Women, really

Went out yesterday, left my gf at home for once, met up with a good female friend of mine. Now at the location we met her former classmate of hers by accident, a girl is used to fuck a couple of years ago. She's been writing me again since then -.- her boyfriend* whom she left because of me 4 years ago wasn't pleased to see me at all after what we all were doing at that time (back and forth). It ruffled me..

Not only that but that the younger cousin of my friend is a girl I'm in love with was a huge part of this evening. Yesterday she just kept grabbing my hand everytime nobody was looking or we were to share a private moment..so cute -_-Both of them told me I should come on a holiday with em but as I expected, the cousin changed her mind as of today (yet again) simply because of my current girlfriend she also knows in person.

Now I had a fortune cookie a few minutes ago that said 'Wait for the right moment". Yet again I'm about to dump my girlfriend, we're having our first anniversary on the 10th April, guess I'll try to get this done after that.
However, I'm pretty weak-minded regarding break-ups, in the old days I simply used to harass girls out of my inner circle but that just wouldn't be fair I guess..Proper break-up incoming but I'm not ready for it :|

Valid opinions appreciated.
My opinion: you must be amazingly hot with all these girls wanting you :)

And if u want to break up, do so xD don't wait xD
not all. average non-nerd type not looking too good but not that bad either.
or the girls are ugly as fuck?
Who'd care so much over some ugly girls?
some ugly nerds?
Even ugly nerds shouldnt care so much over some ugly girls :D
I know (own experience).
wast just jokoing :p
Are you an ugly nerd? :D
My opinion: play sc2 and dont have problems like that
i quit sc2 a long time ago.
Doesn't work with my nerves unlike any other game my rage over failed SC2 games is on an epic lvl.
HoN community could help.
you should try post this on 4chan would be funny
If i wanted her to read this I'd just go and smack her in da face with it.

just stick to one chick and dont try to get many at once. It sucks if you still have a gf and are already looking for a new one. I mean break up first and then find a new one... it wont work the other way and cause a lot of trouble. at the end you wont have anyone..
It's not like that rly..I ain't 16 anymore I'm done with this crap. I want to be in a relationship with somebody I love from the bottom of my heart but my girlfriend ain't the right one no matter how good she is. It's only natural to be interested in others but it's not like im gonna do something somebody would regret (I'm not the regretting type simply because my soul is as cold as ice when it comes to those kinda things)
if u dont love her then break up

noone deserves to be loved because of commiseration
I usually refer to it as "zweckmässig".
I do love her but as not fully as I know I'm capable of.
It's just like something you are very pleased and satisfied with but you know there is something out there that is able to get more of your attention and where you could bring up even more feelings towards it.
Just remember, fresh love always seems more interesting and exciting than old love.
she has small boobs doesnt she...
You do seem 16 though, if you think you can love people with your heart.
couldn't agree more...
some theories say ur heart has a little "brain"
some theories say that you're retarded
prove them then
why would i have to prove it? its just a theory
not true. Allways remember variable X.
+1, if you are looking around for others then you need to break up @ your current gf
I hope that one of these girls will finaly stab you for what you have done to them!
And what exactly do you suppose have I done?
If you're sure you want to break up with somebody, it's best done sooner rather than later. However, if your partner has had a particularly bad day already, you may want to consider waiting for a better moment. Breaking up with them when they are already down will make the breakup much harder for both of you.

While honesty is the best policy, focus on the fundamental issues destroying the relationship and don't nitpick on the little annoyances that drive you mad. Those annoyances are usually symptoms of the underlying problems – we're far more likely to get annoyed, irritable, and frustrated when we know the relationship isn't working out.
You pretty much bring it to the point. To be honest there is something deep down there that makes me wanna split up and it's been there since we started dating in January 2011. I've told her dozens of times about it but she is delusional about it and keeps telling me that I'm just afraid to commit myself 100%.
Truth is, I am a bad person regarding relationships and I always will be.
What's that thing?
Just curious :)
a feeling? ^^
Send your girl to me, I'll destroy her pasty.
lame as fuck

break up now you massive pussy
just tell her im in a clan i dont have time to date. simple. then go out and date the other girls u met.
err no the times I play and use comms she's usually at home aswell and never minded it :P
DAMN! tell her she distracts u while u play :D
u don't realise how many times I've been playing with g5 and just when we are about to get ganked or something happens in game, the door unlocks and she walks in and everybody is having a laugh on Vent because it just happened again :D
OMG: U got urlsef a problem then :D:D well I quit joking and well here comes a story:

