Feel free to ask - rockit.ET

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Today we can announce a new series of coverage regarding our current Team Rockit teams. Within the last months we got several questions on IRC about our teams, players and upcoming goals and we think it would be better to answer all questions once instead of replying to every single personal message.

Therefore you will be able to send us your personal question about the rockit.ET team and we will pick the best and enthralling queries and hand them directly to the players. In other words it will be a question-and-answer game with YOU as director. Feel free to ask if mAus is drinking some energy drinks to keep his performance on the top level or ask Winghaven about his favorite publicmap and weapon.

You can either leave a comment on this newsitem or send the question straight to questions (at) Team-Rockit (dot) com We will go through the questions and try to post them as well as the corresponding answers by end of next week.

Team roster:
  • Latvia rockit. Clown
  • Italy rockit. XyloS
  • Belgium rockit. mAus
  • Spain rockit. Winghaven
  • Finland rockit. olBaa

<question to mAus reserved>
what poo they are making ? hard or oil ?
Question: Why is clown such a beast and yet underrated by people that dont have a clue?!
u answered yourself... "by ppl that dont have a clue"
Why is maus a QL noob, why clown potreba ludzi do baserace blajd, why olbaa has his own vittus at his attic and what pizza xylos prefers
I'd like to know what the atmosphere on vent is like. Who is the guy talking all the time & actually the ingame leader. & if they lose a map do they whine or is there someone to boost up the moral. :P

If they whine, who is the guy whining. & who keeps up the spirit withing the team.
I can tell you!
You could tell me about blight :P
atmosphere changes a lot.. when pwning everybody happy, when getting owned all emos and fighting!

clown & wing talking all the time, both trying to lead ingame!

clown & wing like to whine a bit if they lose a map!

mostly wing tries to get guys focused during the games, clown afterwards!

maus and olbaa quiet all the time! xylos talks a lot in important offis, quiet in pracs!
Thanks, an interesting question with an interesting answer! :)

Nait talking all the time with the rolling r'ssssss gotta love them cool guy

Urti.. some deep yerman voice kinda cool

Matias.. dont know you but bliss and friends and taaps say your funny but low-

drago.. no idea seems like a utility player

reload.. no idea but the guys at qcon said u were kinda strange until u got wasted for the first time ! :XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

ferus.. rusty but played with iNfensus so hes got to be coo land shit but a swede like POKEMANS lol.. also prolly a pedo like him too

thats all i can think of for now.. dont know anything about rockit except the name is gay but clown is prolly cool because he is from the same country as dunno!
ferus played for infensus? cool news bro
Actually he did, smartass.
That's why I am grateful for this precious news. Always thought infensus consisted of care, iNfAN, ozzy, vega, xc, zeke
nOu problem
He did play for iNfensus, not for long though. (As far as I can recall) :p
So he played for iNfensus to the same extent eLc played for idle!
He played for the Quakecon 2005 iNfensus which later joined up with team9 but still couldn't attend the LAN. I think it was ferus, FeTTe, Summ3L, civ and 2 others from former KiH and iNfensus rtcw teams.
Du weisst aber auch alles :(. S p a c e S urtier
Ich wünschte mein Gehirn würde sich den Uni-Mist genauso gut merken können :-P
Haha das kenn ich. Jeden Schwachsinn behält man sich, aber das wichtige muss man sich reinprügeln :D.
night is only swearing TÜRA all the time, coz he gets owned :P:P
I just like how he adds R to any word even when it doesnt have one :D!
need some like ettv thing for the vent when matches are on so we can listen without being able to speak to em :D
not sure if blight is already planning to do that, but that is possible ye!
that would be kinda awesome tbh. would love to hear the sorta comms that are bein given out etc. Would need alot of slots though cus i imagine if it does go ahead then there would be LOT of people wanting to listen in :D
huh, I've done this before in the past, all you need is a shoutcast server

problem is I don't think many teams want their comms broadcasted live/publicly
:( would be pretty cool but considering blight and rockit are releasing all this stuff out to the community i cant imagine they would have a huge problem with broadcasting their comms at least once.
I can imagine that Winghaven talks the most. In any game I've played with him he never shuts up. And when he rages, he rages ins Spanish :D
rockit goes blight
Hi, maus sup? Do you drink any energy drinks to keep your performance up by any chance? Answer is appreciated.
Hi, butchji sup? Do you drink any energy drinks to keep your performance up by any chance? Answer is appreciated.
apparently dat shit can kill you

