Crossfire Community Awards 2010 - Results

image: 2copyp

Throughout the past month the people of crossfire have decided upon the Crossfire Community Awards nominees and elected 14 winners across varying polls ranging from best Player and best Team of the Year, to Player you hope will return and Community Member of the Year.

These winners were chosen by you and represent the general opinion of the community.

Don't wait any longer and check out the results of this year's Crossfire Community Awards!

Team of the year[/b] (Total votes: 799)]
Throughout 2010 we've seen two LANs, four major online tournaments and a series of smaller cups. Needless to say there were quite many pocals to take home. Which team has been the most consistent over the past year? Which team has proven time and time again that they've got what it takes to become the Team of 2010?

TLR / Impact Gaming (324 votes - 40,6 %)
Team Dignitas (259 votes - 32,4 %)
Fintastic5 (96 votes - 12 %)
Most Valuable Players (38 votes - 4,8 %)
To Make Odds Even (35 votes - 4,4 %)
bF / Plug and Pown / Aero (23 votes - 2,9 %)
Rockit (14 votes - 1,8 %)
i don't know / Giants (10 votes - 1,3 %)

Quote by TLR|SeanzaAlthough they've only recently joined us, I'm proud of the boys for being voted team of the year and I didn't expect anybody else to win it. They've been consistent since forming and will continue their consistency throughout 2011 both online and offline. I'd like to say a huge thank you to everybody who voted for them, and to Paul (eVo) and Adam (Adacore) for the time they've spent with the team. My biggest thanks goes to the boys themselves. They've really done us proud, and we're looking forward to the year ahead. Well done!

Quote by Impact|eVoIt's been a long year for Impact (now TLR), a lot of work has gone into building this team, its been tough at times and for quite a while i would say the popularity of the team plummetted due to the perception people had of me changing the players all the time and some debatable news reporting :)

I'm glad to see that we came out the other side positively and its great to see the results from the polls. I would say that in some ways i am surprised, for me i think based on the results Dignitas winning both LAN's could easily have won the award however i think that we have finished the year very strongly and i think there is a lot of character in this team which i believe people have appreciated.

Big shoutout to Adam (Adacore) whom put a lot of effort into this team also. Now we look forward to 2011, hopefully some great results with the backing of a great MGC in TLR, we'll see you at all the LAN events whatever they may be and i look forward to sharing a drink with many of you there.

Quote by TLR|XyLoSWell Dignitas performed well at AEF and CiC7 but I feel that in both teams I played for, we could have challenged them more and even won. Since AEF we have grown much more as a team and they haven't progressed as much. Without Night they still miss a fundamental piece of their lineup and I believe we have the edge over them coming into 2011

Quote by dignitas/dragoWith all the ups and downs we had in our team we are proud of being voted 2nd. We were still steady with our LAN victorys and will work on the effort we put into online competition.

Quote by dignitas/RELOAdA disappointment

Player of the Year 2010[/b] (Total votes: 781)]
This could very well be the first time in Enemy Territory history where Night is not amongst the nominees. Despite his best efforts he had to enlist in the Estonian military, making it impossible for the defender of the Player of the Year award to follow himself up this year. Not to worry though, one man's pain is another man's gain. Throughout the year we've seen some extraordinary performances by a select few, who can now battle it out to take home the most prestigious award of them all. Who will become the Player of the Year?

mAus (163 votes - 20,9 %)
XyLoS (162 votes - 20,7 %)
sqzz (126 votes - 16,1 %)
RELOAd (105 votes - 13,4 %)
drago (66 votes - 8,5 %)
Matias (55 votes - 7 %)
olBaa (54 votes - 6,9 %)
Squall (50 votes - 6,4 %)

So David, you have won Player of the Year. Can you tell us your feelings on winning this award by just 1 vote over your current teamate XyLoS?
Quote by mAusWell I am really surprised I have won this award, but thank you! Feels really good to still be at the top after all these years. But one thing is sure, Xylos deserves it more than me. Another thing that is sure is that you can't become player of the year without having a team with good teamplay and players. So thank you guys!
So with 2011 having begun, is this an award you will be aiming to win this time next year?
Quote by mAusWhat do you think? Of course I will! Just like the past year, it will depend on how good the team plays.
Any thanks or shoutouts you would like to give?
Quote by mAusEverybody who voted for me and of course my teammates! A big thanks to my love iris for forcing me to play! Shoutout to TLR for their time and support invested in me and the team for 2011.

