Quakecon Games Announced

image: Quakecon_logoWith little over a month till the tournament, Quakecon have announced that Enemy Territory: Quake Wars and Quake will be the games for this summers event.

Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars; and the first ever “Quad Damage” tournament spanning all four QUAKE games. The tournaments will take place during the 12th annual QuakeCon which is being held at the Hilton Anatole Hotel in Dallas from August 2-5. More than 6,000 gamers from around the world are expected to attend the four-day event. The total QuakeCon Championship Tournament purse will be $100,000, courtesy of title sponsor NVIDIA

Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars

Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars makes its tournament debut at QuakeCon 2007. 32 teams will compete in the incredible battles between Earth’s Global Defense Force (GDF) and the invading alien Strogg. Each 6-person team will battle it out in a double-elimination bracket-style tournament, with each team having the opportunity to both attack and defend. With a focus on objective and class-based gameplay, Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars will test each team’s ability to combine skill, strategy, and teamwork in tournament play like never before.

QUAKE Quad-Damage Tournament

This year brings a new twist to QuakeCon's classic 1 vs. 1 competition with the inaugural Quad Damage Tournament. Spanning all four QUAKE games, this year's champion will need to be a master of a variety of weapons, maps, and play-styles - from QUAKE’s lightening fast action and dominating rocket launcher, to the more strategic gameplay and precision weapons found in the later QUAKE games. 256 contestants will be divided into 4 man groups with each player battling the others in a set of round-robin 1 vs 1 matches. Two phases of round robin play will reduce the competition down to the top 32 players, who will then battle it out in a single-elimination, best of 3 bracket to determine who is truly the QUAKE Master.

Nice to see 20ID back, need x6, u5 and Pandemic as well! :o
Hmm? u5 and Pandemic had mostly the same players if I'm not mistaken.
Are the organisations now unable to take new teams in because of that?
I think that I misunderstood you, I thought you meant that you'd like to see those old line-ups return. ;)
You sure the game will be released in time?

RIP ET, noone trying to keep the competition side of it alive anymore since this beta. Sucks.
It's feasible to play the beta if not, there's already updates in the work.
So hopefully, if it is still in beta, there will be more maps for it released? Because seeing just the one map over and over will get so boring, and teams will lock it down in no time at all.
i think not, because its only a beta and not the full game.
the beta is for testing the game.
/sry for my bad english skills
Wow, hf @ one map qcon!
Why would it be 1 map? Valley was played at the last Quakecon.
So two maps instead? Omfg stop me I'm going to orgasm.
And the rest...they've 12 maps.
you won't see anything if it's still in beta stage untill then (no demo playing with the beta).

and even if the game is released you'll have to count on demos because afaik there's no ET:QW-Tv.
Video stream.
hm... last year @ quakecon it was a pain to see the video streams, not to mention ettv. hope they'll fix it then.
Quoteafaik there's no ET:QW-Tv.

there is.
In an interview Locki (I think) said ET:QW-tv will not be included "out of the box" (meaning it will be added in a patch soon after the release)
don't look too soon, zinx stopped working on TV due to personal issues
It's an id event - they can wrap up a late-beta release especially for it if they want...
nice nick you got, do you know rapper quasimoto?
merc! pm! :D
Quotelolicon - next Quakecon winners.
Lol, smart move from the Qcon guys. This competition will look so ridiculous due to the lack of experience of the players that it will fuck up the reputation of the game.
Quakecon does a CPL? :D
Totally expected! I just love marketing.
Welcome to 'esports'
play more promode
Welcome to the real world. :p
<3 bb et
QW sucks...zzzzZZZZZzzzzZZZZZzzzz
laughable actually
i saw etqw>et in your nickname, but i guess that was just a pose
i think it is, but taking a new game in its beta stage to qcon instead of et is ridiculous
LoL? you think that alien crap is better than our beloved(buged) ET? :o
Quotewell its probably an influenced decision since i havent played et actively or competetively since cpc2
kinda weird that you rate a crappy beta over the game you played for fuck knows how long..
well its probably an influenced decision since i havent played et actively or competetively since cpc2
From a business perspective, it isn't.
lol, so basically quakecon is a joke this year
Guitar Hero, Ms Quakecon Q3 & Doom 3 the day it was released - this is nothing new.
The games been out like 4 days, some ppl still havent played and most people think its shit. Nice to see how many clans attend :p

