What do you smoke?

The question is quite simple.

Also, why you smoke what you smoke?

Do you have a smoke ritual?

Do you smoke behind your pc or go outside like most gamers do and pause games for 10 minutes.
I dont smoke. I think smoking is for retards who want to pay for fucking up their body.
Kinda true, never really see why people would smoke tobacco :s
smoke and still aesthetic, mirin?
So you are basically proud that you smoke?
Sounds like it :D
Tho, if you have a healthy lifestyle i think smoking is as bad as alcohol.
most people dont drink alcohol every day..
yes,because body health has anything to do with appearance...
ofc, you get cancer you loose hair etc, and you age faster (skin)
if knew this was going to be your argument but its just so random..

you can totally fuck up your body through smoking (artery,lungs,blood,heart,brain,etc) without even experiencing the slightest bit and still be "aesthetics" on the outside...
Lucky Strike, Winston, Right. Because I'm an alpha male
Lucky is as alpha as possible
KENT, Camel, Winston
KENT, Camel, Winston
because they taste the best for me
taste??????????? lol??????????? why eat cigarettes
why do you smoke brah, u think its cool or something? does it make you gangster or something? he he he!!!
ik rook niet, voel ik me ook stoer
What Razzah said.
Dont worry tosspot i dont smoke, i keep my body fit for you.
L&M blue label and Marlboro light's
bede mial ladniejszego raka ;)
hetgene wat er fijn uitziet in de shop :)
ik vraag ook altijd eerst of ik de silver haze mag zien. waarom? dayum die smaak!
Weed only.
You dont mix it up with tobacco?
nee met bacardi
thats the way germans do it, aha ah ah i like it
Ben ouder dan jou.
dan jij* zou de correcte vervoeging moeten zijn xoxo
wist niet dat het zo formeel was hiero :(

*hier op deze website
juiste spelling toepassen is geen onderdeel van formeel schrijven :P

ik zal nu respect tonen voor mensen die ouder zijn dan ik, sorry meneer :$
voelt altijd zo vies als een jonger iemand mijn teksten gaat corrigeren, het is niet alsof ik echt aan het proberen was netjes te typen :((
sorry man, kom morgen naar mijn huis kunnen we er samen even over praten, ik vind het ook niet leuk als ik telkens degene moet zijn om mijn superieuren te verbeteren
smokepath thingy?
Blunts only :< i dont like tobacco
i dont like it either tbh, i am searching for something different since well. tobacco only ruins the flavor if you have some good weed.

Tried the vaporiser last weekend, was pretty damn nice flavor. But i also heard some good things about the so called spliffstick. Blunts are a bit too harsh for me :(

Tried palm wraps?
Yea youre right.

I hate it if people mix 60% Tobacco and 40 % weed :< its just bah :D And no didnt tried it yet.
vaporising is the best you can do to inhale, wont harm you much + you can really have the flavor coming out! but i dont have a vaporiser myeslf :s only smoke blunts since i started

i hate tobacco
Taste and high from a vape hit (tried a german mflb-lookalike) are really great except i experienced my tolerance shooting through the roof. you can actually get more out of your weed but smoking a joint after taking a vape hit was just 'meh'.
therefor i just bought myself a nice bong :)
yeah i noticed the same, but the flavor you get is amazing :D
try Damiana, it even smells like weed when its burning
Gauloises blue
Smoking is very bad for your health.
heard something about that too
hindu kush en assiej, gestopt en I like it :)
ekte ekte hindu kush? no way.
wss van de grasshopper , haalde tw1zzt ook altijd zn shit.
Het is echt heel slechte kwaliteit wat z daar hebben, ik geef het 2 rotjochies
grasscompany was het :C
no offense, maar die shit was echt te droog en teveel tak en blad.
Voorverpakte shit is meestal niks.
De echte hindu kush vind je niet meer joh
daar kon ik goedkoop aan komen, maar heb meer assie gerookt vond ik het chillst. geen idee of het eckte eckte shit was ofzo het was genoeg voor mij dus ;D
haha nah veel gelezen over strains en hindu kush kan je nergens echt meer krijgen volgens mij, misschien via via via breeders :@
I don't smoke but i use
image: mellan_frilagd_ettan_los_vinkel_medium
always wondered how the taste is of snus
I like it, and it feels just great!
I am not addicted to nicotine so i in my eyes it seems useless to try :(
Yea, im not addicted to nicotine either but just like how it feels :)
Oke, i see owzo saying the same. Cant buy that online cause its tobacco i guess? Is there also a difference in difference in brands?
Yea, it's tobacco. Sure there is, many different constitution and taste =) and there's also snus in little bags =)
I don't smoke because I find it disgusting.
This is the reason i still didnt pick up smoking after 4 years of smoking weed with tobacco. Still cant get over that taste.
Don't smoke, can't see the point of it.