Quote by XylosComing 2nd is a great achievement, but losing by 1 vote is very hard to take. Fortunately my teamate mAus won the award - even though he sucks.

Quote by sqzzBeing voted 3rd in player of the year is unbelievable. Looking at the nominees I can only say that I'm proud to finish 3rd behind my teamates mAus and XyLoS. This year I plan on performing better both online and offline and next year hopefully any one of us in TLR will win the award again.

Community Member of the Year 2010[/b] (Total votes: 777)]
It's save to say that we wouldn't be able to give out any of these awards if it wasn't for the community and their selfless efforts to push this game forward. Seven years into the game, it surely hasn't been a walk in the park. The admins, shoutcasters, newswriters, ambassadors and developers have once again been the driving force behind ET. This award is meant for those that get a lot less credit than they deserve. While all of the nominees (and the ones not nominated) deserve a big thank you for their work throughout 2010, only one can take home the trophy.

chaplja (171 votes - 22 %)
LION (147 votes - 18,9 %)
owzo (110 votes - 14,2 %)
TosspoT (106 votes - 13,6 %)
Krosan (88 votes - 11,3 %)
Killerboy (77 votes - 9,9 %)
Merlinator (48 votes - 6,2 %)
4drenalin3 (30 votes - 3,9 %)

Quote by chapljaIt's really nice to be nominated for this award, not to talk about ending with the most votes, so I'd like to thank everyone who appreciates my work, regardless for who they voted. We have big plans with SLAC, but nothing would have ever happened if the community hadn't accepted it. I'd also like to thank everyone else who helps this community because only together we can keep this game alive.

Quote by LIONI feel that this award was not made to me as a man, but to my work; a season's work in the agony and sweat of the human spirit, not for glory and least of all for profit, but to create out of the materials of the human spirit something which did not exist before.
All joking aside though; last season's success wouldn't have been possible without the rest of the ClanBase crew, the GTV admins and the Crossfire admins who worked tirelessly to make it such a success. Penis.

Quote by owzoI'm quite suprised at the results to be honest, I expected LION to win Community Member of the Year 2010. Chaplja was not on my list to win this, I know he has made the new SLAC program that we are all using for competitive ET now, but lets be honest, he hasn't really done this for the community off his own back like LION does along with Killerboy, without these guys I'm pretty sure we wouldn't have the same quality of coverage that we get at the moment ;)

Most Improved Player 2010[/b] (Total votes: 764)]
Last year's winner of this award was the Belgian damagewhore Worm. This year he isn't around anymore, but now we've got two other Belgians among the contenders. Have they proven themselves enough throughout to year to get the breakthrough award, or will one of the other six nominees take it? This award is for new talents who have shown their talent, or for those old-timers who've finally gotten some impressive results in the past year.

sqzz (156 votes - 20,4 %)
R0SS (138 votes - 18,1 %)
uNDEAD (110 votes - 14,4 %)
chry (99 votes - 13 %)
Frag'Stealer (81 votes - 10,6 %)
numeric (67 votes - 8,8 %)
frEeze (58 votes - 7,6 %)
Jinosta (55 votes - 7,2 %)

Quote by sqzzAfter playing this game for many years now, to win most improved 2010 is great. I strive to improve every year and am glad that the people voting think I have improved more than anyone this year. Thanks to the support from TLR I will be able to attend more lans next year hopefully enabling me to show my abilities more offline as well as online.
I can say that you only improve based on your team and we have a great team.
Also beating R0SS is great, just to rub it in :P. I'm glad that the votes were close though as me and R0SS had a great year and the category is full of great players.