XyLoS, why the hell do you play with your keyboard on your lap?
Does he play like that at lan only or at home aswell? :P frizer had to play with his keyboard at his lap at cc6 because there wasnt enough space for 2x g11 :P that might be why ^^
im changing keyboard for the lan so we will have a bit more space this time :DD
How long can mAus live outside home?
Hi, winghaven sup? What is your favourite publicmap and weapon? Answer is appreciated.
awesome news
rockit goes blight indeedios. Lots of people will flame, but in the end I'm sure that mailbox will be filled with questions.
id like to know why ensam is nice all of a sudden :)
he's dying
i bet mAus because he dont play?

How can you aim like that XyLoS?
i have question how maus keep himself in shape (et skills)
any special warmup?
Dear Team Rockit,

Do you feel like a bunch of faggots when your dreamwife is asking questions about your hobbies, and you can only give the e-sport answer?

Yours sincerely,

A huge electronical fanboy.
Whats with teams attention whoring lately? First idle with their ETTV stuff, now this..

Tone the ego down a bit, wankers.
because they get shitloads of pm's and queries every day of other ppl, and like this it makes it easier and theyre aksaully listening to what the majority is asking? wanker
You're not even pumping any beats anymore, su munter
omg let the beats commence again!!!!
fuckin hater pimm8 ;)
fuck that i'm not a fanboy.
like to know wich gel olbaa is using
lol this is e-sport news, what you expected? go to life.com or smth for serious shit
I see all cool people gathered here to post cool comments :)
Questions are directed to all team members

Do you think competitive computer gaming will ever gain a wider audience, like other sports?

What qualities do you look for in a game?

What's your gaming rig ?

Do you intend in pursing a career in competitive gaming?

How many other games do you apply your gaming skills to achieve a similar level?

You must answer all questions or none at all
Now that will be an easy choice!! None ofc!
And people wondered why i chose to distance myself.
How furious are you when you lose the internetz?
hi Belgium mAus, how many times you wank a day?
humor of a 5 year old
this newspost is just bs, thats why
thats why they have shitloads of pm's every day.
so? I get alot of pms aswell but im not making a post..
you also been top 2 every last 4 LAN's :P
what has that to do with this? nothing
it does, it does justify a little why theyre doing this
Hello hayaa,
I am a huge fanboi of you. Would you like to tell me your mouse settings?
And also how is it to play with legendary players like modus (who incidentally, is very gay).
Also do you stink much? cuz i don't like stink

Thank you very mucho,
Xo! teh Hoe
goddamn i was hoping for your mousesettings. Oh well, jij gaat cc7 toch?
hmmmm miss kom ik ff langssss dunno yet. Maar als ik kom doen we een biertje! :D
1 is enough tbh
what sp games you play atm?
Interesting. Gifted had the best question, I think, about the vent atmosphere.

Question: What player was your role-model when you were starting out competitively? I know there's an entire generation of Norway RaZiel fans because of his aiming guide, but who did you look up to when you were new to competition, and what made them your role-model?
who the fuck cares
nice troll
Q to Belgium mAus: who do you consider hard to play against regarding to aim atm?

Q to Latvia Clown: what will be CC7 top 3 and why?
A from Belgium mAus: aDman
u MADman?
I hate this hero.. I luved Troll Warlord in dota (he was awesome), but I cannot play madman :/
awful joke, just awful!! pff :O
I don't mind mgc's to do these kind of things but please stick to the other news section.
#1 how much support is rockit offering?

#2 let me be the manager and pay for my trip to nl!

#3 are you gonna try and play in american leagues?

