Expansion & Qualifiers

As the ET community flexed its mighty muscle once again, the Crossfire team has bowed to the fierce demands of the community. Therefore, we swiftly adapted its qualifiers and direct invites.

There will be implications by allowing 16 teams on LAN, which will be decided upon later tonight and thus more info on this will follow very soon. However with the limited time at hand for the qualifiers to complete, we cannot wait with the qualifiers as they need to be completed by January 10.

The qualifiers for ET:QW have also been altered as H2K and overload will not be able to attend either, next to nextlevel.

No changes have been made for Warsow. The direct invites and qualifiers for CoD4 will be released later tonight. All CoD4 teams bear in mind to be available to play in the upcoming two days between 20:00 and 23:00 CET.

We have selected teams on past performance, (future) potential, stability and last but far from least, the likeness of attendance. The latter might stir up the seeds if they were solely based on the strength of each teams, but based on our past experience from the previous Crossfire installments it came evident that we should include this variable.

Important: Cheater Policy[/b]]
In retrospect of the past events concerning cheaters, there is much uncertainty which players are banned or are legal to attend CDC4. To avoid any ambiguity, we ask ALL teams to post their final lineup on their clan profiles by midnight today. There are no exceptions.

This will allow everyone to see which players will be competing in the upcoming days.
Meanwhile, players can make an appeal for investigation of direct opponents on their eligibility to compete. This means that if you wonder if a certain player is illegal to compete, please make us aware (PRIVATELY) and we will investigate that player and hopefully come to prompt decisions.

Crossfire holds the right to ban at any time and therefore revoke qualifier match if a player turns out to be illegal nonetheless. It is the sheer responsibility of the team captain to be absolutely sure that his team is "cheater-free". We all know that certain players have a somewhat "blemished" record and we are sure that players are very well aware of this. Therefore, instead of trying to squeeze a player through the mazes of the rules, our suggestion is that you think of the long run benefits of playing with legal, clean players only and do the community a favor.

Enemy Territory[/b]]

Direct Invites: (8 slots)
Europe New Project (formerly aMenti)
Belgium EDiT
Netherlands Kreaturen
United Kingdom TLR
Germany VAE
Europe Random Clan
Europe Team <[o]>
Europe n1ce

Qualifiers: (8 slots)
First qualifier round. 8th / 9th January: (6 games)

You can reschedule your game to the 9th if the opponent agrees. Please inform an admin in #crossfire if you want to change the time or date.

1. 21:30 CET Benelux FiF 4-0 Europe Inspired
2. 21:00 CET Benelux gD 4-0 Europe Disqonnect (ETTV)
3. 21:30 CET Benelux Fayntic 2-4 Europe Unique (ETTV)
4. 21:00 CET Europe Snd-gaming 0-4 Europe Visualise
5. 20:30 CET Europe CoF 4-0 Europe Brotherhood of Steel (ETTV)
6. 9th Jan 21:00 CET Poland Authentic 4-0 Netherlands Hyperion (ETTV)

Second qualifier round. 10th January: (8 games)

1. 9th Jan 22:00 CET Netherlands Mazz 0 - 4 Poland Slayers Team (forced) (ETTV)
2. 9th Jan 21:00 CET France Muse 1-3 Europe Unique (ETTV)
3. 20:00 CET Europe Dark&Beyond 2-4 Benelux FiF
4. 21:00 CET Germany aToOn 2-4 United Kingdom UnKind (ETTV)
5. 21:00 CET Netherlands Team Ephix 4-0 Benelux gD (ETTV)
6. 21:30 CET Europe Tag 4-2 Europe Visualise
7. 22:00 CET Europe Kojak.et 4-0 Europe Brotherhood of Steel (ETTV)
8. 22:00 CET Czech Republic NR 0-4 Poland Authentic

All games have been prescheduled, rescheduling is allowed but please keep the short period of completion in mind. We are lenient for today's matches if teams can guarantee to play on the other two days. However, we urge teams to be available today as requested before. For the second round the final deadline of 10th of January 23:59 PM has been set.[/b]

The maplist for the qualifiers will be sw_goldrush, radar, supply, bremen_b2, frostbite and braundorf. Teams will each pick a map, there is no restriction on picking the same map multiple times, deciders will be picked by elimination.