Quote by R0SSI am genuinely shocked to reach 2nd in this category. It's nice to see that the community feel that i have improved on my game the past year as it is a goal of any player to improve. Delighted that sqzz won it though, he's been amazing all year and thoroughly deserves it. A lot of the improvement is down to the guys in the team though x

Medic of the Year 2010[/b] (Total votes: 753)]
The most common class in Enemy Territory and probably the class which makes the game unique really deserves an award on itself. Being a good medic certainly isn't just about aiming, it's about constant awareness of your teammates and being supportive while keeping the pressure on the enemy team. You decide who excelled the most at this task in 2010!

sqzz (375 votes - 49,8 %)
RELOAd (139 votes - 18,5 %)
Lepari (63 votes - 8,4 %)
Squall (55 votes - 7,3 %)
olBaa (49 votes - 6,5 %)
AL1 (30 votes - 4 %)
crumbs (27 votes - 3,6 %)
Sup3r (15 votes - 2 %)

Quote by sqzzWell winning medic of the year is amazing. I always try to do my role in the team and fortunately having someone like R0SS in front of me constantly dying makes it a lot easier.
Playing in a great team such as TLR does make the job a little bit easier so I can only say that's to my teamates. Also a big big shoutout to Deryn who lets me play and to TLR and their sponsors for their support and to eVo/Adacore who made attending AEF possible.

Quote by RELOAdA disappointment

Most Objective-minded of the Year 2010[/b] (Total votes: 751)]
Every team needs someone to drive the truck or pull out a pair of pliers occasionally, so that's why we would like to put one of these players in the spotlight as well. Whether it's the perilous task of planting main at Supply or running the documents on Frostbite, they will selflessly sacrifice their stats for the greater good. Which of these brainiacs carries the aimers and statwhores to victory?

drago (213 votes - 28,4 %)
Clown (194 votes - 25,8 %)
sqzz (116 votes - 15,4 %)
R0SS (83 votes - 11,1 %)
ENSAM (52 votes - 6,9 %)
Matias (45 votes - 6 %)
Kamz (30 votes - 4 %)
zerender (18 votes - 2,4 %)

Quote by dragoI am honoured that us objective whores finally got our own category and I am the one to win it! Most of the guys in this poll would have deserved it, as we all share one common goal: to get the objective done and to get it done as fast as possible. Shoutout to all my fellow warriors, long shall we reign and do what others in our team can't/don't want to do.

Quote by sqzz3rd in Objective Minded 2010 is a great achievement for me. I always try and do what's best for the team and know they appreciate how I play vice versa. Maybe next year it will be a TLR player winning it but definitely not R0SS cos he can't ingame lead for shit.

Rifle of the Year 2010[/b] (Total votes: 763)]
Rifling isn't just a specialty, it's clearly an art form. The following individuals bend their explosives around every corner and will make or break a team in the action-packed Enemy Territory extravaganza that is 5on5. Which of these supersonic engineers handles their golden gun better than the others? Take your pick!

XyLoS (452 votes - 59,2 %)
Night (97 votes - 12,7 %)
Lightning (84 votes - 11 %)
Sample (39 votes - 5,1 %)
zMk (29 votes - 3,8 %)
wiaderko (26 votes - 3,4 %)
miNd (25 votes - 3,3 %)
Jere (11 votes - 1,4 %)

Quote by XyLoSWinning rifle of the year is a great achievement, especially looking at the players in that category. I feel like i had a great year, with my best performances coming at AEF. With TLR improving and set to attend all of the tournaments in 2011 i hope that I will win this award this time next year.

Field Op of the Year 2010[/b] (Total votes: 717)]
The tactical importance of airstrikes and artillery has suffered a blow in the current format, but any solid defense still counts on the ammunition dropped by our trusty field op buddies. Which of these players knows his binoculars from his canisters best and can stop a push dead in its tracks without blinking twice? Their fate depends on your votes.

