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Back to the roots: Vicious and Evil with ET Team

image: vae_back_vx60d

It's been a long time since the last Enemy Territory team played under the Vicious and Evil flag. Today we are proud to announce that we are going back to our roots. Our team only consists of finnish folks, who just signed up for a spot in the upcoming ClanBase EuroCup, aswell as the ESL Major Series. They all got experience in teams such as Insignia Cadre, Button Bashers or Team YoYoTech. They just signed up for the evu cup 5, which starts this Sunday, so you will have the opportunity to see our team in action for the first time. We all wish them good luck and a nice stay in Vicious and Evil.

Lineup of VAE:
  • Finland Jussi 'twidi' T.
  • Finland Leo 'Lettu' H.
  • Finland Harri 'Iron' L.
  • Finland Ville 'kapaa' K.
  • Finland Perttu 'Reikkeri' M.
  • Finland Tino 'chmpp' V.

proZaC: "There can only be one true p1mp"

Community favorite Sweden Cyrus "proZaC" Malekani, also known as "the p1mp", celebrates his return to the Quake scene. As one of Sweden´s former TDM stars he will go to enter the IEM Asian Championship in Taiwan and will fight for one of the two slots to qualify for the Global Finals in March. fragster invited proZaC to an interview to speak about the upcoming event, his shape and why god is on his side. Here's a snippet:
QuoteIt's been a while since you have been part of a Quake event. What happened during the last years?

proZaC: Woah, so many things ... I studied game development and got hired by Avalanche Studios to work on Just Cause 2. Then the financial crisis happened and that put a serious monkey wrench in the wheels of the game development industry (in Sweden anyway) and I became a kindergarten teacher instead, which was the best job I've ever had. After this the timing and opportunity was perfect to go to study in Japan. So here I am!

What are your plans then? A comeback in the eSport/Quake scene maybe?

proZaC: I don't know for sure yet, but I have a lot of fun playing quake again and watching all the good matches in the recent tournaments just makes me pumped - so maybe yes?

Read the full Interview in United Kingdom English and Germany German.

Quake Live at ESL

Yesterday, the ESL European section opend their Quake Live area with the start of a 1on1-Ladder and already over 29 people signed up and played the first matches. The rules are pretty simple. To participate you just need to enter your Quake Live name in your ESL profile, nothing more. With the new Matchmaker it is pretty simple to get a match at the date you want to play.
The matches will be played "Best-of-One" with a timelimit of 10 minutes.

  • qzdm6
  • qzdm13
  • tourney4
  • tourney6
  • tourney7

If you don't have a Beta account yet for Quake Live look through the Crossfire journals or check out the Fragster-Board if you are able to understand german.

ESL news


Tonight will be the match between the 1st and 2nd place of the Call of Duty Eurocup Group D. PGS will meet VAE on mp_strike at 20:00 CET. Both teams got equal stats at the moment, both with two wins and one loss. PGS is currently in the lead of group D, cause they won two more rounds then the swedes. VAE recently surprised the scene with their victories over eSuba and xtothed, but this match will decided if they reach the playoffs or not.


Poland PGS

Poland Lokacz
Poland marikkkk
Poland Monthy
Poland niCkel
Malta r4z0rju
Europe VAE

Sweden piitz
Sweden discodance
Sweden Mumma
Sweden Laazy
Sweden Mathew

image: strike

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Quote by piitzIt's an "all or nothing" match against PGS tonight. After Infused dropped out of the EC the victory over them is useless for the rankings, otherwise we would be in front of PGS. If we lose it all depends on xtotheds last match if we reach the playoffs or not, but be sure that we will try everything which is possible to take home the third victory in the current EuropCup.
Good luck and have funn at all!


Prepare yourself for the upcoming Winnerbracket Semi-Final match of the Don Baker Cancer Research Cup between The last Resort and Vicious and Evil. Both teams passed the first round in that cup without any problems and will face each other tonight at 20:30 CET. Whilst VAE received a forfeit win in their last game TLR had no problems sending Titanz into the Lowerbracket of that Cup. ETTV will be available for that game and an English audiocast by mistaken on ETL Radio.

Europe TLR

Belgium mAus
Netherlands Lightning
Spain Winghaven
Latvia Clown
Finland Matias
Poland d0kt0r
Europe VAE

Finland twidi
Finland Squall
Finland mikza
Finland chmpp
Finland lettu
Finland Iron

image: delivery image: radar

Goodbye VAE.Quakewars

image: vae

Almost seven months ago VAE presented their first ET: Quakewars Squad. Back then, the competition scene was pretty good. We saw Teams like Dignitas, SPEED-LINK, Geh aB!, Logitech and many more organisations, who recruited ET:QW Squads. But since then, the scene was dieing more and more.
After a long talk with the VAE.QW players we decided to not put any more effort in that game. Since the 27th of January 2008 the Squad had 48 official wars.
In 34 of them they were able to take the victory, 11 times they were the losers and 3 times the match ended in a draw. They received eight awards in their time under the VAE tag:

Another comeback

image: vae_emblem_130
With the announcement of the Eurocup and the next Crossfire Lan edition a lot of players decided to come back to Enemy territory for those events. Also, the multi gaming organizations are picking up ET teams again. One of them is Vicious and Evil. The team consist of former VAE member, who already played at the major ET events under the VAE flag, but without further ado i would like to present you the new ET-Lineup:

Vicious and Evil.ET
  • Finland Jussi 'twidi' Tiipiö
  • Finland Leo 'lettu' Haasanen
  • Finland Mikko 'mikza' Suppula
  • Finland Taneli 'Squall' Härkönen
  • Finland Harri 'Iron' Lehtoaho
  • Finland Tino 'chmpp' Valle
  • Finland Tero 'cadein' Pölläniemi

Related Links
Official News

Mamut with changes

Slovenia Mamut.si adds ET: Quakewars to their supported game list. image: team-mamut

-> Enemy Territory
-> ET: Quakewars
-> Call of Duty 4

The former dignitas member, who are playing for the Slovenian Multigaming Clan d3vilheart mamut.si at the moment, didn't miss a single game in the past, which they tried out.
And now they are back with a new ET: Quakewars Lineup, to attend at Quakecon in Dallas and further events.

Their new Lineup will be the following one:

Slovenia Dejan 'Lightman' Vlaisavljevic
Slovenia Jaka 'Jakacz' Kejžar
Slovenia Boštjan 'Miso' Krajnc
Slovenia Ivo 'Darkman ' Vidergar
Estonia Hendrik 'RELOAd' Kinks
Germany Nico 'senji' Sinning
Belgium Björn 'bjorn' Rombaut
Denmark Thomas 'SonDac' Sörensen

The management gave the following statement:
QuoteAfter we were pretty much inactive in Dignitas we decided to make new team with some new faces. Mamut.si was known as Devilhearth before , it was well known team in Quake2 and also in Quake3 and now they are back after few years of inactivity. Our first goal is to attend Quakecon with ETQW team . In future we will try to focus in some other games also such as COD4. I would like to thanks to our sponsors mamut.si and razerzone.com for their support.

Clanpage || #mamut.si

EuroCup XVII Consolation Final

ET: Quakewars is alive...
At least the Eurocup is going on, currently less default wins than in the ET Eurocup.
Tonight, the Consolation Final will take place between Poland Wiechury and Europe Vicious and Evil.
Both teams already lost against Four-Kings in that tournament and guess what: The winner will face Four-Kings in the Grand Final again.
The game, which starts at 21:00 CET, will broadcasted by ET:QW TV and remember that you don't need a valid ET:QW key to watch it.

Poland Wiechury X - X Europe VAE
Maps: TBA / TBA

* Wiechury Lineup: aA, suri, nsk, Marte, nexoge, bhn, Rzezn1k
* VAE Lineup: valiant, Madknut, Noorgrin, madbone, Jeebs, Vexx

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VAE News

GSL: Four-Kings versus VAE

Like every tuesday night it is time again for some matches of the Gamestar League ( GSL ). Tonight, the game-tv.com team will show you the ET: Quakewars clash between United Kingdom Four-Kings and Europe VAE.The british clan, who is on the first place at the moment, is currently unbeaten in the Gamestar season and VAE, placed on three right behind GaB, will go into that match as the underdog.

10.06.2008 - 21:30 CET
United Kingdom Four-Kings 4 - 0 Europe VAE

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