Evolve Gaming Announce New ET Lineup

image: ECFA4

Fresh from an emphatic victory over the Germany Pro5 team in the ClanBase EuroCup XV grand final on Monday, Evolve Gaming is proud to announce a renewed lineup for the final stages of the Cadre QCup, ET-Cup #26 and ESL Summer Season.

Two new faces join the roster seen playing this past EuroCup:

Netherlands Azatej joins the team officially as a full member. He has already played in the EuroCup winners bracket final game against TLR where Evolve took the victory over three maps, but aside from this is relatively unknown in highskill 6v6. His supreme aiming skills, great game sense and medic work combine to make him a more than suitable replacement for the outgoing wunderkind Netherlands Perfo.

The second addition to the team is newcomer Germany Butchji. Having played for the past 9 months with the p5/zP side the german star is no stranger to high level ET, and brings a depth of experience as well as his awesome aim to the team. Butchji replaces the awesome medic Wales sqzz, who was unable to stay as active as necessary over the summer period.

In addition to these changes, rifle-wonder Italy Xylos is also inactive over the summer period and will be replaced in the active lineup by Evolve backup and ET co-captain United Kingdom Adacore for the duration of his inactivity.

This leaves the current lineup of Evolve Gaming ET as:

Malta toxic
Germany snoop
United Kingdom razz
Netherlands Azatej
Germany Butchji
United Kingdom Adacore

Italy Xylos (Inactive)

With these changes the summer lineup of Evolve Gaming hope to continue their dominance of the ET scene over the summer and look forward to the games to come. See you in the game!
Butchji should play in an all-german team :S
He will never win anything in German speaking team!
seems like god hates germans and never let them win
I wonder why :~>
i wonder why this comment comes from a jew :s
too many germans hate too many other germans (for no reason really) to make a really good german team :P
same with the UK
It's the same in every country tbh
:) arrogance is the reason. and envy!!!!
no ego at all adacore xD

gl evolve
I assume toxic will be picking up the rifle then ? Looks too medic heavy to me, but for raw talent and aiming prowess then it can't really be beaten (minus yourself and toxic of course).
adacore's rifling for xylos while he's away
im othey should take you. then you could be playing with "<3 Ruipperi"-text behind your nick in every game =)
All medic? I think someone has never seen Aza play smg engy!
medic heavy != all medic! ;<
Lame joke, because Aza is medic only :)
Never saw Adacore play but I doubt he'd give the team another skillboost 8(

Unfortunate that sqzz is gone, he's one player that makes a team special imo!
"Not as good as Xylos but hopefully not too awful" is the description I'd give myself...
GL anyways...
gl butchij! gl snoop! gl evolve! =)
I hope this isnt gonna be an all aim no brain team :]
gl butchji with flag caps

ps. you should have kept future!
now that made me laugh :p "gl butchji with flag caps"
well, it sounded stupid to use 'replace' verb with it :P
* Q sets mode: +b *!*@
* cadre\CHMPP was kicked by Q (You are BANNED from this channel.)

GL adacore and Toxic
gl an hf :>
what will the lan lineup be?
-ada +xylos ?

good luck btw :)
omg then p5 disbanded??? ;<

anyway gl butchji and Azatej
p5 split ?
gl butchjih
bibuy pro5?
Best of luck! AzA, RazZ, Toxic! =)
Best of luck lads, Give them hell.

so p5 is dead now, or is someone filling in your place?
p5 is disbanding after this EC, has been said a couple of times before (Gifty, Butchji).
what will happen to p5?
GL guys :)
gl aza & toxic!
I cant figure out what is more nolife, making a news post in the middle of the night or commenting on one :D

gl any way
i guess commenting is much more nolife :o
I think cheating is.
good one ;p
its a good thing I'm not then :)
gL Germany butchji & Germany sNoOp
Highly unexpected!! Only one player from cdap-pi left. ;o
gl guys, not sure how you're gonna do without a skilled rifle in the squad but im sure adacore will step up to the plate and make things work. best of luck lads. ( sqzz i'll miss you :( )
They need you!
gl Adacore
Dignitas, take gifty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
come to inc. i dont want play rifle anymore 8(
have a nice summer!
ec winners...ok... but this ec was fucked up
no sqzz no xylos no win
snoop aka the clankiller
butchji has never won an EC?
5th > 3rd > 2nd > 2nd
lol, newb :>
sqzz :'(, gL razz, toxic :O)
good luck tox & aza !
sqzz aint backup?
Will we see AzA at CPC3? Place your bets...now!
if he dares=) If he goes, he has to meet you,and i belive he aint to happy about that:)