Hayaa (219 votes - 30,5 %)
karnaj (182 votes - 25,4 %)
Lun4t1C (134 votes - 18,7 %)
razz (132 votes - 18,4 %)
eirik (50 votes - 7 %)

Player you'd like to see on LAN award[/b] (Total votes: 755)]
It's never easy to qualify for a LAN or secure the necessary support, but for some people it seems to be even harder to attend than usual. Mostly made up of online talents, we all still yearn to see them display their skills in an offline tournament environment. It's up to you to determine which of these players should put their money where their mouth is.

phyzic (137 votes - 18,1 %)
ENSAM (126 votes - 16,7 %)
NuggaN (110 votes - 14,6 %)
rockstAr (105 votes - 13,9 %)
Sample (98 votes - 13 %)
frEeze (67 votes - 8,9 %)
boNg (65 votes - 8,6 %)
miNd (47 votes - 6,2 %)

Quote by phyzicI'm not surprised of having won that award, I've been called a hacker/cheater whatever throughout my whole et career, but with slac comping out I thought it would change but somehow nothing has changed , I'm honestly just glad that people think I'm cheating which means I'm doing well , but hopefully the community will be able to see my offline skills in the upcoming year but i doubt it will happened :)

Frag Movie of the Year 2010[/b] (Total votes: 727)]
This year we've been blessed with a lot of great fragmovies. If you're looking to catch up with the best fragmovies, either one of the following nominees are surely a save bet. Nevertheless, only one can be the best. Make sure you've checked them all before watching, you won't regret it!

This is ET (237 votes - 32,6 %)
Requiem (167 votes - 23 %)
mAus the movie (81 votes - 11,1 %)
Woody and nothing more (60 votes - 8,3 %)
Most Hated 3 (38 votes - 5,2 %)
Shewie (35 votes - 4,8 %)
Sick (34 votes - 4,7 %)
nOu way! (32 votes - 4,4 %)
Overclocked (26 votes - 3,6 %)
Jere 2010 (17 votes - 2,3 %)

Quote by KamzI'm very happy to win movie of the year in a year where there were a handful of possible winners. It was my last ever movie in ET and winning this award is a nice little reward for all the time and effort I've put in for all of my movies and contributions that I have provided for the community.
I'm still very passionate about the game and will continue to play it but my contributing days are over. Thank you to everybody who voted for This is ET.

Quote by uv-Max-Although I always thought Kamz was going to win this as he's pretty popular and well-known within the community, I appreciate everyone who voted for the movie as well as everyone who watched and enjoyed the movie. Since Requiem I don't plan to make any more movies but I wish everyone good luck who wants to start and I will help people out whenever I can. Congratulations to all the winners of the awards.

Most Overrated Player 2010[/b] (Total votes: 751)]
Unfortunately, there are always some people that get a lot more credit than they are supposed to. Be it that their role is very eye-catching or be it they know how to grab everyone's attention. Either way, you choose which one of these individuals gets way too much recognition in their team.

winghaven (186 votes - 24,8 %)
dialer (125 votes - 16,6 %)
R0SS (109 votes - 14,5 %)
Jinosta (100 votes - 13,3 %)
feruS (73 votes - 9,7 %)
Jere (68 votes - 9,1 %)
meez (50 votes - 6,7 %)
Clown (40 votes - 5,3 %)

Quote by winghavenWhat can I say, I guess I'm getting old

Quote by R0SSComing top 3 in the overrated category isn't something I would class as an achievement :P. Fortunately winning the underrated category kinda cancels this out but I will say thanks to all the haters anyway. As long as my team are happy with my performances and we continue winning, I will remain happy x

Most Underrated Player 2010[/b] (Total votes: 733)]
There is always a group of players that seem to make the team function, similar to oil in an engine. These players make the clocks tick and without them, their respective teams will be much worse off without even realising. Now is their time to be put in the spotlight and get the congratulations they deserve.

R0SS (176 votes - 24 %)
NuggaN (123 votes - 16,8 %)
Frag'Stealer (106 votes - 14,5 %)
chry (78 votes - 10,6 %)
uNDEAD (74 votes - 10,1 %)
crumbs (71 votes - 9,7 %)
numeric (56 votes - 7,6 %)
miNd (49 votes - 6,7 %)

Quote by R0SSWinning most underrated player 2010 is a great achievement for me. Having slowly and quietly progressed into a team like TLR and getting a lot of stick for playing with the amazing lineup we have I'm glad to see that some members of the community like to think I'm underrated.
This goes without saying though, that without the support and the amazing teammates I have with TLR, winning this award would not be possible. I hope to continue and move on from this award and hope that 2011 is even more successful for the team than 2010.
A big shoutout to eVo and Adacore who made the core of the team that helped us attend AEF and TLR for their continued support and to all the previous teams and players I have played with, especially the likes of toxic. Thanks to all who voted for me x

Player you'd like to see come back[/b] (Total votes: 774)]
Most of us have been playing this game for a very long time, and we've all witnessed some true greats play this game. With the continuous debate of old school vs new school, which of these legends would you like to see fight against today's fierce competitors?

