Enemy Territory turns 8

image: et_logoOur beloved Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory turns 8 today. A long road lies behind this oldtimer of the FPS genre.

Back then it was released unfinished and anything but polished. Ever since we saw many great modifications, maps, scripts, movies, matches, competitions ... simply anything you can imagine.

Even after such a long time we still have events to look forward to such as the SAGE LAN or the PHX LAN. A great Nationscup has recently finished and the ESL and Clanbase are still rolling.

Have Fun everyone and lets have another great year!

Splashdamage Calendar Entry
delete this comment :P

e: eiM now im not first :(
8 years well spent here :))
Happy birthday!
happy bird day matti 1 luv etnzo
HB mate
Two gods were born that day.
playing since december 2004 <O

PS. Kired did already play with exert in OC so you should claim fortreit win in your playoff matcH!
did he recently play for them? else it doesnt really matter
in groupstage against us. Was a month ago? Still I think he shouldn't be allowed or did his supervisor friend change rules

yea though rules do not really disallow that, as soon as its a new stage (playoffs) and he is added to the APL... probably would be a red card if he was on eXerts APL and on the other and plays for both, but I usually dont fuck around with rules so..
lol cant belive i´m playing this game for 8 years :S
nerd:D:D 5 only for me cos i stopped playing 2 years ago
Happy Birthday ET :)
this one is going to be the last year for competitive scene at least
there is a comment like this every year
welcome to 2006
I first heard it in 2004...
Roosevelt called. He wants his comment back.
1998 called. they want their joke back!
happy birthday my love!
6 years spent here ;)
dead game anyways
happy birth day and wish u many years
6 years spent on this game!! :) great times I had!
No EMS, No Win!
to bad brink arrives... it will destroy ET just like ET destroyed RTCW :)
ye, like wolfenstein did with ET Xd
CXG killed RtCW, not ET - 90% of people who left RtCW went to CoD not ET.
and DiRT 3 will destroy Brink, thats for sure.
you can't destroy an already dead game, and brink is a great alternative
I just said on ts "has anyone put RIP in this post yet" :D
Great minds think alike °°__
jetro is just pissed about loosing few offis yesterday, he will be searching offi/pracc 24/7 again in few days.
Nice :D!
8 years well spent! :D
i hate this game
For ET's birthday I propose to kill Brink.
where's my ems money :S:S
forwarded to your i-net bill
there isnt one
6 great years for me :D
from jaymod to etpro :XD
Da game.
Best game in computer history. Ever.
fuck yeah!
Best game in computer history. Ever.
i am glad to see that BRINK didnt kill it off...
eventho some of us enjoy other games from time to time we all pay a visit to supply every now and then
i still miss the days of firebird and M.A.K.s tho
Best game in computer history. Ever.
hb ET <3 :)
8 years well spent here :)) 9 soon
Best game ever. Good times!
happy birthday m8.. too bad I'm too lazy to play u anymore :/

fu me!
fuck you me
Happy Birthday ET!
hb et :)
hb et :>
For 8 years now you are the god of ET, hands down.
ahah bitch damage whore :D
:P i wanna play with u! your my hero :D
6 year gaming this great game <33 Keep it alive
it still has plenty to give!!!
5years spent :)
hb my very best friend =)
this made me laugh :D
few months and ive played this for 8 years, forever alow
My dearest friend,

we had so many great moments together.
Eventhrough we had some conflicts with your lil sister, that Punk, Buster.
We found back to each other - also the Love is back! (no homo)

Hope we ll njoy some more months / years together.

With love,
Your brodder Lui
blegh i fail at school becoz off this stupid game! fuck et <3
well said eiM :)

happy b-day !
etplayor since 2006 :))
somebody likes photoshop ;p
me too low for photoshop, using photofiltre ;)
Hb greatest game of all times <3
five years spent on this game...
when i started this it was summerbreak and 12 h a day jaymoding :/

RIP: BAS.fraghousefun <3
Do you remember anyone named BAS.Crimelord ?
wasted years
manly tears were shed
Imagine what you guys could have achieved with your lives instead of playing this game, like me! Earning more money than I have use for and a beautiful wife.

EDIT: She is pregnant.
But you're not mAus.

mAus > life
Happy bday <3!
Congratz Herr Uber Wolfenstein Fuhrer mit panzerfaust und kartoffel.
almost 8 years spent on this game, the fuck :D
Age: 17

it's true :s
8 years and still not med/+ :)))))))))))
Well, since i started etpro like 1 year ago, i find it pretty fair.
Happy bday ET!!
Its mind boggling that some people have played since the beginning, where they find their motivation.
6 years of playin' and I'm overjoyed :XD
it seems to be best game I've ever played cos' I don't like fps-games at all =]

and happy B-day :D
8 Years of my life wasted >_<
but but .. it all went so fast .. I just can't describe .. It feels like yesterday that I was allowed to wear a tryout tag [T] on my first etpub clan's server.
8 years but w:et needs support. More company and money support. This first person shooter is awesome but without support, die-ing:O
the best Et is, the best ET was and the best ET ever will be
sometimes the honorable thing is to let go :| rest in peace only game i ever played.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LVlDSzbrH5M
HB the true love of my life <3 We have had our ups and downs, breakups and stuff but i always find my way back to you.

At this point i would like to thank one special guy named FinlandPerttu for introducing the game to me @ 2003. I hated it at that point but he didnt leave me alone and i finally realized how awesome this game is 7 years ago <3.

I will never ever leave you again <3

image: 129910785756
Playing since 2003. Still suck.
No way i could of played for 8 years but it was fun while i did! Such a great game yesssssss!
I have to say thanks for being the only game that I have ever played and making me waste hours of my life instead of being with my girlfriend and my friends.

Happy birthday ET, die and never come back.
Played it from release till WoW release. Switched to WoW. Worst decision ever. Quit WoW in half a month. Best decision ever. Never got back to ET though. Brink looks OK, but not worth the money, and the community is ET:QW small.

Well, anyway, live long and strong ET.
clownbase still rolling
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