But i bet a vodka redbull that he will come... u?
You could better look for a worthy replacement for Ada next CPC :)
why wouldnt he come?
because aza is even better aimer than butchji, many ppl consider him suspicious?
he is just lowsenser tho :S it doesnt look that suspicious to me when ive been playing/speccing him but you never know. butchji soots more bodyshots and aza aims to head most likely :[
Aza used to be a heavy bodyshooter, consistent 50-55% acc but no headshots, yet now he he hits a lot of HS and still hits 45%+ acc ;o

how bout a bet that evolve will fold before cpc3?
yesterday we played 3on3 against razz, butchji and aza... and aza was like better than the 2 together x)
Impossible, Butchji is the King.
want demos :) ?
I can give u supply demo only, I'm shamed of our GR performance without sanda realizing tank isn't damaged etc :P
upload em! :D
gimme email and I can send it, but not going to give it "publicly" :P
no, upload !
I don't think any of the players wants that I publish it
pm me witht he link plx !
I haven't uploaded it
Aza was lucky, I guess Butchji was only playing with 1 hand to give you guys a chance.

But yea, upload the demo pls.
Aza raped butchji last time we played him. They're both unhittable crouchwhores though. :[
Aza is a cheater :<
I say he isn't, prove me wrong.
I will, give me a couple of months.We'll see how he's playing at CPC 3.

2 possibilities:

He'll be doing a mAus-ke
He'll be doing a rocky-tje

What will you give me when he does the second one? You'll get the same if he does the first.
Okay, now let's hope CPC 3 is in Holland or Belgium.
Or the third that he doesn't turn up!
I presume he'll find his guts before CPC 3.
gimme email and I can send it, but not going to give it "publicly" :)
Tell me where to find u on irc, not gonna put my email public.
ok, I'll come online only for u

#defix.et /q Spirea
try that PM :p
Haha yea :-D
Please!, Aza + 2 uk noobs beat butchji keran gifty in a 3v3!

Impossible. Butchji is the Emperor.
plz even razz could probably kill him 1v1
Everybody can kill Butchji in a 1v1 once. The reason though why he's the Emperor cos there ain't anybody who can do that multiple times in a row.*

*Except Snoop perhaps last Monday in the finals ;<
people already said we would fold before pga and cpc2 so why would we do it now?
it was about AzA, not your team, in case you didn't notice
and the other times it was about our players too
but with real money ok ?
It depends on how well evolve can persuade him to go imo. Afaik a lot of people hate him, and vice versa, plus there is the fact that it is your lan...

I don't know how you can be suspicious though, it's not like he came from nowhere.. he was talented, but not as good, back in iLoG!k / DMD / Vindicated and you can see how he has improved, at least I can anyway.

Oh, and there is also the fact that he has really nice aim in Q3/CoD2... how would you explain that?
on your last question:

multigame cheat!
please, if he goes its like a suicide!
gl evolve hope you keep on winning everything :)
Adacore replace Xylos :D (summer joke)
take Germany powelcheck instead of Adacore plx
lol pwl > whole evolve
gl Enjoy the summer sqzz
gl butchji aza
bb perfo :'(
I'm waiting for a TLR statement now :)

Anyway, good luck Butchji/Aza/Ada
i guess they will take ferus in the next couple of weeks :]
gl team ;)
will be an awesome team when mr spagetti gets back, gl
its not a good move imo to took Azatej but anyway gl
why d'you say that?
killer lineup
gl butch
nice lineup and finally adacore can prove himself, gl lads
i cant believe ist. butchji left p5 ? the teamleader is going, wtf !

i mean a 2nd place in ec is not the worst scenario esp. with this crazy
lineup changes during the last weeks. so why ? p5 is dead now ? hope not, but without the head... i feel sadness about this news !
Has already been said a couple of times that p5 would disband after EC.
lold about you and the things you pretend to know...but ye pro5 is dead and noone planed to continue with the team during sommer
Butchji will do the work...

not ?!
Nice team gl, missing sqzz anyway :<
Nice team :o
Seems you're goin to have a new fan.
n1 butchji running to the team you lost from...
havent heard anything about dignitas. strange :P
coz night is an emo :<
very nice team, GL
no sqzz no win
the newcomer butchji!!!
new to evolve :p
hope butchji and AzA know how to handly the needle like sqzz.
If Italy XyLoS is back, Evolve got a really nice and strong team.
butchji is a good player so he will do good for the team
the best player, that the et-scene ever seen...
gl aza butchji razz toxic and snoop
Teams without lineupchanges > Teams with lineupchanges.
But if someone can't play in the summer, they can't, nothing to do with that. =P
best of luck razz, aza and gl butchji
high+ with tactical input!
Just get XyLos active and ull win all u want .
Good luck, now all we need is a new saevus team
hehe Butchji :), Impact didn't want you so thats why Evolve? np good choice anyway. GL!
wow this looks nice :) Allthough I doubt Azatej will get 50acc at CPC3 ..
gL toxic, Azatej, Adacore and the others ofc. :O)
so p5 lost on purpose, i knew it!
To much changes.
adacore out, xylos in and we have a new idle!
journal plz
gl gavin !
my 3 mates <3
adacore, aza, toxic GL :D)
gl aza ;>
rofl @ adacore...
:ooooo butchji?? :o