Night (181 votes - 23,4 %)
mystic (149 votes - 19,3 %)
butchji (118 votes - 15,2 %)
RaZiel (111 votes - 14,3 %)
Raveneye (83 votes - 10,7 %)
Xpaz (58 votes - 7,5 %)
feruS (47 votes - 6,1 %)
snoop (27 votes - 3,5 %)

Aimer of the Year 2010[/b] (Total votes: 764)]
Nowadays, with aim playing an even bigger role than before, this award becomes even more prestigious. In today's 5on5 competition, one needs their aim more than ever to prevail in the battlefield. Which of these nominees do you think should be awarded the best aimer this year?

mAus (362 votes - 47,4 %)
RELOAd (90 votes - 11,8 %)
Frag'Stealer (63 votes - 8,2 %)
olBaa (62 votes - 8,1 %)
teKoa (61 votes - 8 %)
NuggaN (60 votes - 7,9 %)
Squall (41 votes - 5,4 %)
sqzz (25 votes - 3,3 %)

So David you have won the aimer of the year award by a landslide. Surely this is something you expect having dominated this category for years now, or did you expect it to be closer ?
Quote by mAusI am really surprised that I won so comprehensively with some of the outstanding players mentioned in that category. I expected it to be much closer.
It feels like I'm going down and down every single year. Not that I suddenly shoot like some grandpa but it's not the same. I still have the old insane moments, I guess that's the biggest part that makes me the aimer of the year.
I guess it's normal since I am not playing THAT much anymore. I will try to be at all the lans and perfom as good as I have done on previous lans. Maybe if I find some time to play more we could see the old mAus back.

Quote by RELOAdA disappointment
Nicely done, well done to the winners, especially TLR.
And well set by Krosan, you should have got a lot more credit in the awards especially for all the work with CF and of course AEF - good job!
Thanks pal.
United KingdomImpact TEAM OF THE YEAR

BelgiummAus Player of the Year + Aimer of the Year
United KingdomR0SS Most Underrated
United Kingdomsqzz Most Improved Player + Best Medic
ItalyXyLoS Best Rifle
NetherlandsM1lk/hayaa Best Field Ops

Then I saw United KingdomDignitas 1st.CC7 1st.AEF

I lol'd
as what happens with a lot of awards, people will always remember the latest stuff more than earlier stuff :)
problem, dignitas?
this is what u get whena large part of the community is 15-16 year old & some of them started playing et like 1.5 years ago so they started when ET was aready 5v5 & those dumbfucks vote for wing being most overrated cuz they never saw him owning llike shit @ cc lans.
& such boys spec only aimers like maus ( & vote for him as for the player of the year ) cuz they will hardly understand the stuff guys like night \ drago do ingame
You make it sound like ET is hard to understand. (Especially 5on5)
for some minds for sure it is
dont forget overrated as well for ross.That underrated is just a glith
quite boring somehow, I usually read the statements and all that shit but this news item appears too fucking boring to read

gz to winners
just constructive criticism
I think you need to check the definition of 'constructive criticism'.
I think you need to check the definition of 'sarcasm'. :>
3rd! I love you guys!