The deadline for completion of these matches has been set at 10th January 23:59 CET. Winners of each second round qualifier match will be granted an invitation for CDC4.

Enemy Territory Quakewars[/b]]
For ET:QW, it was possible to allow all teams to be included to the qualifier as nextlevel has announced they would not be able to attend CDC4.

Direct invites:
United Kingdom 4Kings
Europe Dignitas
Sweden Kompaniet
Finland Pelit
Germany Speedlink
Germany OCRANA
Germany eGamespoint

9th January 21:00 CET Germany KomaCrew 4-0 Poland Triada
9th January 22:00 CET Finland Logitech.fi 1-0 Italy Inferno eSports
10th January 20:00 CET Poland delta 0-4 United Kingdom Team CoolerMaster
10th January 21:00 CET Poland Frag Executors 4-0 Denmark Infinity
10th January 22:00 CET Germany w4sp 2-4 Germany Stofftiere Online

Rules (Community rule set)

:: NO Aircrafts Allowed (does not include Icarus).
:: Maximum 1 Heavy Vehicle per team.
:: Maximum 1 Medium Vehicle per team.
Heavy Vehicles include: Cyclops, Desecrator and Titan.
Medium Vehicles include: Hog and Trojan APC.

:: Heavy vehicles are not allowed during the last objective, even if you were using the vehicle during the objective was enabled. You have to leave the vehicle.

:: Maximum 1 Sniper Rifle/RailGun per team.

:: Maximum 1 of each turret per team (Anti Vehicle Turret / Anti Personel Turret / Artillery Interceptor Turret).
:: Maximum 1 artillery deployable per team.
:: NO Radar Allowed (includes the usage of 3rd Eye Camera).

The qualifiers will be played best of 3.

Home team (left) start attacking first map and the team losing 2nd map starts attacking on decider.

All players must record demos from all rounds in all matches and store them for the duration of the cup in case of disputes.

1st map: Sewer
2nd map: Area 22
Decider: Island

The deadline for completion of these matches has been set at 10th January 23:59 CET. Winners of each qualifier match will be granted a ticket for CDC4.

P.S. TosspoT loves you all again, but next time be a tad faster signing up. That way we can make better decisions on the tournament sizes and you can save yourselves from being "online only" for future events.
Please contact me regarding any ETQW related questions :)
omfg its my birthday, i have family coming over and stuff.. how nice..
If you win u got double partyyyyyyy
nice :D we <3 u tosspot! :D
hij heeft het opeeens een stuk makkelijker..
nice, very nice.
nice, very nice.
make it stick!:P
loled @ etqw
3 german teams direct invite :XD
If it ain't German, it ain't much!

Wait, that's not right..
Why did you ban fuzz? :[
because he is swine?

btw ololol swine as admin cF goes down!!
yerman powah :P
Yeeehaaa! <3 Crossfire crew

gl all teams and anybody have more infos about np (ex-aMenti) ? :)
I checked their website :D theyre gonna play ET and COD4 for Team-np, h2k.etqw folded
the decision of putting Francemuse & Czech RepublicNR into the second qualifiers is a wise decision as they played at last cdc, so you can count on them for not dropping out.
i am not sure but maybe Cheater policy scared them :)
Regarding the cheater case we decided to not give them a chance to play. The leader is responsible to have clean players in his team, after so many cases one of their players came back with so many nicks and that makes it impossible for us to allow a cheatfree qualifier match.
Therefor, they are removed.
even wiser decision, gj
i was meant as a joke :)
they would've pwned in online quali xD and then they'd drop anyway xDDD
thnx a lot Cash <3 -_-
thank chosen, rfki, adacore, taken and hentai as well ;)
decem said 16 slots to!
thanks chosen, rfki, adacore, taken and hentai as well ;)

:D hope to see you @ CDC again Cashie -_-
OK, nothing to whine about anymore!
gl all teams!
haha chanske :DD
hoped you wouldn't be qualified -______-
lol just made the 137th post in this journal. talk again nabster
I can't reply in dutch since ronner already warned me :<
Lold that you took FiF, nspired , Brotherhood of Steel above acab
cause u are in the team?
Not rlly.... you are pointing on that
yes genius, I was pointin on that
Are there again some clans without qualifier-spots?