but adacore? :/
gl guys but sqzz > butchji
gl Aza & butch and the rest of the team. . .
adacore is imho the skillst admin around he proved it already in his oChaos team :]

maybe no comparision to xylos but still good :]
there have been quite a few skilled admins tbh

kajab - lake - donex - adacore - toxic - n3co - bullvox - myself!!
u can reduce that list to kajab donex and ada
Can but I'm not going to!
Well...n3co is the only one of that lot to play in an NC final
i played an ec final and won it, is that better? :P


nice not being on irc :(( upload the cast please, evolve vs p5 priority, i kinda gave up on u uploading tlr vs junk52 :((
nice not including me :((
edit skillz! Although I didn't really think you took the CB job all that seriously, thought it was just for show! and of course so they wouldn't have to appoint me or bullvox!! =D
donex made me! :P
gl Adacore
löl \o/
Whos Adacore?

?? (õ.Õ) ??
ET in the Summer.... Summer is the best part of the fuckin year!!!! why would you waste it in doors. : <
Summer sucks, too hot to do anything useful :(
well if you have air con its ok but if you dont it gets pretty hot and theres nothing worse than playing ET with a sweaty ass.
Germany Butchji = wtj
aza , skill from the netherlands :D see yah at CPC
the only thing you do is bitching about NL, fuckign emo.
cheaters.NL (c)
Why wouldn't I bitch on you guys? look to the cheaters's list... 50% is from the netherlands, although their are indead some rly skilled players from your country ( shin shan clan ;) OLDSCHOOL skillers )
It's just that we, teh clean dutchies, can't do shit about it:/
I don't agree with you, you guys stay supporting perfo and stuff after all he did and rocky mize and stuff...
get sqzz to train butchji @ strafing first :>
gl during 3 weeks!
rofl, 2 weeks and so on.
when will Xylos comming back active?
GL peeps!

sqzz.. ;<
killer lineup.
old, but gl boys
xylos inactive? oO
schnee: WTF IS SUMMER OMG LOLOLolOllOOllll :D.D:D:Ddd:D:::Dddddddd
okay, but wil he come to cpc3?? he has to come .. :<
hi2u btw
no welshy :(
theres no need anymore. only highskillers in it.
It bothers me that evolve have posted nothing about their ET team winning the EuroCup yet.. "Our ET team just won the premier online competition in their game, but we dont care"
What the hell? When did you ever see any other team posting that they won?
He meant the multi-gaming site I think :]
why the fuck would that bother you
Good question mate, cant explain it... But I'm quickly bothered about things ;s
sqzz :< <3
gl butchji btw ;p
butchji is great player but compared to work that sqzz done in evolve i think this isnt good decision...
Sqzz was the weakest link, and they are always removed (cf fobje + kris).
do you think that his jumping and reviving skills were weakest link? damage giver is nothing when there is nobody to revive him...
I believe his jumping was the only usefull thing. His medic skills are overrated imo, I rather have someone in my back who shoots together with me then when I have to shoot alone and will perhaps be revived. Reviving is a good thing, but not when you do it too much and neglect other things.
revive is key to succes as evolve show us...
Yeah, that's why they pick Aza and Butchji :x
Good to see you are not anti sqzz lmao, you ref a game then make statements, as I pointed out to you before, that were wrong, and your still rubbishing him, you ought to take the plunge and admit you do not like Sqzz, your a CB admin and you are a pleb.
Refs aren't allowed to an opinion? As long as I'm not a supervisor anywhere I don't have any "big" responsibility and I won't shut up about anything.
Where did I tell you to shut up, or that refs are not allowed an opinion, but to make the posts you have about sqzz on xfire that were wrong shows that your opinion is unreliable.
Lol, cos I couldn't read the name of the reviving medic as they were with 3 at the same spot my opinion is suddenly unreliable.

And why do you talk about me being an admin at all? it isn't relevant at all in this discussion.
isn't Adacore like low+ ?
gl aza, toxic!
good luck aza :]
Looks strong,

gl guys
cheers guys
gl butchji gl evolve
gl guys u deserve it, btw the italian went back to italia after he didnt get shiit on his bed and a fock on the table.. XD
well, this would imply the possibility that any player of evolve dies at any time which just won't happen.
wow, nice line-up

?? (õ.Õ) ??
gl butchji !
nice lineup
gl tox <3

adacore is no match with xylos, but i guess since hes one of the team, he will make it their ;)
adacore ftw!

no ada, no win
;D is ada new teh rifl0r :D ?
thats why butchji wanted to loose final ;p;p
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