#4 wth
lol :D
maus, can I have your config? PLEASE MAUS I NEED IT, PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE...........
Question to all players: Do/did you ever use the compass/command map?
command map every 10secs
seriously? Atm I'm not active, but I remember it not even have it binded lol :D
me neither, why would you look on that?!
Seriously D: Just wanna see where everyone goes all the time, and whine if someone is at wrong place :D
I remember hearing that whine a lot :DD
same :DD
one step to the wrong direction and he sees it!
oh lol :D
good guy =)
u're diabolic man
ofcourse they use it, else they get lost. You don't want that during an official DO YOU?
Yeah right!!! I always get lost in big cities - still don't know my way around grush :(
I use command map every 10s or so, and when I'm waiting to respawn I frequently just have the command map out the whole time. It's useful when team-leading to see at a glance where everybody is and make plans; it's also useful as a medic in particular to see where there are groups of teammates without medic support, so you can move to back them up and revive them if they go down.

But most of all, just looking at where all your teammates are can tell you a lot about how you should be playing and where the enemy is. If you get the gold on GR you can glance at the command map and be able to see instantly if you have the cover you need to get across the courtyard or whether you should wait, for example.
Nice comment :)
I actually asked because I noticed yesterday while watching a demo you can see the positions of the other team's players. Thought it works ingame, too ;(
hm u got 5 teammates, know where their standart positions are and when u play with them alot u even know where their standart-routes are and what they always do. also u hear them all the time running around. never rly used it except on radar sometimes.. or when i hear smth and i´m not sure if its my mate teammate or not.

also in the fireteam box u see the location where they are. i find that much more usefull. u see their hp and where they are in just 1 sec
Yeah - I never really use the locations in the fireteam box, maybe I should. On defence I agree, you know where your team is, but on attack it's useful to be able to find out at a glance.
shouldnt comms be things like that?
To an extent. Generally people only call their position when they're doing something important. There's no way you can have an entire team report their positions in such a way that you know where everyone is, because by the time the last person's called in 5+ seconds have passed and the first people who reported have moved already.

As Rahul said, some players use the command map constantly, others have other methods. Quite a lot of players don't really care where their team is - I do because my aim, quite frankly, is pretty shit for the level I used to play at - I was only a good player because I could see where everyone was and exploit the situation. I know for a fact that pure aiming medics (like mystic, for example) have absolutely no clue where the rest of their team are most of the time.
I know a lot of top players (inc. in game leaders) who both love it and have forgotten it's existence.

Preference really, in snb generally knew where most of my team was based on a few things like:

knowing at least one medic would always be with me
flicking through teammates screens when i was down, which was a lot
having tactics, which were generally followed
watching players directions as they left from spawn
and of course, vent
Just to see if the CP is ours or not :[
haha, wanted to say that :D
checking things like who got CP, and sometimes also where others are, but not that often
Ye especially useful on bremen, where the f*ck is the truck now? xD
Why are you guys copying Blight ?
when are you gonna backstab Italy XyLoS ?
Funny stuff. I think a lot of players would like to know certain things about highskilled players.

I do think that it's too serious, it makes me think about some popstar with an agent =D
Q: Why you are so sad and why do we care?

Answer please
i care only to ask MM|SAMPLE:

Q: When you face Rockit-people in 1v1 do you really switch to colt and still able to kill them?

Answer please
Yes, especially against maus
more 4 you...

Q: Do you think Rockit people managed to let MM win the last 2 EC showing to the community how much cool they are?
or does Clown asked 5v5 format to break the finnish ET dominance?

Answer please
Clown asked 5v5 format to break the finnish ET dominance.
Q: Did you really kill 4 Parodia members with roflenade in Oasis when they were doing a pronetower in Axis spawn?
ofc, you can do a sticky news for it and then also feel free to ask what you want.. but only best questions will be published!
now every kid will drink energy drinks cause maus prolly drinks them
1) Why doesn't Twidi selfkill on grush first stage, at the maingate ?