I mean if u don't like(love) ur gf 150% then it's useless to date her. I mean if she loves u but u can't give her everything u could u just hurt her without her knowing it. If you break up with her then don't immediately go with the flow. U also have to think could u learn to like her 150% and think what ur going to lose.

not much of a story is it. #DATEFIRE FTW
I know, i know, everything is right but well..easier said than done >.<
thats is a good thing
Just do it californication style.
Man up and leave your current gf. But id suggest you to think it twice before doing that, had almost the same kinda situation 6 months ago, break up with my gf after 3,5 years. And now i've just realised how fucking badly i just want her back.
I've been thinking about it from the start, 1,5 years ago that is.
And yes I'm afraid about regret after a possible break-up cause never in live I will find a woman as perfect as my gf is. I would definitely be so jealous on anybody dating her after me so I can't just let go. She is a once in a lifetime find but that's not enough for me and that is the biggest issue here.
Then you just need to get some balls to leave her. No point getting along with the relationship if your not fully 100% in it if you know what i mean. But it's still your call.
leichter gesagt als getan :/
but 100 % true.
remember again variable X. I mean don't be jealous. when u break up with someone her doings and whereabouts are not ur business. There are millions of women and millions of women with cocks too. So I mean there are alot to choose of.
+1, sometimes you don't realise that you are going to miss someone
wnb hank moody, bitch please

I'm hank moody
you're a piece of crap man you don't deserve your gf
Once I had to break up with a whole family ._.
Get a real man
or a moose!
or some boozzeeee
Stop being a dick, why be in a relationship if you can't keep your hands to yourself/gf or even considering breaking up with her over some other people. She's too good for you, learn to appreciate what you have together and things.

But ofc your decision at the end of the day, hf.
What a load of cock.
just change the password of the ts server and remove her from msn, lol!
How on earth do you know you love this girl? And how much younger is she?

Tell me in a few words why you like your current girlfriend enough to be with her.
Im 24, shes 21
or are you talking about the cousin? that one is in fact a bit younger xD
and no it aint proper love but more like a tingling sensation everytime I see her.
Grow a pair of balls and get over with it
fuck yeah

masturbation is, and will always be teh way
kill yourself.
gotta search for your gf on fb and send her that link. brb
i so hard wanna find your fb account and post this on your girlfriends wall :D
for what? She knows my feelings very well. And I don't have Facebook :P
You don't deserve any of those girls :)
he deserves one that does to him the same thing ?
He sounds pretty learn resistant to me :x
this kind of things happen everyday, his character will define what he will do

-hanging around without his gf possibly leading to betrayal
-breaking up with his gf and move on to freedom
-breaking up because he dont like her and isnt fair fooling her around just for sex
-hanging around normally just being normal with/without his gf and still be with her
His profile states he is 43 (I want to believe) - I think he is 19-20 max so yea.

I think he will either a) or c).
c) is normal person atitude

i say 17
*normal male attitude in that age you mean
"breaking up because he dont like her and isnt fair fooling her around"

i think any age
I have faith in people believing they get more mature at some point =) so I hope it's only something you do when you're young and not scarred yet.
everyone likes kissing and sex

so i think that if someone dont want to really spend time with other someone, then theres no point in trying to create fantasies to the other
I'm 24. She is my first proper girlfriend. Since I've been 16 I've only dated for fun and always been honest with females simply because I never intended to harm anyone so I told em I wasn't interested in a serious relationship from the start. Now it's been nearly 7 years beeing that kinda guy and I wanted something serious for once.
Why stay with a girl for one year if you don't love her for 100%? In my opinion it's better to not be in a relationship at all if you're not fully into it..
willing to pay 50 euros to the guy who knows his IRL name so I can facebook him and link this journal to his girlfriend..plz pm me.
Sorry I dont have Facebook.
And don't worry, my girlfriend knows about this.
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