ET for one more year would of been the better choice
so they are going to play etqw beta or demo there? well hopefully they fix many things before it.. imo they're taking big risk :E
Well at least they dont need to care about netcode on a LAN :<
bb et :< hello qcon!
6on6 etqw, thx id <3
There'll be only some drunken american teams who think they're "highskill" and the competition will be awful. But who gives a rat's ass about the level of competition anymore, anyway.
OH FUCK! :( we want W:ET!!!
Next post will be: Cancellation of ET:QW tournament, mark my words!
Anyway, Qcon = August & Qwars atm = shit so... GL!
What do we get if you lose? I'm almost sure there will at least be three European BF2 teams attending, and the USA side will even be stronger, mark my words.
We'll see, i just wanna say there is a bunch of work to do for the developers and it's only "Countdown: 36 days " away :)
The closed beta testers already have fixes.
nice decision lets hope good games will be played there
( 07 : 44 : 44 ) ( @ vae-Sheep ) search high qw team to go to quakecon '07, qry me!
every guy i've seen looking for etqw clan has said he is high :-------------)
I'd say mid+, because I haven't tried the game yet.
i lold'd :D
the quad-tourney is a great idea :D
Well thats the official death of W:ET I'm affraid :(

† ET 2003 - 2007
quake 1 but no et i lold. rip et bring on rtcw2!
haha. No ET this time. RIP ET then :)
retarded decisicion to host a Quakewars tournament and no et tourney this year. the beta was just released and i doubt that there will be many good teams (how will you know if a team is good or not anyway it is not like every good player from et is a pwner from the beginning in et qw) attending. Is there QWTV already? Dont think so, so viewing those matches will be a pain in the ass with videostream imho. We will see. :D
AFAIK Europe Team Dignitas.BF2, Denmark Roskilde eSports, Netherlands Gamert.BF2, Netherlands inFlux.BF2 and some other teams are part of the closed ET:QW beta and have been playing this game for months already.. There will be strong teams attending I'm sure of that.
mhh ok, if they are playing for months already as a team they might have some tax etc but there is no real competition at the momemt. And still for the viewers this will suckz0r balls.
Viwers? Bwha, on a scale between 1-10 of how much I am interested in et:qw, or to actually watch it from qcon, is about -50
Apart from only me, I dont think the number of viewers will be especially high.
Oh thats why it sucks so much, BF2 teams beta testing it. No fucking shit.
Some ET teams as well tho I dont know any. n1ce maybe. All these names are taken from closed beta screenshots and interviews, I dont know if the NDA permits people to openly talk about being in the closed beta.
no they dont. i wanna point out that within the closed beta they dont agree if playin 5on5/6on6/7on7. that game needs so much improvement to be a competitive game, but k quakecon will help for that
who cares
they could also play it for 1337 years
uZi will always 0wN
United Kingdom Reasons BF2 team is switching to QW as well, although I doubt they will go to Quakecon.
Please, as if Quakecon decides if ET lives or die. Wasn't it Quakecon last year who started with the 5v5? We've all seen how long that lasted...