I really don't understand why?

We all signed up, so I guess we are all serious about wanting to go to cdc?
Ofc... I can understand they cant give everyone a qauli but I see some clans that I think .......LOL........:S..........ROFL. But gl anyway to the names that go
Ik weet wat je bedoelt, ik vond het ook niet erg dat wij eerst helemaal geen quali mochten spelen maar nu hebben we gewoon geluk. Maar wij, FiF, hebben volgens mij eerder dan jullie gesigned-up dus daarom mss wij wel en jullie niet?
wat boeit dat nou weer dat je eerder ge sign uped hebt ... Sommige clans die later als jou sign up hebbe gedaan hebben direct invite
very nice , gj admins
Thx Cash !
im sry 4 u bliz :<

lol @ direct invite egp :D
This is how it should have been in the first place, goodjob! ;)
And what about CoD4? When invites and qualify will be ready? Just asking dont stress :)
sorry guys, but this is ridiculous... changing ET:QW Invites and matches/dates etc within minutes... ET:QW signups have been 19 or 20 for weeks now, so no excuses about changing them ... or lets say almost EVERYTHING...

Ok i recognized now, it's because H2k.etqw died today...
I assume it's because h2k folded...
ah ok true, didn't notice...
Ask the QW teams not to fold then.
till CDC, only 4 active ETQW Teams will be left, so np ! :D
I told you nextlevel folded almost 2 weeks ago just to avoid you future problems with the schedule.
It is because, overload and h2k announced today (afternoon) they would not attend. We had to make new qualifiers.
yeah just recognized that too (after ada told me)...
ye but h2k folded
its because h2k folded

just trying to piss you off :p
well done admins, looking forward to it already.
I don't know, are you?
needed to be . (period) :D
Now you ruined the joke. :(
<@vinyl> need 4 players for cdc4 (got direct invite)


so you based the direct invites on what again??
Previous results of the teams and players at CDC events, mostly.

1st, 5th (but EC winner), 4th, mixture of 1st-6th, mixture of 1st-2nd, mixture of 1st-6th, 9th, 7th. Roughly.
you have no idea who from the team is coming... Its basicaly the same if I would sign up with idle.ee
you havened seen their latest results?
I'm sure they seened the results.
TAG beat them in OC and we dont get direct invite. THIS IS OUTRAGE. TO THE PALACE!!

Nah, n1ce deserves invite and i'm glad CDC is back on track with this second edition of the CDC invites and qualifiers.

<3 Toss for taking the right decission in the end
Nice sucking up!
Check my pro recruitment post @forums!
Check my comment in that post and get your arse on vent plx :>
All your good players are on other teams now. :)
Didnt notice tbh
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA eGamespoint direct invite:D:D:D nice joke
P.S. TosspoT loves you all again, but next time be a tad faster signing up. That way we can make better decisions on the tournament sizes and you can save yourselves from being "online only" for future events.

imo ealier signup close
Broadcast some games on ETTV tbh
you're bored? :)
busting the next kenta!
haven't been this bored lately + wanna see sneek rifle :D
whine power celebrates its victory once again :-)
true!! but well whine is the power of our community nothing less nothing more!! :D
u changed the quali's again :D
nice indeed... nice fuck up
nice fuck up with inviting egamespoint :O
Surprised me also
This was going to be the list all along, cf admins just released a bogus list to cause e-drama.
I am really looking forward for Belgium Jetro's games :DDDDDDDDD ..should be awesome!!
won't happen, sorry :)
can you change the 10th to 9th from our qualifier match thx
I dont get why we should sign up earlier when you set the Signups like that???!!!!