sqzz cleaning house! congratz dude wp
bullshit !
HA! told you im the best fops
trots als een pauw
yeahhh fu :DD <3
Frag Movie of the Year 2010 (Total votes: 727)
This is ET (237 votes - 32,6 %)

psykotic ftw!
unfornately it was added to late to catch enough attention to be in the votes :<
reload emoboy
Liked Reloads statements the most.
It's disappointing.
funny how r0ss gets 3rd in most overrated and first in most underrated :)
you are for or against ross it seems :)
has obviously nothign to do with that, you're either overrated or underrated, simple as it is, i'd go for underrated since he always gets flamed but he's doing the shitty things in his team and he's doing them good
the shitty things in his team? Every player no matter what job it is, still counts as a job which he is doing very well for his team.
You obviously defend him for nothing, ' shitty things ' catagorised under having to build every single thing rather than getting the chance to pown a bit, not ' shitty things ' as in noobs get to do the shitty things !
and i mentioned aswell that he's good at what he does, so i don't get your reply!
misread, my bad <3
was thinking the same, how fucking stupid community we have really.
wingheaven overrated? srsly this is just wrong. he just dont like 5o5. dialer and ross? dialer has best timing in whole et scene and is one of the less failing guys, and ross well he played ec and ems final and he didnt suck.
lol'd at community member
grats the winners, some of them very much deserved :) wp Krosan for doing all this
reload :D
I liked his statements
yeah, best part about these awards ;D
Poor Reload :>
xylos shud take the player of the year award, i didnt vote so its a +1 to xylos. Its a draw.


Congratz, lads.
gj krosan and gratz to all winners!
wp krosan
You should've gotten best Fragmovie. Just watched This is ET. Should be named 'This is boring' instead.
Do a fragmovie and lets see if its better
I will. And have made one 5 years ago. And I dropped some high class projects in the mean time because I was a lazy treacherous fuck.
TLR boys licking each others asses :D
Reload's statement was pretty impressive :D


Quote by Kamz on Friday 7th January 2011, 17:24 I won't be posting, contributing or logging in on here anymore.

Profile: Kamz
Last Seen: Monday 10th January 11

<insert trolledhard.jpeg>
"no pics in main news please"
Congratulations to all winners. TLR have done really here, I'm proud of 'em!

I don't think people understand how much work went into the preperation of this, which the majority (if not all) was done by Krosan. Well played, sir.
Quote by SeanzaThey've been consistent since forming

yeah, EC XXI consistent hard
Most Improved Player 2010
Frag'Stealer (81 votes - 10,6 %)

??? :D

Most Overrated Player 2010
winghaven (186 votes - 24,8 %)

how could you beat dialer :(
what i expected :D
nuggan shud be like 3rd aimer out there tho :D imo
Player of the Year 2010 (Total votes: 781)

Gold mAus (163 votes - 20,9 %)

Best statements go to RELOAd.
Short & clear.
This is ET movie of the year
Requiem should've win.

Amazing perfom by United Kingdomsqzz!
seems like reload had too much time left to write his statements
how can requiem come second to this is et. thats just not reasonable at all :XD
gratz gav
most hated was better than this is et imo, requiem above both
too many maus fanboys, srsly
wp lads :)
QuoteMost Objective-minded of the Year 2010: Kamz (30 votes - 4 %)

first i was like, kamz only has 30 buttbudies, but then

QuoteFrag Movie of the Year 2010: This is ET (237 votes - 32,6 %)

oh he has 237. no way that was better than max' movie idlers did their job
kamz actually had 275 votes as he has 2 movies in the movie category
In Eirik's behalf
a disappointment
Frag'Stealer in most improved is a bad joke imo. One of the greatest polish aimers/players in whole ET history (+ RTCW) considered as a new talent - nigga plz.

Now, after my little whine, i'd like to say - good job Krosan!
True, I mostly know him from old replays.
How did R0SS become the 3rd most overrated and the 1st most underrated?!?!?!?!