On the other hand snus is actually kind of nice in a strange way!
brb guiss gonna try out bastion!
Black Devil & L&M

I smoke cuz my life is fucked up & i do smoke behind my pc
zaklantaarn: my nose looks normal from distance
Nothing, i'm not a loser
Sounds about right. wait what?
L&M red label
reason: addicted
montecristo cigarillos

when I find time to sit down in the grass and chill

I like the aroma, but somehow it also makes me come down after a shitload of home work etc

never smoking during gaming sessions
I smoked cigarettes when I was 17 until I was 21. I quitted and the only thing I miss from it, is the little help with the digestion at lunch time.
It just seemed about right to ease the way down, time to smoke and chill...mm maybe some balls scratch while lying somewhere.

Since then I've been smoking weed, never mixed it but mehh, I've been thinking in quitting this too.
Dont like the weed anymore?
Meh at least now I need to focus in other kind of stuff.

If I get a job and a more active routine, I might be smoking again. I truly believe in the benefits of the plant :D

Altough my quit is startin like in 10 days or so xD
Fucking smokers killing me, fuck you retards; learn to control yourself and quit smoking, it'll stop killing you, but the others as well. It's the same if not worse (as there is no filter) when you breath in other people's smoke.

Fucking economy

thats why smoking is not allowed in pubs/bars and other things you want to visit at night with a lot of people in it. yes something like that
i smoke like 1 per day, LM, allways blow once at the filter cause i was told that there are bad things on it (:D ).
i also do smoke the cig in the "hollow hand" (hohle hand), that enemies cant see the glow when its night (learned at army and got adapted to it)
Hommi! i do this -> image: neftobak_2_jpg_800x800_sharpen_q95

Icelandic snus. not a good taste, honestly it tastes like horsepoo but goddamnit the feeling that u get from it :)

oh and yea it has like 2-3 times more nikotin than most snus has. so its kinda nice :)
how much mg nicotine per gram?
because i cant believe it having 45mg nicotine per gram :p (most people in Norway snus 18mg/g snus, thus ~45)
i cant really say how much it got mate but the ads/commercial say it and it feels like it. When i try sweedish snus like generals it feels like shit, need to take like 2-3 times more just to get satisfaction but many peoples here do nordic snus like generals etc couse of the taste like u said to Nait about that mentol stuff..
marlboro gold and/or lm blue, pack a day, dont smoke at my pc
Smoke L & B and weed

Started smoking weed when I was 16 - 18 stopped smoking weed but some how kept smoking cigs. Started smoking weed again at 20. I don't smoke indoors.

Want to stop smoking cigs but keep smoking weed, but I have to buy cigs to smoke weed so I end up smoking cigs also :<
You seem to be in total control of yourself as a person :)!
bad habits :) could stop smoking but it's too easy to stay in the habit especially when I 've got bigger probs atm
lose the cigarettes and smoke weed only
Used to prefer hasj over weed and sometimes a lucky strike sigaret.

Now: Nothing, quit all that shit :D
I don't believe that all those heavy drinkers out there don't smoke..

But if you are being honest good for you I smoke Chesterfield Red or some rolling shit when money is short.
Cigarillos candlelight
I prefer Superking, if i'm going to pay to die I want the best value for money so

image: 035113

image: 0123461_800

but marlboro are so nice just a shame they are expensive.
smokers are opportunist.they are followers.all of you retards just started smoking because you wanted to be a part of the "cool guys" or whatever.
and dont tell me quit smoking is hard.its all a matter of will.but you dont even want to quit,because you are afraid you will be left alone when all your friends go for a smoke,so you bow for the group pressure :]]]]]]]]]

enjoy dieing in early years coz of cancer while im chilling my way to 100years.fuck smoking,fuck peer behaviour,im an individualist and i will always be superior to you puppets
Do you even know what opportunist means?
dont try to act smart you ugly fuck,it doesnt suit you well
you dont know what opportunist means though
you see,sometimes a expression can be more deverse than what you think you know through your high school knowledge.the act of smoking as some kind of tool which has the one and only purpose to socialize or self-portray can very much be counted as a kind of opportunism. to think outside of the box cant be learned through playing enemy territory my dear