Next time limit the Signups more strictly or shut up afterwards, cant be so hard.
w4sp won over egp all the time lol!
wasps sting, thats unfair.
great decision
how the hell is this gonna fit in wzzrd :D
ET & wsw tournaments are played outside :)
How the hell is TLR gonna fit in 1 car :D
Especially in winter when, I imagine, the patio area outside won't be quite as pleasant...
cod4 pls :< ?
A sign of strongness! Wow, I wouldn't like to trade with you. It must be a shitload of organisation work.
cant see the sence of putting slayers into qlfiers, like they will go..
VgS dropped
sad that mgc like k1ck or VgS fold :(
Congrats TosspoT, really flexible and well done!
Why are unique and visual bold?
why is your name twinzzy ?
prvt reasons
it aint GB on their own
... allies
why did you put slayers back to the quali?
aMenti lineup?
mAus, dAv1d, aCozZ, Winghaven, Clown, tba
NewProject lineup
#team-np thx
Pathetic! (last seen :x)
isn't that busted Rymmer?
wtf 143 yawns in 45 mins, he's an active biatch.
he has got to be pro if he plays that many games in 45 minutes

and we have to play them?

That Aima guys yawn

red warnings !!
Well battle of Britain was a fight for survival in a far off castle, with a wall of water and not really a fair 1on1 battle :) It also involved only one army branch, making it less of a real battle. And Britain survived, they did not give the Germans any blow they could not recover from. Battle of Britain ended when Germany decided to move their heavy bomber squadrons to the east front when attacking USSR, not when Britain won.

So saying that Britain won Battle over Britain is a little wrong, would rather say survived :) And Britain relied heavily on supplies from the states even before USA entered the war, so saying Britain survived 1on1 is also kinda wrong. Its a reason why Germany started focusing hard on submarines during this time :)

Bonus bit of random information to sink your ship:

"The highest-scoring unit during the Battle of Britain was the No. 303 Polish Fighter Squadron."

Wont go into details in Africa as you obviously have no idea about what you are talking about :)

In Africa you seem to lack some knowledge about the combatants. Want go into details about how wrong you are. But here are some facts that contradicts you:

"This campaign fell under the British Middle East Command. The vast majority of the British allied forces involved were from British Commonwealth nations. The Commonwealth forces included troops from the Sudan, British Somaliland, British East Africa, the Indian Empire, South Africa, Northern Rhodesia, Southern Rhodesia, Nyasaland, and British West Africa (Nigeria, Gold Coast, Sierra Leone, and the Gambia). There was even a small commando unit from the British Mandate of Palestine. In addition to the British and Commonwealth forces, there were Ethiopian irregular forces, Free French forces, and Free Belgian forces."


So basically that was not a 1on1 either :)

(Im not saying that wikipedia is a good source, but you can follow the sources (checked them) if you want to. Easier to copy from wikipedia than from books :) )
Give me a break. I summed up an entire war in less than ten words, of course it's not going to be definitive. Take yourself more seriously why don't you.

'Well battle of Britain was a fight for survival in a far off castle, with a wall of water and not really a fair 1on1 battle :) It also involved only one army branch, making it less of a real battle. And Britain survived, they did not give the Germans any blow they could not recover from. Battle of Britain ended when Germany decided to move their heavy bomber squadrons to the east front when attacking USSR, not when Britain won.'

I mean, you argue without context, merely to counter the points that I over simplified in the first place. It's less than 250 miles from say, Dover to Dusseldorf, so 'far away rock' is a tad poetic. I agree that the war was only between the two air forces, but that's all the Germans could fight with, and what else was it going to be after Dunkirk?

No amount of German sympathizing can hide the fact that the Germans had twice the number of air units the British did, and we were still left standing.

So you praise wikipedia, read probably the same thing I did, and yet you choose to omit, 'inflicting the first major defeat on Germany at the Battle of Britain.'

