RtCW Cup - Crossbreeding Birdz?

Time for the second North American stand-off tonight at 04:00CET/22:00EST, as United States of America Team Cross Breed takes on United States of America Return of teh Birdz live on WarWitchTV!

RTCW: The Reich Strikes Back!

image: blackcuplogo

ONEMOVE 2 Perfection

At ONEMOVE.ESO we're very happy to announce yet another great step forward with the pickup of the well known Belgium Gaming2Perfection ET team. Due to the Belgian organization having to shut down, the team found themselves without support. Quickly after the drop, ONEMOVE realized this was a great team and offered them their help and support and a few debates later the pickup was arranged.

After some impressive results, finishing second in CB:EC XXIV and third in Battle for Berlin, Germany kReSti, Germany sTOWNAGE and United Kingdom griim decided to leave the team. Searching for replacements, we contacted United Kingdom rAzZ and Iceland phyZiC from the former United Kingdom Queens.et side. Both players responded interested and decided to join up and create a strong new lineup with Belgium chry, Belgium Jere and Germany Bl4d3. However, still left without a sixth player, the team spoke to several players and decided France kARnAJ was the one to fill the spot.
Now, ONEMOVE.ESO is proud to announce its new ET team:
  • Belgium chry
  • Belgium Jere
  • Germany Bl4d3
  • United Kingdom rAzZ
  • Iceland phyZiC
  • France kARnAJ

Team Blackpoint makes odds even

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After our part with Colt 45, we had to search for a new Wolfenstein Enemy Territory team. Looking for other teams, we made a small post on Crossfire.nu after which we received several applications. We decided to pick the most stable and probably also best known of the interested teams. The team originally known as Clan Poland or :h, has been part of the organization tMoe for several months. But due to the organization being very inactive and/or folding they were looking for a new home.

Finished: Team Blackpoint ODC #1

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Well the cup finished, after some very exciting matches. We hope everyone enjoyed the cup! Congratulations to United Kingdom Team Dignitas with 1st place, and runner up United Kingdom Queens.et! Also we would like thank all the players, viewers, referee's, serversponsors and ofcourse Wales owzo for his casting! See you at the next Team Blackpoint ODC!

Team Blackpoint ODC #1

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I'm happy to announce the first Team Blackpoint OneDayCup(ODC). The format for our first ODC will be six versus six. After a major community uproar in the Enemy Territory scene, we decided to support the cause with this tournament in 6on6 format. Team Blackpoint is also giving away €60 to the first place!

Team Blackpoint

image: blackpoint

Hereby I am very pleased to announce the official start of Team Blackpoint! We are a brand new gaming team and we hope to become one of the best gaming teams out there. Without further ado, I would to present our teams:

Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
Netherlands Koen "Kri" Captain
Netherlands Bas "L4mpje"
Netherlands Mark "mArk"
Netherlands Mitchell "MiTCH"
Netherlands Wouter "Testi"

Decerto BRINK's into a new Division

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And then it is time to announce a whole new stage in Team Decerto's history as today we welcome a new division to our roster. We are talking about a new game that already promises to be a huge success among eSport communities and the one game that has become a sensation among numerous players.

With the first tournament already in its way, Brink is currently dragging in a lot of attention, as many teams are already going through several practice hours to run up for the 15,000 euros that ESL have set for the Brink Championship. With qualifiers in countries like The United Kingdom, Spain, France, Germany, Poland and more, this event promises to be one hell of a competition.

Coming from already established Enemy Territory teams and games like COD4 and Team Fortress, our new division is looking forward to become one of the top teams in this new game, which obviously keep us waiting to see what their development will be.