Still not opportunism you wannabe smartass.
how sweet,you correct my grammar because thats all you can do, now you totally wrecked my argumentation dude.well done,feel proud :D:D:D:DDD :):::::]]]]]]]]]]]
The word you used is just plain wrong, there's no counter argument I could possibly present. And I wasn't the first to bring intellectual superiority into the game.
Don't try to act tough you pathetic, ugly little fuck.
hahahha wo wohnst du in sachsen du kleiner hurenson ich fick dir ins gesicht wenn dus drauf anlegst
Warum bist du so scharf darauf deinen Penis in die Nähe meines Gesichts zu bringen?
I'm kinda amused about your comment, how can you say you live longer than somebody who smokes when you are able to choke on a fucking carrot (just example:D).
you have to assume not to die of unnatural cause obviously

if smoking was fun,i would say its okay to risk a large amount of your potential lifetime,to enjoy the 'now'.but smoking is just an expression of the desire to be accepted and to be part of something. actually i think only very very little people on here really smoke because they do enjoy the smoke rushing through their lungs or whatever...EVERY smoker i know would never actually smoke if they had to separate from the group/were alone to do so
Well, you got some sort of point there but atleast I only smoke because I enjoy it & I've chose to do so, but I could stop if I wanted to so dunno if you understand what I mean.
He is just a moron man, dont give him that much attention. Smoking chills out sometimes and its nice
guess your right mate! :D
haha fucking nerd you think you are gangster now when you smoke a fucking cigarette you fucking dickhead? "it chills out sometimes" hahah you think you are somekind of snoopdogg gangsta or what haha.nigger dont talk like you cool when you are a fucking nerd
Just wanted to comment to this lolol. The comment about the group pressure is just nonsense imo. Maybe the stupid people get addicted to smoking or start smoking like that but social pressure certainly wasn't the reason why I started smoking. Mine was curiosity and a rebellious attitude towards society. And no, I'm not saying I'm not stupid for smoking, I know it's bad.

Oh and this: I'm the only smoker in my class atm, yet I go out for a smoke during the break. I also smoke most when I'm sitting behind my computer without anyone around and find it to be the most enjoyable to smoke in the evenings after dinner, when playing games. I think I actually smoke less when I'm around other people tbh. Oh and I'm not defending myself here, I just don't fully agree with your statement :o)
Pall Mall Blue right now, but usually roll my own.

I smoked my first cigarette while not drunk when I was in the air force the day after my girlfriend at that time told me she had slept with her teacher. It was nice, standing in a circle, smoking, chatting. The amount I smoked increased when I realized I could get another hour of smoking breaks from work each day. When I moved to university I stopped entirely for a month until I got into a circle of friends of which almost everyone smoked, so I started again.

I'm smoking in front of my PC, but always keep the door to the balcony open because I can't stand smoking in closed rooms. I'm also especially aware not to blow smoke into non-smokers' faces.
rolling my own right now, but usually Pall Mall Blue.

Good taste not too light

best ritual :
Smoking when I'm just wakin' up.
And right after lunch/dinner
Used to smoke Club. But after careful consideration of my personal Balance Sheet, I noticed I was paying £2600 P/A to inhale shite, that lets face it, I can inhale for free if I walk down the city streets.

Now I smoke Silk Cut Silver in attempt to stop smoking (this helps because of the lower nicotine content)

Hopefully, if you post this journal again in 2 weeks, my answer will be 'nothing'.
Kent - addicted :( Don't have the will to quit.
´I dont smoke. I think smoking is for retards who want to pay for fucking up their body.
lol @ pussies who are scared/too low to smoke get skill and men up
like a real powerranger
i know right! Completely addicted to it
image: nick-johnny-snus

Snus it everywhere and all the time for the past 4 years or smth. :s
Sometimes I smoke Green Pall Mall (menthol).
Usually walking on the street.
Nonix do you smoke a lot of weed?
smokes crack most likely
asslicker :p
sorry, baggiez's approval means everything to me.
i love this journal
Canadian Classics(King size)