We know for sure that CPC 3 is going to cover ET, so it wouldn't surprise me that ET survives Quakecon.
Tetris > QW
best statement ever!
1337% agreed.
QuoteLets play some tetris motherfucker...

ive played tetris through. 2 times.
ET's gonna survive quakecon, but the decisions they made over there don't make sense at all imo
it makes perfect sense from a marketing point of view
nice ETQW > ET

bb ET

Ehrm, QW isn't even released yet, do they want to play the beta or something ??
first of all i think that etqw is a very good game but not for the upcoming quakecon
who will sponsor a new EU qw team that dont have archievements and who is only playing open beta????? i think there will be no european players this years quakeqon only a few who pay for themself but i dont care its anyway nup vs nup and to watching this on a stream or anywhere else is waisting my time so gl to the qw USA teams
ET:QW for quakecon xDDDDDD LOLLLLL!!! xDD
idd tetris > et:qw xD

i just <3 this guys who placed this game to quakecon xDDDD

bb ET =[ :'(
The fact "we" as a community had to say them how active and motivated we are to visit another ET Quakecon tournament says all. They don't even care about any community or the current state of it. It's pure marketing as already mentioned.
wtf no ET ? ...
What a stupid decision, QW has just been released and there's just a BETA. Besides, there's only 1 map, which sucks anyways, and the game is full of bugs. When the game will be released for real, clans will start whining they hadn't got enough time ot prac the game or so.
And besides, WHO THE FUCK SAYS ET:QW IS POPULAR? I think 60% of this community doesn't even like the fckin game. :\
far more then 60% of xfire community doesnt like it but xfire community is in best way 15-20% of et players, prolly 70-75% of ppl are public players who play pubs only, this game is desgined for them, it makes skill even less important and thats what they find atractive.
QW hasn't been released yet
Thats actually what im saying, sherlock
QuoteWhat a stupid decision, QW has just been released ...

you are saying it has just been released.
yeah the beta

i dont wanna. just write it right! i'm just searchin smth to complain about :p
what the? ... :s ? ET ? no ET? But qw???
rip et. I always thought this sudden LAN attention was just a preparation to make qw popular. GG
Well, money.
What a retards ,
But i wouldn't play/pay (for) this ET:QW shit anyway.
Because i have seen few pics and it really looks like some starwars or smth like that.

Gonna wait RTCW 2
who knows if rtcw2 isn't gonna be as fucked up as et:qw is :(
Nice prize purse!
The Quake tourney sounds very good. But the QW tourney, that's pure marketing. A new game that recommends good hardware (also with some cfgs not really), but the problem is that you cannot call it as an eSports event. Without releasing a full game and let teams practicing some months this is just a lottery.

A lottery except for those teams who had and will have a chance to test the full version in the last and upcoming months. I'm very sure about some big multigaming clans will attend the event from Europe too, and I'm sure there will be at least one old ET squad there too, and also in a situation like this I hope at least that one will win.

CPL showed a possible way in eSports, with events where only a few players and teams take part, even if I travel there without playing the game and I finish 8th in some random games (where 7 players were playing) I win more that is needed for travelling, so really funny. Also supporting games that aren't realeased in addition. So, in some words, I hope NOT this way will be selected in the future, because this is not eSports. I'm happy, because at least there are a few events which don't select this easy way of getting money, rather decreasing the prizemoney. It's ok and needed to use some new games in tournaments like this, but not before releasing a game, and not when games are just realeased.

By the way as a first impression it seems for me ET:QW has a very good chance to be a competitive game, it consist everything that is needed, and in addition it consists a lot of fun too, so it's really perfect. I'm sure it will have a huge community.
Quote...because this is not eSports.

what is eSports?
Your question is very good, because eSports sadly doesn't have a main organisation that defines conceptions like this. A lot of portals and people define eSports as competitive video gaming, but in my opinion this is too wide conception. Old time ago it was true, but in the last 10 years things changed a lot. So if you ask me, in my eyes eSports = professional competitive video gaming.

