sublime Gaming

A new enemy territory team has been created who go by the name of sublime.


United Kingdom brap (manager)
United Kingdom visore (remedium, MyLegend)
Poland ufol (Team Poland, Fear Factory)
Sweden savage (kojak, gosu)
Netherlands ins (helix, quAn)
United Kingdom hYpe (quAn, splashdamage)
France StrAf (angeldust, pistols)

So brap, how far do you think this team can go?
<sub-BRAPJI> Well the team is made up of a talented bunch of players who importantly know each other already and get on well. If we can continue to gel and improve our teamplay and experience together i expect us to challenge the established teams.

By looking at the lineup, i see alot of experienced players, do you think this will prevent you from being another "2 week" clan?
<sub-BRAPJI> Definetly, but more importantly is the fact that everyone seems raring to play as often as possible. Also since lots of the members already know each other it helps with both teamplay and stability, which is important for the long run.

Well, GL!
<sub-BRAPJI> thx :)

1. Characterized by nobility; majestic.
2. Of high spiritual, moral, or intellectual worth.
3. Not to be excelled; supreme.
4. Inspiring awe; impressive.

#sub quakenet irc

frogs avalanche

After being very succesful in the last two RTCW-seasons, some guys from Europe svpermen have decided to join forces once more to compete at top-level Enemy Territory. Whilst the core of the team remains the same, four new guys were added to finish things up. Profiting from their long history together and an all-French situation on comms, we should be able to expect some nice stuff from this team:


Belgium kritos (remedium and zeropoint)
Belgium Xend (angelDust)
Belgium edge (remedium and zeropoint)
Belgium xav (angelDust)
France fra (oceans6)
France emorej (Team-ND and dMiZE)
France momo (remedium)
France maxuh (remedium)

Spreadingdeath adds an EnemyTerritory division!

To add to all the big announcements of late, a 'new' Enemy Territory team has found birth, settling themselfs amongst the ranks of well-known multigaming organisation Spreading Death!

With all the events announced recently, such as the Xfire LAN event and the ESL IPS tournament, this team is looking to expand their experience and participate at as many events as possible.

A full introduction of the team can be found at the Spreading Death website. For now, I present to you

Netherlands sprd.joop
Netherlands sprd.perfo
Netherlands sprd.Wesbo
Netherlands sprd.mize
Malta sprd.toxic
Germany sprd.brot
Denmark sprd.gyzr
Denmark sprd.exq

I wish these guys a lot of luck, and perhaps we will see them perform in Rotterdam!

RTCW League reborn

The (new) RTCW-League will be played in the old league-system. In season one only 3on3 will be played, because hoefully most clans will manage to build a team with 3 players.Clans will be devived in groups after strength and the league-system looks like a pyramid (one first or premier, two second leagues and so on). The first 3 of every group will win a (virtual) cup, the first 2, maybe 3 of every group will reach a higher league, the last 2 or 3 will have to play in a lower league next season.
So far the old system.

Statment of an Admin:
We don`t believe, that enough RTCW-clans will participate to fill more than 2 groups. Therefore here is the important renewal:
The same season is running for ET, but the special is to use a RTCW-like config: no mines, no rifle, no XP-System, faster fire-rate and so on, with other words RTCW based on ET.

Read more

Goliath find their new home!

The team that we all originally know as goliath left rewind just a week ago. The main reason for this move were some major problems within the rewind management and the lack of suppport the organisation could offer them.
We all know that goliath have had an amazing start this season, qualifying for EuroCup with a 4-2 win against Poland WoW and winning 3 matches out of 4 over at warleagues, taking the second place after Germany riZe.
And then perhaps the most surprising result just this thursday, taking a 4-2 win against, according to many the only real challengers for Estonia idle, Europe deMiurge.

After their departure from Europe rewind, Goliath have been looking out for a new roof above their heads and have now finally found one that truly matches with their results of late.


Without further ado, I would like to present to you Europe Northern Darkness . ET:

Netherlands team-nd kris
Croatia team-nd aCoZz (teamleader)
Estonia team-nd asd.
Slovenia team-nd Jakazc
Croatia team-nd gmx
France team-nd emoReJ
Belgium team-nd dAv1d

and Netherlands team-nd rbnt (manager of

I have gathered a statement from both teamleader Croatia aCoZz and from manager of Northern Darkness Netherlands Reckstar.


We have been working incredibly hard together these past few months to get this team on the level we are now. I am very satisfied with what we have reached and with nd behind us I feel we will only be able to push our performance further.


We're glad that the negotiations finished in both parties advantage. We as Northern Darkness scouted several teams as possible addition to our already succesfull line-up of teams. Looking back on all those teams, I think we made the right choice by adding this talented squad as our ND.ET squad because of the potential they showed us the last weeks. We hope this will turn out into a succesfull co-operation in the upcomming time we spend together.

I wish the team good luck for the rest of this season and I hope it will be long lasting cooperation.

Idle #nd.
For Northern Darkness website click here

A Violent Day 2

The afternoon a brand new fragmovie by viol popped up at swertcw. I have just watched it and I must say it contains some very impressive frags:

~A Violent Day 2~

This is the long awaited movie A Violent Day 2, performed by the
player Germany viol. If you liked the first part, you will _love_ the second part: it contains frags only against top clans, older ones and newer ones too. There is spam action stuff for lame guys, but also fast reacted + aimed frag scenes for the ugly ppl out there ;)

Click for more info and to download!

#Teamdtk ET cup

image: bannerdtk

#Teamdtk organise their first ET cup.

SneeK, our all beloved sexdrug, came up with the idea to host a Cup and we all suported him, so here we are.

We have 16 places open, but that depends on the amount of sign ups, if more clans apply we might increase this to 24 or more :). or

This Cup looks to keep the competitive community up and alive, with the prizes being honour, fun and an active community.

The map list will be:


To sign up please pm either SneeK or Vilango on #Teamdtk but rather mail to [email protected]

Thanks for your attention, soz for my suckie english.
I'm sorry that I didn't use any flags, but the bloody things don't work anymore.

Orange Juice


Following the trend, I would like to present to you this season's NationsCup line-up for Netherlands The Netherlands.
I believe our team will have quite some expectations to live up to, but I have no doubt we will fully succeed doing so.

Without furder ado, team The Netherlands:

Netherlands rbnt (myLegend)
Netherlands frac (idkfa)
Netherlands sem (idkfa)
Netherlands milk (idkfa)
Netherlands BuLL (ratatosk)
Netherlands teKoa (
Netherlands mike/guardian (clanless)
Netherlands AzA (oceans6)
Netherlands kris (helix)
Netherlands licid (vexo)
Netherlands lightning (wArning!)

Merry Christmas to you!

image: benidormWell, after almost three years of serving you guys I had to take some time off. I went to benidorm together with the sweRtCW and server. I'm sorry for the downtime but I guess it was a good time to take a few days off. Meanwhile you guys could spend some time with your family instead of spamming me all the time. Anyhow, with a little delay, I wish you all a merry Christmas and a happy new year.

Your dearest friend,

Mr. Crossfire