Middle of 1942, the Axis controlled most of Northern and West Africa, by the end of the year they controlled only Libya and Tunisia. By saying, it wasn't 1v1 actually makes your arguments even worse. The British forces were 1:6 against the Axis and if you think the British were the only ones to use 'foreign' troops then you're sorely mistaken.
Haha you talk so much bullshit and just look away from all the historic facts I posted that sunk your previous argument that im gona stop here.

Please go and read up.
i just cant wait for this evenings authentic - hp match i want to see naga owning.
Tell it to me >X, but sadly as i think its not just naga
Quote1on1 they bashed everyone

Not SU!
The sheer ignorance...
It's funny how the only war which I didn't over simplify was the one which Britain lost, and no one is even mentioning that. Don't hate on a player for condensing, it won't change anything.
Oh, I'm quite used to your simplistic ways at this stage. That said I can't help but be surprised when you spout such bollocks, your knowledge on history seems pretty warped and selective.

Seems as though you've taken the fundamental principle of philosophy to its limit, 'you don't need to know about a certain thing to have an opinion on that thing'.
I will bet my pants that qualis have changed. It was NR vs (CoF vs balloons) or I have halucinations? :)
they changed last night.

we were supposed to play vagrants and now we have to play vs Slayers
I smell a rat! :P
Dammit - I think you're right, most of the opponents seem to have been rotated by one accidentally when we removed noll8 (the VgS replacement was a direct swap and didn't change anything) - muse should be playing gD, TAG should be playing unique, kojak should be playing visualise, NR should be playing CoF and Ehpix should be playing the winner of Auth-Hyperion.

Probably too late to change it back now, though, given that most of the games have already been scheduled and it doesn't make too much difference in the grand scheme of things.
mmh whats happend if a qualifierteam cant come? the loser of the second qualifier goes through?
Replacements will be chosen, not sure how yet, but it's unlikely to be as simple as merely inviting the runner-up in that qualifier. The other second-place teams may be more likely to attend and/or more skilled.
what the fuck are you talking about ?
Without the US. you would speak german now. its not that i think it was right what the germans did or smth like that. but saying GB > GER (1on1)....haha stupid fucktard
Correction without the US the whole world would be speaking German now, however without the British taking the initiative and actually going to fight Germany and its allies by trying to defend the euro countries then Germany would have stormed to total domination of europe extremely quickly. Had that happened Im afraid to say that whilst giving 'axis' heavy losses Britain would've been overun by sheer numbers at the end.Once that happened America would have stood no chance.

Quotesaying GB > GER (1on1)....haha stupid fucktard

Please don't forget the FACT that Britain and its allies fought a losing war and despite being mightly outnumbered inflicted heavy damage on the German warmachine.

Perhaps if America and been alittle quicker off the mark Dunkirk would never have happend.
4. 21:00 CET randomm mix 0-4 Visualise

kk, many thnx if you would adapt it!
funny stuff tbh! first of all i want to say its quite retarded to be proud of wars a nation won!

but well there wont be United Kingdom anymore if United States of America didnt started to help you! you would never had get near the beach in your invasion without the help of United States of America...
Your knowledge of history LOL.
Does anyone know the specifications of the hardware on the PCs set up at the LAN Center?

I hope they have taken into consideration that ET:QW needs some pretty decent hardware, I can't play if the difference between home and there is huge (200+ fps here).
mr ETQW should su
mmh amd 4000+ 2g ram and 7950gt or something liek that? anyway it should run the game at 125fps stabil..
Mainbord : Asus P5PL2-C
CPU : Intel Core 2 Duo E6400 2.13GHZ
Graphics : XFX 8800 GTS 320 Mb
Memory : Crucial 1GB DDR2 667Mhz
Screen : Samsung SyncMaster 931BW (19", Wide, 2ms)
That looks about right for most of them, although I think some PCs are going to be sourced from elsewhere to give us the capacity (this event is much bigger than the last two) :D
awesome, 1 gb ram. looks promising - maybe I can use some sort of a fps cfg so I can get more than 30 fps...
Like you need 200 fps on 75hz lcd...
QW can't draw more than 60fps anyway?
it can if you remove the fpslock
how many et teams goin then? i still dont know :D
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