For example I'm playing ET for 3.5 years, I think I'm around mid-high overall, but that doesn't count anyways. If I define eSports as competitive video gaming than it seems I was an eSports player because I played competitively on the highest level of a video game that is enough competitive. But what about these facts:
- I did not have a team that supported me
- I did not enter any LAN events
- I wasn't payed for gaming, gaming wasn't (one of) my job(s)

Talking for example about Team-Dignitas.ET, Impact-Gaming or other top teams entering several international LAN events where it is competition is a different question. Maybe they are not payed, but they get a lot of support and they play a game that is in the borders of eSports, a game that has, had and will have some international LAN events, a game that is played by thousands for years, so a game where skill is needed to be the best.

It's a different question that the ET tournament on QuakeCon wasn't competitive in the last years, after we checked the signup list we already knew the final results. But in the last one year we saw an sHgOpen, a PGA LAN and the most competitive LAN in the history of ET (CPC2). Todays ET is uncalculable, it matches all the criterias that is needed for eSports and as I said the CPC2 LAN is the perfect example of eSports in Enemy Territory.

But what about the Quake Wars Championship, how are they planning it? Using the beta version to play, what about the maps? The event will be in a month, who will play there?
For me an eSports event means a competition that is attended by (almost) all the best teams / players. What about a competition in a new game? Do you think all of those 32 teams who qualify will travel to Dallas? In games like Counter-Strike, Wacraft, FIFA and the others those 32 teams are supported by well known multigaming clans, and the best players could be there on every events. In those games it's an earful if somebody cannot attend an important event, but in this upcoming Quake Wars tournament it will be a news if somebody can attend. I think you see the difference.

Also about testing the game... Testing is very important for a game that is planned to be eligible for competitive gaming. I'm sure there were a few teams who tested the game because of this. So, those teams will almost surely able to qualify and will surely attend the event because they will have the biggest chance to win it (with an unfair advantage). I don't wanna tell names but I have some predictions. So, from this time I think we cannot talk about an eSports event, because several criterias are unfulfilled. It's better to call it as an Opening or Promo Championship.

But what am I talking about, nobody called it as an eSports event... anyways I'm always looking what is eSports winning and losing. It lost a CPL World Tour again, also it lost a QuakeCon team tournament too, at least last years ET tournament was closer to eSports than this one.

In the end I need to tell, that I like racing and fps games, so Quake Wars is the best choice for me. I played it a lot since I got the key, and I like it like hell. It's hard to say but it gives me more fun as ET, maybe because it's something new. I just wanted to say with this that my opinion is not the opinion of an anti-QW player.
Mate, you rock!
lo counterstrike
Lack of understanding what Quakecon is? It is an an id trade show, a fan event...

And even if no ET:QW clans turned up, they've several thousand gamers in the BYOC area to call upon. There's no chance this tourney won't be over-subscribed - a lot more so than ET would. That's why this is isn't a gamble, unlike the CPL & wic.
If there will be Quake 1on1 with enough prizemoney than it will not be just that.
"Without releasing a full game and let teams practicing some months this is just a lottery."

Dignitas WiC team have won every CPL event as far as I know, that's still in development as well.
Yes, Dignitas won both CPL Italy and Sweden. CPC Italy was attended by 4 teams, Sweden by 7 teams. If I live there and create a random team with people who cannot even turn on the computer, I finish 8th. So, very competitive. I don't wanna tell it will not be that, but till it will not be that it's better not to talk about it as the part of eSports.

About the another game (FEAR) of this years CPL World Tour, as I see totally 7 players attended CPL Italy, 8th was a BYE so if I would have attended without even seeing the game, I just would have to turn on the pc, connecting to the server, sitting back in the chair, wait in the spawn till the opponent kills me to drop out as fast as possible. Finally, I finish 8th while getting 500 Euro for that great result.
u got 2 much time in ur hands
etqw sucks

et > all
cu @ quakecon final!
-> xD <-
yer weird decision, but will probably pay off tbh.
That's a weird decision.. a game that's only a beta version yet and the competative side has not even been tested..
i lol'd @6on6 mode why not 5on5 its easier to organize LaN´s and stuff :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

or should it be 8on8?