2) What can you do against mAus when he's playing at the boxes, on first stage of grush ?
hem outaimen
2nd question :D
come from main and shoot at body, he will get enough lag and can't hit your head
easy rifle shot tbh
izi izi for a pro rifle like you :D
Q to BelgiummAus : When will you die , so ET can be alive again?
LOL... First mAus was not allowed to play in team Belgium and now they wanna do a 'Fan-based' project on Crossfire!
The idea is pretty good :P it feels like 4/5 years ago when the skill levels were big differences.. People we're spamming FinlandJafo for his config or spamming NetherlandsteKoa for asking him to play backup for their noob team... nowdays they see these guys as a bunch of [strike]Lithuaniaclowns![/strike] equal players =D
you can also ask from olbaa what he is always doing during the games
Are you flaming if your teammates fail?
c'mon wtf? xD
what a grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreat and original idea!!!
Who is the ingame leader ?
maus obviously, "gibbed 3, you can go"
clown obviously.. a lot of time to spect the others between one respawn and another one
rofl, you made me smile =)
mAus, why u dont think yesteday?
Q: Why you did not post it on journal area?
haha made me laugh in the morning before i even got my coffee... ohh porco dio !
np my friend :D
haha :D
Don't really get where all the flame comes from, obviously this isn't interesting for some part of the scene, but I'm sure there will be enough people actually asking their questions and who will actually be glad to have them answered.. same as with the blight stuff, if you don't give a crap about it just don't comment no need to go around acting like a retard
+1337, but its crossfire, so people will flame everything
you & not acting like a retard?
WTF, you got braincancer or something?
Realnick??? Why do you reply me??
this question is to all. whats your favorite trick to do ingame? for example certain kind of spawnrape with nade, panzer, strike. or somekind of route you always take doing the same things with some trickery involved

also I think someone asked this before but wanted to make sure.

whats gaming for you? just having fun or have some of you considered doing it more seriously? and if seriously, what kind of goals have you set for yourself?
prone is the ultimate trick for everything !
i try to kill someone with a nade over the main gate on radar as allied, only worked once in 6 years
once in a lifetime, good for u :D
Q: Can i have your config?
to Clown,
Did you improve your skill since EC XII?
If "no", when how do you feel when your team mates are more skilled?
If you say "yes", when you are a clown :(
btw do you still love me so much?
If you say "yes", when you are a clown :(

retard, we all know one.
@ winghaven : do you show girls your fragvids : ) ?
I would, they're pretty cool :D
actually i have a story about it, xedos maybe can tell :p
no he usually gets videotaped when fucking those girls at a cheap hotel at some random crossfire lan event. Too bad the clip was never posted on crossfire :'(
Quotewe will pick the best and enthralling queries and hand them directly to the players

Quotewith YOU as director
You expected directors cut right away?
Hi mAus :P :)
What is the most annoying thing in ET?
do you consider gaming a lifestyle? if so, how long do you expect it to last before moving into different lifestyle or do u have hope to keep gaming as one?
Hi Belgium mAus.. What do you think about Finland Fel your biggest fanboy ever ?
is it true maus got kicked from krea because of his voice?
when did u start beeing cocky ?
when did u start to beat nerds at lan ?
when you wanna start to teach some movements to miNd? after that he is ready to beat nerds at lan
buona domanda mama
Ataa, need reply :o
how do you clean a fleshlight the best?
I never clean mine…

Clown all i see u do at lan or hear u do because we never talk is play bowling. Do holland have ur bowling shoe size ?????
Do you hate Germans? :D
Nobody does ... ;)
Can i be your 6th
Stop making these people "Gods". Omg. Earlier Blight started showing their pracc's, now rockit might answer to you... There might be some who wants to learn a tactic from Blight or answer about rockit's future, but it's anyway pretty strange for me. Oh and btw:

OlBaa as a God? No thx.
I prefer having rockit/blight as celebrities, compared to Britney Spears, or most of the other "celebrities" in Hollywood today. :P
Czego chcesz ?
why rockit and not rocket???? MORE POWERFUL
haahahah nice one :===)
Poland roCket - polish player. I guess they didn't want to fake such a star from Bielsko!
this is to BelgiummAus:

what maus do you use??
what mauspad do you use???
what headset do you use????

how many days of ET have you played???
whats is your fov???
whats is your dpi???
whats is your sens?????
whats is your m pitch ???
when did you start ET???????
what do you do for a living??????????? professional gamer????????????
how many hours do you pracc a day???/

how tall are you????
are you right handed??????
how big is your gaming hand???????
what chair do you use??????
why are you so good???
do you use a pushtalk key in vent?????
if so what key????

what energy drink you drink????
how many energy drink in a day???
what is longest time in hours you play et in a row???

what is your secret to become so good???

