Jin passed away??

I just found out that Belgium Jin recently passed away, his brother just told me.. can anyone confirm this?? he also told me they both used the same CF account so hence the last seen (online)

in case you don't know who he is/was, belgian rtcw player from a while ago

Jeroen zegt:
het is de broer. ik heb zijn contacten naar deze msn geïmporteerd
jeroen is verleden week gestorven en ik kreeg te horen dat ik best de mensen op zijn msn ook verwittigde
omdat hij ook wat goede vrienden online had dacht ik
aNil ҉ zegt:
gecondoleerd dan nog..
Jeroen zegt:
dank u
aNil ҉ zegt:
en over welke jeroen gaat het als ik vragen mag? want heb er meer dan 1
Jeroen zegt:
online noemde hij zichzelf jin

in case it's true.. rip man, really, unbelievable right now......
Translation of logs plz?
just received a friendship request on msn, his brother told me he imported all of his contacts to let everyone know.. so I'm not sure if this is for real? is there anyone who was close with him @ CF?

edit: anyone who has his phone/cell? just to exclude that this is not some kind of sick prank..
Jin was such a nice guy :<
If that's true, then it's really really tragic.

A translation would be nice and any other information would also be welcome (If available of course).
Jeroen says:
im his brother. i imported all his msn contacts to my msn
jeroen past away last week and i heard i should inform his contacts on msn too
because he also had some good friends online
aNil says:
my condolances
Jeroen says:
aNil says:
can i ask which jeroen this is about? because i know several
Jeroen says:
online he called himself jin
oh :/// rest in peace
auf wiedersehen saintt jin!
Shit news if true :(

Just heard it.

This is terrible news, especially for his close friends and family.

R.I.P Jin, you will be missed.
so it's true.. goddamn horrible news
rip Jin...... unbelievable really
gg & wp. rip :'(
what happened, anil ?
according to Finland bm he died in a car accident last week :(

didn't really know the guy, but sad to hear and R.I.P
well, he was one of the smartest and most clever guy I had ever talked with ...
so sad to see someone as young as him passing away ... :(
Wtf, I cannot believe this. I hope this is false, played so many times with him.
good guy, he surely will be missed.
29/5/84 - 20/2/2010

:/ RIP :(
if thats true someone should tell Sun.

sry but needed to say that :x

R.I.P although i didnt know him :(
rip, nice to see no-one being immature about it. But I might speak too soon
although cf is a place of retardedness i think the majority have enough brain cells to realise this kind of thing isnt really worth trolling.
rip fella
Rest In Peace bro...
rip =[ what happend?
rip brother

was an awesome guy :<

he will be missed :'(
Although i didnt know him this kind of thing is sad to hear :(

R.I.P :((
Played RtCW back in the day with Jin man :(

R.I.P. fella
sad to hear, extremely nice bloke

I dont think anyone from crossfire had expected this kind of replys but its nice to see that people actually seems to care, I didnt knew him but he sure will be missed by alot of folks :c

ah btw while i was looking through his comments i found this:

"Jin on 19/11/09, 14:35:12 GMT

et players go to hell when they die"

hopefully he was wrong and he is @ better place right now
RTCW player go to heaven instantly :)
didnt he just became father or smth?

well eventhough i never liked him R.I.P
At #ET-finland someone said he had a wife and a small baby... :(
lulz R.I.P
dunno him but went far too young... Rest in peace
Rest In Peace bro ......
this could be one great awful and hideous joke. but r.i.p. if its not.
wtf :/ ive played with him, RIP =/
rest in peace Jin :(
rip :(
Can't be!
I don't believe it!
Jin aint dead

Friend texted him last night, just got a reply saying he aint dead, can't post on CF from his black berry but will start flaming when he gets home!

I'm not dead at all. Never been more alive.

I seem to have been the victim of someone with a bad sense of humour. I don't know who it was or how he/she was able to get my passwords. Guess the person didn't realise it was really easy to figure out this was bullshit, because some people on here had my phone number.

Thanks for all the rips I guess, but when I do die I really hope it doesn't become a crossfire journal :)
Glad you're not dead :)
makes 2 of us :|
\o/ Now Jin is a zombie!!!! Just like in RTCW.
supersoldier fits me better. Just don't give me a panzer.
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