im looking forward to severity myself, an "esports ready" game :)
It's amusing reading all of the "LOL WTF NO ET?" comments. Think outside of the box, did anyone honestly think that ET would have been a suitable choice for QuakeCon? It has an 8 year old engine, ET:QW is a brand new game. This isn't about competition, it's about marketing - making money. Beta or not, ET:QW is at a stage where it can be played as a tournament game, it's not surprising that they've chosen it, not at all.
first time in my live that i have to agree with you :o
yea but they should keep ET until rtcw2 or sign ET;qw to quakecon and play both games..
most of the players hate this qw so whats the point of just /quit to ET on quakecon and /sign et:qw ?
Those people probably want to make money and they get it by running an ET:QW tournament. Would you rather try to get enough money and maybe even make a profit or try to satisfy the majority of players but have problems to finance it after all? I think there's just one answer.
wouldnt they make money if both are in quakecon?
yeah probably, but that's just more work for them imo.
I didn't even say that's my opinion, I was just trying to show you their point of view. :)
but quakewars is just not playable yet
It'll be playable enough. Stop thinking about competition and start thinking of marketing.
hm ye but it sucks that always the best games are getting the least coverage
I remember the last time QC organized a LAN and ET became 5on5. This year they will use QC to promote a public game. I can't really blame id for taking this road. Which company ever made money from making a competetive game? Maybe Starcraft and Counterstrike, but if you look at the history of those games it has nothing to do with competetive gaming in the first place.

Starcraft was originally a singleplayer game which also could be played in multiplayer mode. CS started as a mod for halflife made by some random guy.

Its sad how all games are taking the same lane: add zillion features to hide the fact that the basic gameplay sucks and is unbalanced. The only way to make the game 'balanced' again is by making the possibilities and features almost endlessly so instead of balancing your game you just make an insane amount of rules so there's always something you can do to counter your opponent. Its not a matter of skill, just a matter of taking the right tank or using the right button pushing weapon. Even the biggest noob gets his kill: pop-gaming.

5o5 notnx
ETQW notnx

I think a great competetive game should be simple and complicated at the same time. One should be able to understand the limited set of gamerules which allow both noob and pro to have fun. One can start out as a fops giving ammo in spawn, or be a second winghaven trickjumping and spamming his way trough the map.
QuoteThank you for making your reservation on AA.com! You may want to print this page so that you have a copy of your reservation and record locator. If we have your email address we will also send you an email confirmation of this reservation
You're driving there?
Alcoholics Anonymous?
Was expected when i heard cK are practicing ET:QW beta... I guess they have some contacts in quakecon, i doubt a clan like this is practicing a game like et:qw otherwise than money from a big tournament :)
Was expected when I heard ETQW was coming out some time this summer. id always uses Qcon to pimp new games if they can.
I guess they used ET to promote QW aswell
ET for one more year would be the better choice
Haha, gg eSports!
It's good Et didn't get picked and i hope it dies soon - it deserves nothing less for killing rtcw. Let's face it, most people are in the same boat and new to ET:QW, so of course they'll move there where there is a great opportunity to attend Quakecon.
fuck off with fuckin QW plz
The problem isn't really qw even if it's not ready for competition but theyCould at least run an ET tourny instead of this crappy all quake tournament...
imho the quad quake tourney is a great idea to see old gamers back (who else is still playing quakeworld :o)
Good move imo
finally someone with sense!
Why the fuck should they choose wolf: et one more year? What do they earn on spending lots of money on a free game? This is buisness, get over it, any company that wants to make money would have done the same. Its not like ID software wants to throw money out the window...
you're playing battlefield, your opinion doesn't count :D
well thats too bad then, because it seems that im the only one in here with an IQ over 50 :/
well, i seriously doubt that, especially since it seems like you're not even able to recognise irony :o
Im watching you.. >_>
watching me? huh?
oh pls stop making people hate you with such shit statements :P
Well its the truth, and I really dont care if people hate me over the internet :(
Dont underate me MUHAHA! One day ET players find you lalalalala! :P
well I enjoy lan gaming, so I guess I wont be to hard to find :(
Start counting your last days man! :)
need team for quakecon, pm me @ #velerion
Bring back RTCW ^^
image: royo-luis-alone-1219774
we need ET :<
r.i.p. quakecon
no ET on QC?
Good, I can feel your anger. Soon your journey towards the dark side will be complete.
Darth "solololololol" Vader
c.4000euro for 6 Euro's to get there...lets wait and see what the prizes are :)
I expected this. Money, sponsors, red Ferraris > all. -.-'
Most people are prats, Quakecon is no exception.
need key to pracc 24/7 for qcon, msg /fewx
mousie comming to ? ;o
quakecon is just commercial shit, they prolly get payed a lot to support quake wars :s

they just ignore ET, wtf man :/
Nice games...
But why not the good old ET anymore? :(:(
Logical to show the W:ET community their game is dead.
QW:ET wants to get bought.
omfg no cod2!!!!
mmm...everybody can have skills in ETQW, just hop into a tank, fire a hammer/dark matter cannon or drive some freaking robot and you got your kills. Oh yes, a little teamwork must be done to complete an objective. Fun to play when you are bored......but on Qcon??
so you can get kills! in 5 minutes?
hah, i can kill you 5 times in 5 minutes....without using keyboard :P
Looking forward to multiple vehicle accidents.

image: wolf2ga9
gonna need airplanes full of cheese with all this whine here
no chance of any euros going to quakecon, enjoy your time in the light, cause in 1 year you will be raped by EU mixes once more :)
sorry we didnt get raped by eu mixes..given that we dont have alot of peole in the american community we did alright in 2005

you say your community is dieing with 200 teams...that was our peak...consider yourself very lucky to have such a big community.
90% of those teams are lowskilled :(

and with no major lans for ET in europe, its impossible to get any kind of...seriousness, in lack of a better word, +stupid stupid leagues+even more stupid league admins and too many kiddies

should move quakecon to Europe, its basically a EU show atm isnt it? top 3 Q4 was
2 swedes + a russian right?

pretty much the same with ET,

why cant you send some teams to compete :/, for such high prizesums dont understand why people dont treat it like a real competition

so many teams travel across Europe to take part in the CPC lans for ET+COD

dunno how many teams that went last time, must have been atleast 10 or more
America has more gullible people, that's why QC will remain in the US.
Quakecon has never been in the higher echelon of US competitive LANs. It is mostly regarded as a large BYOC/advertisement for 'joe-gamers' AKA people that spend lots of money on games/hardware.

I think the only reason there was ET at Quakecon was just to hype up ET:Quakewars, which will probably make a lot of money for ID.

ID would have no reason to send the LAN out to Europe. Think of it from a business perspective.

edit: kinda of what CS4f1 said
Expected and the right decision !
Go fuck a duck kthx.
Still think it is stupid how q1 and all others will be there but not ET, typical american hosted lan :< (flame expected) , it's only dying cause everyones trying to make it cause they want a game to try replace it imo, cu@cpc3 ET I hope.

With all the quake things too, it'd be nice to see something like that will all rtcw/et games.
it's called Quakecon for a reason. It started out as a very small LAN just for Quake and then expanded over the years to where it is now. So obviously, quake games are always more likely to appear than games like ET.
Finally ET = DEAD
rip et, fuck qw, wait for rtcw2
Expected and the right decision !
bad decision
QW is so new and unfinished, there wont be competitive scene or anything close to it when the tournament begins. Not even sure if the game will be ready....no competitive mod....nothing...
quake wars?! give me a break
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