when is your fragmovie coming out????
who is making it?????

why you not replace ferus in blight you can win money??????
who are is your idol?????
why you dont think???

your family gamers too???
what else are you good at???
what other hobbies you have???

please only maus answer question soon

give me your real cfg plz
Italy XyLoS is true that you killed 5 with pistol in 1on5 in cod4? :OO
i can do it too ò.ò ...

mAus who is your favourite ET player? :DD
to mAus: I remember seeing you on public servers like telenet almost all day every day in a summer a few years back (at least). How many hours a day on average did you play at that stage?
to maus i always see you ingame playing like you have adhd or something so do you do something before you play? and do you actually focus on giving hs ingame or do you just play normally and try to kill him but with random hs (like keeping the dot at hs line)
To BelgiummAus: Who do you think your ideal 6 players are and why?
To SpainWinghaven: What sort of player did you use to idolise back when you were still growing?
To LatviaClown: You've kinda stayed on the same skill level where as other ET players such as Worm have excelled. Why do you think this has happened?

how you start playing after comebacks?

do you rely on same tactics and pracc em again, again and again and hope it will work or do you change it for every pracc to see which one is working the best

to Clown: why didnt u ever put yourself into medic positions and let someone else to do engi work. I feel like you're missing one important aspect of a game after beeing stuck up with that shit class for ages!
I honestly don't think he would've come this far if not beeing the engeneer. Someone's gotta do the shitty work:)
how is life going?
one of my friend would like to ask "why maus suck in every game except ET?" he said maus played like a lowskill in ETQW, and he cant understand why. but atm he honestly thinks that he has aimbot in his mouse and he used it on the crossfire lans.

What enemy you hate to play???
to Spain Spanish:

Is your penis the same size as your panzerfaust?
to mAus:
you were low skiller, how did you become good in one night?
fail troll is fail

caps is overrated
A question for SpainWinghaven:

Anybody can become angry - that is easy, but to be angry with the right person and to the right degree and at the right time and for the right purpose, and in the right way - that is not within everybody's power and is not easy. What do you suggest?

A question for LatviaClown

I know nothing except the fact of my ignorance. Do you agree with this?

A question for BelgiummAus

True knowledge exists in knowing that you know nothing. Can we use this in ET?

A question for FinlandolBaa

A hero is born among a hundred, a wise man is found among a thousand, but an accomplished one might not be found even among a hundred thousand men. Which one of them do you consider yourself being?

A question for ItalyXyloS

Good character is not formed in a week or a month. It is created little by little, day by day. Protracted and patient effort is needed to develop good character. Can you give us some tips about this?
QuoteA question for BelgiummAus

True knowledge exists in knowing that you know nothing. Can we use this in ET?

Besides Socrates, no one can do it :D
Ask the Greeks.
I have a question.

Why do I pwn mAus?
Let me answer this question:

Cheating: 0$
Making new CB Account: 0$
Owning mAus: 0$
Getting Busted: Priceless

Old (banned) account: http://clanbase.ggl.com/humaninfo.php?hid=3052547&suspend=1
new account: http://clanbase.ggl.com/humaninfo.php?hid=3274194
Bans: http://www.pbbans.com/mbi-viewban-8c9d5334-vb106760.html & [PBBans:475 06.08.2009] 5e1adbd3f47a1adcdc8bba600e7d32b9 "DizLiii" "" "MD5TOOL 9002"

must be your brother :)
bye :)
you could find dirt in a snow storm rly :D
You know, it could actually be his brother!
My own little brother (waiting for his bust ofc so I get banned) played with them quite a lot in the past :P
Kidding me
Xylos: Who do you think is the best rifler and why?
mAus: How do you train your aim to become better?
Quoteif mAus is drinking some energy drinks to keep his performance on the top level

omgomg! wanna know!!!!
A question for BelgiummAus:

Is it true that you can get aids from swimming in a pool with black people?

A question for SpainWinghaven:

If a rooster laid an egg on a roof, which way would it fall?

