophizing to people that have the need to be heard, I don't (care) :DDD
interesting though, although i don't believe it is related tbh xD
there's a lot being done on trauma studies and if you've seen a jewisch ritual circumsition and the agony the child is in you might reconsider
indeed it doesnt work
& tbh i dont rly mind, ithink its better this way
els its a bit gross imo, now its cleaner
I just can't make sense of the cleaner part.. logically alone it's not hard to clean. I do it every day anyways, it wouldn't be any harder if I still had it.. just stupid really..

don't even want to go into it cuz then I'd have to devulge into religion and the proof that it is actually a bunch of horseshit, ye there is proof, not just a gut feeling like most people have about it.. once you know certain facts it just get's to annoying to deal with.. I'm talking about the monotheistic religions and not spirituality btw, just incase.. :D
religious motivation too?
nah it had medical reasons
but i honestly dont mind ^^
same here, although i don't remember exactly why for sure.. i don't mind either (do i have another option? xD ), but it's just not natural
u grow an extra 11.5cm when erect? fuck me.
time to watch some porn or what?^^

im a 17 - getting old :(
schnee is gonna be all over this journal ":D"
How did i know someone wud say this

Am I a wizard?
nah you just seem to know schnee ":D"
mine is pretty huge, like 20cm, girls like it hard
Nice, bob is jerking off on this journal. Nice achiemevent AL1.
hi sebastian, i wonder what is sam's dick length
prolly not much since he couldnt get laid @ usa :D
hi cohen friend, I do not care :)
ok, he virgin :P
Best journal of 2011
it's huge
so your asking gamers about their penis length ..trolololol
I like this journal.

image: Chuck_Norris_Approves
size doesnt mean anything (c) teemo
Made me smile :)
16 cm, it's all about skills, not about size
ur so right man
inb4 tace posting penis pictures
Tempted to post it :(

lol @ those figures, has to be in inches :(

something and 17cm
haha you still have it? xD
Amongst other things. Was just in a random folder I remember keeping it :( lol
7 cm long and 7.5 cm is around.
to big wont fit - vagina is only 10 cm ,so forget about penissize

I love crossfire, dont you? :)))
The part of vagina that feels pleasure is only 7,5 cm deep. So if you have 8 cm penis you will do just fine.
ton of positions impossible with such a little wiener :p
True, but there are positions for every size of penis. You have to find the right one for you :)
I can do them all, just sayin :P
Good for you then :)
24cm normal state
32cm erect

it grew the last 2 weeks cause I have my NC silver medal hanging on it
Wonder how big the one is from olbaa then B-)
normal (when playing computer for example) : 9,5
hard : 18.5
hahah why everybody lie heree? 17 cm is like bassball bat
:D ! why would anyone lie about their size lol :) i believe my cf brothers
they are the scare hahaha "ohh no girl she don like my penis cuz she can no feel" ahaha as long i do cum i happy :D
Never measured my penis flaccid, but I have measured my erection just like all the cool boys. I'm just under 7 inches and I used to have Phimosis.
Just for the record, has anyone ever experienced or heard about someone who got to the stage where they took out their wang and then got denied or laughed at by a chick (be it a one-night or something serious) because of their dick? For those guys who are talking about connections between getting laid and pens size you know. I suppose you'd perhaps gain self-confidence or get recommended if you got a nice dong but still, I don't really think there are any problems for the average guy.
it happened in a movie once .. :S ! and it was a true story so .. :P xoxo
if a girl likes u she will play with ur dick, no mather if its small or big
it's kinda like tits in that way
4.7cm when normal 2.8cm when hard
I got a mandingo, believe it or not.
come to my house and i'll show u
Im laying on me bed, eating a cold McDonald's cheeseburger, being drunk as fuck, drinking bear and wondering what the fuck is going on
Your cool ? First time drinking and now so proud of it ? Buzz of retard.
not quite the first (Im an old-timer) :]

you appear mad..
how many ppl here actually measured their dicks in erection state?
everone's done that before :D?
then they never wanted to know how long it was :p
im fat and don't expect to hook up any chick (or dude -.-) so no need to for me, no one wants me heheh
:DDD hope you're being sarcastic, else I feel sorry for u :((
girlfriend interested?
als ie de kantjes maar raakt
h3h3 china h3h3
portugal is in the grey zone :<
awesome journal is awesome
19 for 13 of circumference
well hung and lol at the sensitive ball part :D
so basicly the neck of your penis gets smaller xDDDd
but I eat shinkansen on breakfast :P
bigger than the average penis size :>
ur girlfriend iz happy?

its all about ze skillz man...
~16 cm and still growin' h3h3

cant calculate average length coz its too many fake infos :] imo its around 14,851337314159003493249fdfjdsfjl... cm coz 70-80% of cf community is european (mostly yellow zone at map - image: map-of-average-penis-size-per-country)
fair green zone here if you see what I mean eheheheheh...
look at Russia - colour red ":D"

no shit LeSherlock eheheheheh...

image: tumblr_lefuizzDRX1qd5rr2o1_500_thumb
Interesting journal, mine is 16.5ish last time i measured.
Wouldn't have thought that just judging your nick, you should have trolled and said 24 or sth and said: Why the fuck else would I name myself hellhammer :D?

What's the point of trolling if theres no ladies on this site =)
make nerds more insecure ofc :DD
hmm thinking of adding "when i was 2 years old" on my original comment now
It's not small but it s not big,
I would say it s big enough xD

It's not about size anyways...
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