how the fuck can u be overrated and underrated at the same time...
This isn't from a panel of judges. It's an opinion poll.
he splits opinions :)
overrated + underrated = middlerated :D
Woody and nothing more ftw!
Nice idea but weird results.
congrats sqzz :D
When you updating m8? I hear United States of Americaopiate is coding slac-proof cheats (like we didnt know that) and linux? :((
: D what a joke
almost everything was expected ,but dialer should have won most overrated and the fact that ross was nomineed for the most overrated player is just a big joke
I want to see you on LAN ! <3 :P
Same old you, the same old me. Get bored then I get cold feet. Get high get wondering eyes, forget i've never ever had it so sweet.
this is complete bs
still nobody asking for Homer
Pretty much the same names as 3 / 4 years ago, nice to see you're all still addicted. Wish I had the time though to play again.
gratz TLR guys and sqzz for winning the most awards

but from Best Aimer Nuggan should be in top 3 tbh
Fuck yeah! an award!
but did you deserve them? i don´t think so :/
I don't mind! Always funny to see that kind of awards! I actually wanted to win it
should have gotten fops of the year :P
most of those newschool fags haven't seen your Netherlandsperfomance @ cc1-cc6
those arent the awards for 2003-2008 or so
I'm happy how I played @ aef too
tough break vs saiko :{D
Grats Gav, all them years you've put into RTCW and ET are finally paying off <3 ya
Most Objective-minded of the Year 2010

Most of the guys in this poll would have deserved it, as we all share one common goal: to get the objective done and to get it done as fast as possible."

i would think even most not low rambomedics share the exact same goal? i dont quite get the statement.. sure theres some guys out there that play for amount of hs, acc, eff and so on, but any players in teams like tlr and dignitas? dont think so..
i mean to get the objective done as fast as possible IS THE WHOLE FUCKING POINT IN THIS GAME, totally senseless category imho.

ross when people vote u most underrated its not coz of fanboyism but when they vote u most overrated its coz theyre just haters? ;)
"most objective-minded" should just be replaced with "most brained" or something, cuz it is indeed kinda silly/misleading :p
no! that wouldve meant that i am brainless
maybe a few years ago, nowadays there are lots of players in top10 teams that dont play with objective in mind
but isnt such a attitude pathetic at all?
try speccing karnaj
Can we get an award for this statement?!
Oh please, just GTFO
Wouldn't agree on that, there are allot of players at EC level that do know that they should be helping the team out the reach the fastest time, but in games it often just doesn't happen and their natural gameplay takes over.
This is ET (237 votes - 32,6 %)

Rofl xDD Must be crossfire's joke of the year. Awful shit moviemaking wise.
Do a fragmovie and lets see if its better
Oh right, because you HAVE to make a fragmovie in order to have an opinion about it...

There were plenty of movies way more enjoyable to watch. Requiem is among the best or best movie ET has seen for now.
maus: "I still have the old insane moments, I guess that's the biggest part that makes me the aimer of the year."

:DDDDDDDDDDDDDD What a fcking moments ? - You have won a fair duel before ? :O
I guess he means that hes not the player he used to be but people still see him as that crazy owner (what he still is imo)
As he said, his aim got worse and imo reload is atm definitely the best aimer around, and I'm not sure, whether I would put maus as second..
The differences between top-10 best aimers is really, really minimal.

But Id had put reload as the player of the year + theres some others more valuable than mAus imo
phyzic <3
I wanted Reload to win more awards. What "A disappointment".
Check out some top movies from other games suck as CSS. Maybe you can learn something from that. (Syncing music with frags/shots) :P
one shot hs hard to sync LMAO
go matt go!!
couldn't get more disappointing... fucking joke

"a dissappointment"

TLR doin a clean-sweep.

Quote by phyzicI'm not surprised of having won that award, I've been called a hacker/cheater whatever throughout my whole et career, but .....

Ye, when u'll come at lan and when we wont b seeing those quick aim switching or following some1 behind wall, then u will say "oh everyone has his bad day."
this is exactly what i was taking about , whats the point of playing with SLAC if i´m still getting called a cheater xD ? your really are retarded
go to next lan and prove ur hateboys :P
i´ve got nothing to prove
pls dont think that playing on a Slac server is the proof that nobody is cheating. xD

just yesterday i sent chaplja the contact for a new priv. Slac proof hax to infiltrate them :D `;..;´
Bulletetet , having been playing this game for 5+ years should be enough prove , and slac should bust me soon if im cheating so just wait, nothing will happen
i didnt attacked you, in fact i never specced you while gaming. i spoke in generall.
ppl just can't accept that there are aimers out there as good as mAus
believe me as a server admin it is my daily job to figure out who has realy that good aim and who has humanised.
sometimes rly hard job since Olbaa and Vegeta become used to play under a lot of fake nicks on our server :D
Haha, you never can be sure enough right :P
it's true and i'm totally agree with Mighty...