A question for ItalyXylos:

A dog is in the center of a round swimming pool. A tiger, who can't swim, is on the edge of the wimming pool and tries to catch the dog. What's the maximum ratio of the tiger's running speed and the dog's swimming speed given that the dog can swim ashore without being caught by the tiger? What's the strategy (i.e. swimming route) the dog should use?
olbaa: you and matias were/are very close friends. how do you feel about him leaving your team? does his absence affect your performance ingame?
does his absence your performance ingame?

somethings not right in this sentence mate :)
oops :D forgot 'affect' lol :)

thanks for noticing
you're welcome mate :) friends stick together
getting robaciek banned form crossfire
Questions directed to everyone:

- What did you do to achieve this skill level/level of teamplay? (the amount of time you put into praccing, the steps you took to get from low+ to high)

- Do you ever feel like you missed out on stuff due to the gaming? If yes, do you regret that?

- How long do you see yourself gaming on high level?

If able, please answer all questions
Oh the things what I would have done without computer.. :D
@ to maus: why you got so many fans although you cheated...and why a scene of your aimbot is to see in this movie I forgot the name of?
retard its a cut. You know nothing and you want to talk... When you make a movfie you do what you want, so to look awesome the creator cut a part of the movie. shhh
Not really, I was scrolling up and expected to see an intelligent person making a comment to me. Boy, what a dissappointment when I saw who it was!!
10 wees gegroetjes en tis goe
Member For: 1 year, 1 month and 4 days

Says enough.
Member For: 5 years, 5 months and 9 days
ok i gtfo
ask plekter to change the password and unban you fool
when did you guys started playing ET and what was the reason for each of you, playing this game instead of games like cod or something else ?
Belgium mAus, quake live is easy to pwn for you?

Belgium mAus, always played very good onlan, and online, sometimes you are THE ONLY powner, how easy it can be?
Question to Finland olBaa:

What kind of fruit do you prefer to eat, and would you eat a gigantic love banana with me on lan?
dear lavod.

did you wear a violet tshirt at the pokerevent and sit next to me on the first table ? :P
A question for the entire team: do you find that the amount of time you invest on ET negatively affects your personal life, and if that is not the case then how do you find a balance? For example, while at college and in the first year of my degree, I spent quite a lot of time playing, but now that I am close to graduating and will soon be doing postgraduate I find the amount of time I can spend on gaming decreases as time passes. Perhaps you could give some examples of your responsibilities in real life, and the team's practice schedule; for example, we start practice on Thursday slightly later because Spain Winghaven has salsa classes.
Hi spud, what are you wearing?
Question to BelgiummAus
Have you ever bet on yourself and have you ever thought about it?
he never bet on himself becouse he dont think
Are you guys recruiting? I might be interested..
to mAus: do u feel like big ego or maybe over confidence is needed ingame in order to dominate opponents?
to NetherlandsAzatej: how is your (@) doing?
mAus, did that Pole really beat you becouse you dont think?
Nice question mate, I was wondering the same shit!
SpainWinghaven: Did you paid HungaryNonix to make your movies, if yes how much and how?
Yes, but the amount is confidential.
Turkey Olba:

Are you still my fanboi? :o


Is lativa cold in summer?


Have you ever had contact to the mafia? If yes, why did you chose to play with rifle? Is it true that everyone hates berlusconi ?


How many pms do you get per day at cf?


Is it true that you get the most girls at the clubs every night ? i mean every time you upload a pic of yourself, i see you with minimum 2 girls by your side...
Is it because you are spanish and all the girls like spanish guys with brown eyes or is it because you photoshop them into your picture ? Do you have this spanish acent like Iglesias ? Serious answers please.
You should post the configs and mouse settings of each player on your website. I think it would make everyone happy!!! (and shut up few fanbois like me)
Why is mAus teh man here? oO
In the middle of such high-profile and -skilled players why did you take olbaa?
Lan-reliable + skilled player?
Id like to know if this is really worth it ....
Therefore you will be able to send us your personal question about the rockit.ET team and we will pick the best and enthralling queries and hand them directly to the players. In other words it will be a question-and-answer game with YOU as director. Feel free to ask if mAus is drinking some energy drinks to keep his performance on the top level or ask Winghaven about his favorite publicmap and weapon.

LOL this comment is old but youre a complete idiot.

Look at the engineer in the stairs
I have a question ... If a lesbian has sex with other women but never with another man is she still considered a virgin?
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