and right now some white rhino kush

I don't smoke at my pc.
i smoke rarelly now, and prefer a normal weed without paranoia :D like kronix taste <3
just so good :(
I get bored of snus tasting toothpaste after a while
tbh I don't feel the taste that much, I try to make it as dry as possible under the lip and I'm not really doing snus for the taste anyway. Another reason I prefer this one is that I only have like 2-3 different options of strong snus here and that's the one I like the most. Though I mix it up sometimes with Thunder frost but that's about it.
yeah if the taste doesnt bother you :p if you want a more clean taste I'd try General or Nick & Johnny (pretty sure N&J is norwegian only though) -- I've never become bored of N&J or General Extra Stärk after all these years, Skruf though sucks hard
Hard for me to get those because it's illegal to sell snus here.
ah yeah, fucking EU :p think its legal (and really cheap) to buy from the internet though, sites like buysnus.com
the shipping cost etc, not worth it.. I can get a tower from some dealer for 30e, decent price I guess
much cheaper than norway for sure :P a roll here is ~90€
well, Norwegian people make like 7x more money too :)
cigarettes au chocolat
au lait ou noir ?
au lait, ça goute le caca le chocolat noir:S
frenglish, here we go
ca goute la marde en tabarnak
doux jésus...
diantre, que nous veut ce vil maraud ?
Rasta is the best for me. Taste is really smooth and you won't get a bad aftertaste.
I got used to smoke one with a coffee when I just woke up, also smoking one or two after lunch/dinner and one before going to sleep.
I prefer to smoke at the window but sometimes I like to smoke behind my pc.
Lucky Strike, davidoff
Lucky Strike (red obviously)
makes me less mad and goes lovely with beer

and to Razzah:Sweden study showed that 70% of smokers die. Joke on you.
im pretty sure 100% of smokers die, actually 100% of non smokers too
I really need to find the study, it was obvious typo/part missing but it actually said "70% of smokers die" :D
oh, thought it was you fucking up :p in that case ill start smoking, if 30% achieve immortality
Immortality could get old in a few centuries or millennia.
Pall Mall / L&M / JPS
well i use to smoke week, but not like everyday more like every other month lol. then i stopped doing that because weed sometimes makes me do things i wouldnt really do. then i tried cigars and enjoyed them but got bored of smoking them then moved on to black and milds which i smoked every chance i got, and smoking them actually felt good....no need to inhale it ,it just taste good and felt good to smoke it :d
White widow kush
image: white-widow-x-og-kush-21444441
yes ur hardcore gangster who smokes weed, hard boy there :S
fake genetics. case closed.
i remember you thinking that smoking leaves is da bizniz.
I dont need to smoke to feel/look cool.
Like to light my shisha/hookah whateveryouwnacallit once in a while. Other than that noooothing anymore :) Yai!
smoked a lot of mint flavor through that :D
Smoking is for faggots.
Smoking is for faggots.
Lucky Strike and gruune michel
smoking is for faggots
image: 4241_1

sometimes also with some weed

e: but I hate cigarettes :s
oh fuck yesssssssssssssssssssssss
yeahh i like!
gimme some weed next time I come to veenendaal!
Sure, just leave a note when your gonna pick up another piano!
Camel or Winston Red.
been smoking for 13 years now and mostly its a habbit at work and in pub. cant really see my self quiting because its been part off my life about half of my age
hmmm i smoke occasionally and never interested what my friends give me :P but last time my eyes pinched sooo long(4 days) after white dwarf...
smoking since im 16 been 3 years alreayd about 12 a day cant rly quit atm
smoking quite a lot a weed but kinda stopped coz of my exams only 1/2 joint a day
smoking Marlboro ofc !

ritual: waking up goint outside to smoke , joint before sleeping
Never ever smoked in ma life.
Used to smoke excessively, quit smoking weed when I met my girlfriend, quit smoking altogether about 3 weeks ago. Feels good mayne.
I smoke weed around.. ten times a month when I don't have exams.
I never smoke cigarets. It smells bad, fucks up your health and costs a lot.
chesterfield light
dem bitchazz
van nelle halfzware.. god damn the best tobacco around!
aswell weed and cigarillos if im drinkin some scotch :)
What do you smoke?
Soft Marlboro Red always except during mid-summer i smoke something green, mainly pall mall

Also, why you smoke what you smoke?
I like the tastes, soft marlboro doesnt make me cough alot like alot of the other reds. Green just tastes awesome during summer and red is too "rough/hard", dunno how to say that

Do you have a smoke ritual?
I always blow on the filter if thats what u meant.

Do you smoke behind your pc or go outside like most gamers do and pause games for 10 minutes.
Have to go out for a smoke since my mom gets a headache easily and doesnt want the smell to stick to possible clothes on the balcony.
image: LambertButlerKingS-20fAT2007

smoked from about 15-16, wish i nerver started, smoke only in spare room where pc is
Marlboro Light
KENT, just because I'm a pussy
I smoke marlboro the normal one.
I always smoke after coffee.
Basically I smoke (weed/hax) to think about the life that I dont have.
bonus/pall mall roll my own cuz cheaper
cant stop because addiction
smoke inside too much i got a stove next to me so nP
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