dear community, i have an offer: create VOTE 2011 with, where i bet my realmoneys on mAus!
Can't believe people still vote for mAus lol.. but gj though mr. maus
whats wrong there? Aimer of the year was a sure shot mAus' award. Player of the year ...he got lucky there. Both Xylos and mAus deserved it well enough. ;)
your shitting me right? reload got a better aim than mAus atm. He deserved it at 2009 and 2010 yet mAus stole it from him...I'm sure mAus himself agrees..
Most Overrated Player 2010 (Total votes: 751)

Bronze R0SS (109 votes - 14,5 %)

Most Underrated Player 2010 (Total votes: 733)

Gold R0SS (176 votes - 24 %)

all right...
Everybody say the same reactions.. hilarious
this is et fm of the year? fucking joke...
Reload is not really the 'people person', is he?
as if reload didn't get player of the year

he's right to be disappointed
+1 reload/xylos :)
hahah poor reload
waiting for comeback .eeeee
Nice to see Lion at 2nd spot @ Community Member, you deserve it m8
reload obviously has been a better player/*edit* aimer this year than maus, u cant beat the fanboyz reload! perhaps u wouldve won if u wouldnt play under ' anderson ' all the time cuz most newbs dont know its u :P
#ink has the 2nd best fop of the year, should have been first but I think fR3NCH_ is fine with this.
1st. Quote: RELOAd
A disappointment

2nd . I cant understand the point of Night's comeback , he is just in army or did he quit ?
38726 Members and max 799 Votes !!

ItalyXyLoS Player of the Year 2010
PolandFrag'Stealer Aimer of the Year 2010
Requiem Frag Movie of the Year 2010

nice :)
where is award for Poland dIZEL ? :O
QuoteA disappointment
QuoteA big thanks to my love iris for forcing me to play!

Personal trainer
Missing walle.
QuoteCommunity Member of the Year 2010 (Total votes: 777)

Best one!
A disappointment
well done hayaa you deservered it ! ( Best Fieldops)
dignitas is on top over years now so ppl just vote for other teams because voting for d. is to ordinary :D, they are still on the top
this community is so retarded. considering big tournaments TLR won only the eurocup, while dignitas won both lans and the ems.

it looks like the long-term memory of the users here captures ony the last 2 months of the year.

Would of been better if a judging panel was selected and a 50/50 split between the community and the panel. ;)
deserved spots for sqzz, well done lad xx
Most Objective-minded award should be named Best teamplayer award. Also the Fdops award is useless since that class has been set back to being an ammowhore and nothing more in 5on5.
omg n1 but no RELOAd :(
Congratz reload !!
Max, you shouldve took best movie, not even a comparison with Shit is ET from Kamz -_- funny thing that the best ET movie ever isnt even getting nr. 1 position for its year. To say its better then Requiem is just plain fucking stupid lol. Why cant people be realistic about these kind of things lol

waiting for Kamz fanboys to start screaming/crying at me that i should make a movie myself, flame on!
Kamz + fakeaccounts + almighty = easy win np!
Will vote for reload in every category next year.
How the fuck comes that This is ET is better than Woody and Nothing more, and R0SS is Most underrated and 3rd most overrated player?

sry, but that was a completely fail this year cf :/
woody shit, this is et = pros
I hope you arent serious.
i mean player wise. I didnt compare the quality
content and quality are not that important, creativity and editing are the key to a good movie.
If you know why,why are all of your movies are shit?
reload is such a kid in those statements.
he´s just honest about his oppinion
in the end the votes are all about personal symphaties!
squall and olbaa worst players of the year HAHAHAHHA

who is phyzic? what did impact win? one EC?
Need dislike button on cf.

kamzm8 deserved.
ItalyVJTO best random player !!!
This is ET > all

no suprises @ voting
By the way, why the FUCK couldn't we vote for gambit in any category?

Seriously, booooooooooh
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