CF Community Teamspeak 3

Hi Guys,

I'am back working for YCN-Hosting and have decided to host a 50 slot Teamspeak 3 server for the community to use freely, which can be increased dependent on activity.
The server will be free for anybody to use and you can request a private channel to be created for you. You can do this by joining #YCN-TS3 and querying one of the admins.

The IP to connect is -

I am also looking for a few responable administrators to keep an eye out and keep everything running smoothly.

Team YCN

[center]image: ycnbanner_468x60[/center]

Merry Christmas from Crossfire

image: xmasThe Crossfire admin team wishes you a very merry Christmas and many happy returns!

Enjoy your food, dont eat too much! Happy Hangover

SteelSeries ET Challenge Cup Started

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The seedings have been locked and the SteelSeries ET Challenge Cup has now officially begun. The first round of matches must be completed by the end of Thursday the 3rd of September. Please contact the administrators of this cup, either starzi (Jonathan Anastasi) or myself (eyjohn) as soon as possible.

We will be testing the new Tournament Panel system within this tournament (link also available via the menu on the right for any one that is logged in). This system has been designed to both aid the admins and players in running a successful tournament with the least amount of work. This feature is still in the preliminary stages of development (by me) so if you have any comments or suggestions for this section, feel free to drop me a PM. The next few paragraphs will explain how to use the system to arrange and play your matches.

CF Community Ventrilo

[img=right][/img]I felt it was time to host a community ventrilo for which is free for anybody to use.
Connect to the ventrilo anytime, play some games, have a laugh and chill with everyone from the community.

Ventrilo Version 3.0

IP -
Port - 3800
50 Slots - Will add more if needed!

If you want a personal channel made let me know! Looking for a responsible admins - Inbox me!

Hosted by - Now selling Wolfenstein servers!
How about a WOLF Public Server?!?

ESH Steelseries ET Summer Challenge *UPDATE*

image: tgv2i8saxodjmtf32fqp

The teams have been approved and the brackets are now online. Games can start from tonight onwards (Lets aim to have the cup finished by next week). Can captains from each team please idle #esportsheaven. You may schedule matches yourselves but if you cause to much delay matches will be forced to a date by an admin.
If you need a server to play on let me know beforehand. If you do own your own server remember it’s a NO PUNKBUSTER cup so please disable it. So without further ado let the games commence!

Approved Teams

european elite
Fantastic 7
Sublime ET team
Wandering Star



Brackets can be found at

Goodluck and may the best team win!

If you have any questions query me on IRC or inbox me!

PBBans Closes *UPDATE*

image: pbbansclose

After several years of providing anti-cheat support & banlists for several popular Punkbuster supported games, PBBans has called it quits. This comes on the heels of a recent denial of service attack on their site. Details are sketchy at this time as no official announcement has been made however the topic for their IRC channel states " PBBans 2003-2009 Farewell All--It has been a great ride!" Also after being asked how much money would fix it a top admin simply said " it's not just money anymore it's lack of time and willingness"

The loss of PBBans Master Player Index coupled with the recent loss of Yawn will make player tracking in ET increasingly difficult. Whether your a fan of PunkBuster or not this is truly a sad day for anticheat as PBBans provided a top notch service & will be missed by those who made use of it.


Over the last month PBBans has been hit with a number of DDoS attacks and we have been able to overcome them. On Aug 18, 2009 a massive DDoS attack hit our web server and could not be prevented with the counter-measures we previously employed. Our host will not do anything to block the attacks and even suggested that we turn our servers off.

After this occurred we decided to close our doors. There are many reasons behind this such as a higher cost for hosting, the lack of a new host that can provide the protection we require and finally the toll PBBans has played on our real lives.

After thinking about it overnight and the overwhelming messages from supporters who pleaded us not to close, we have decided to continue. We have found a new host that will provide the protection we require however it comes at a higher cost. Also the cost of shipping our servers is not a small one.

We need your help to keep us to keep PBBans online. Please donate using the button below.

We thank all our supporters for sticking with us and provided some much needed motivation needed to keep PBBans alive.

Wolfenstein shipping as beta?

After today's early morning news, things were not looking good for Wolfenstein. Something just didn't sound right. However, today image: us Peter Sokal replied to Kendle's thread at regarding "Wolf retail = Wolf beta".

Quote by KendleI wonder whether Sokal would like to comment on this :-

It basically shows the final retail version is the exact same build as the version that was leaked. Far from the leak being a beta, or even a recent but not final build of the retail game, the leaked copy is the retail game, exactly as we're going to get it.

If that's the case my pre-order is cancelled as well. Not because I don't like the game but simply because it runs like a dog on my PC (even tho ET:QW ran perfectly OK).

I'd assumed the leak was an un-optimised console -> PC port, seeing as it has console like controls, jerky movement, mouse lag, and basically doesn't give the impression of being a finished game.

It seems image: us Peter Sokal has actually confirmed the retail version is the same as the beta (or leaked build), and a patch will be released tomorrow upgrading the shipped game to the retail version.

Quote by SokalStores are not supposed to be selling Wolfenstein until August 18th, which is when we are implementing a Day One patch that will update the game client to the retail version.

After following image: uk Endrant's employees on twitter, it seems they were extremely pushed for time. We can therefore assume image: uk Endrant have been working on Wolfenstein since 22nd July to meet the standard expected from the Wolfenstein fans (hopefully).

Clanbase Nations Cup Captains Announced

image: ncxiiblacksmall

After 3 days of speaking to the applicants and asking around we have come to a decision about the team captains for this NationsCup. Unfortunately we could not accept some country's due to the lack of players living in that country.
We will now in alphabetical order announce the captains for each nation: