Clanbase Global Rule Changes

I am not going to duplicate what clanbase have said you can read it here what i am going to say is what it means to you the clans.

The top and bottom of it is CB are moving away form using PBBans streaming servers and the Master Ban List to start a fresh with a new Company/Website called offering the same services. PBbans have served us well with 30k+ bans and as yet GV has none to its name. They will however come in time.

QuoteRule Update

Because all PB games are now being covered, we are taking this opportunity to change our rules regarding server streaming. We have decide to standardise the rule across all PB games. The following rule will be in effect immediately.

"All matches must be played on servers that stream to the ClanBase/Game-Violations repository. Streaming information and instructions can be found here. To check if the server you are playing on is streaming to the CB/GV repository check here. Streaming your match server to the CB/GV repository is a mandatory requirement. The clan responsible for the server is also responsible for making sure it streams. Matches where a streaming server cannot be organised will be cancelled."

We do realise this might cause some disruption to players/clans, so we are allowing a grace period of 4 weeks so everyone has time to download and install the new software. After that time anyone not complying with the new server rule will result in their matches being cancelled.

I have my own personal opinions concerning this move and i understand CB needing to standardise but they must realise they are not alone in running leagues for ET. If Warleagues, ESL and Crossfire do not follow suit where does it leave their leagues. A server can only stream to one repository by the HUB streaming method. Is this the end of CB and ET as we know it or the start of a new era? I will let time tell on this one. You have 4 weeks to change streaming method for CB leagues or games will be cancelled.

decem's EDIT: "A server can stream to pbbans and GV at the same time, but to do this you would need to drop out psb if you were streaming for them before. This means that the change of CB going for GV isnt as radical as bulldog was implying in this post."

Bulld0gs EDIT: "There are plans to use the Hub streaming method soon they just dont have the staff yet, so my post is correct 'ish

Good Job CB and Good Luck


Streaming Script for ET here

ETQW: Bite The Bullet night Cup #1

image: nc1588kc2

The climax of the first ever Night Cup took place this evening. The final was between United Kingdom VAE:ETQW and Poland#Onis and was the second meeting of the 2 teams in the competition. Poland #onis making there way through from the losers bracket having been beaten over 2 maps by United Kingdom VAE earlier in this double elimination cup.

Finally CB Gets Tough on Cheats

image: clanbase_white
Finally after what seems an age CB have pulled out thier finger on cheating in ET. As you well know Clanbase Cheating and Abuse Policy was updated in November last year. A lot of work has been put in by working closely with CB AC to bring the hackers to justice. People felt safe on publics to cheat, thought it was funny to cheat in the face of CB and it would go un-punished. "Too Late" i hear you cry and i fully agree, this has been too long coming but at least its finally arrived. No longer will it be tolerated and bans will be coming thick and fast over the next few weeks as we clear the backlog.

I'm under no illusions that cheating can be stamped out of ET and i would be foolish to even think it. I would like to ask for the help of all the server admins and players out there. If you suspect someone get pbss, take demos and make full use of the cheater report Here. There are lots of names hidden in the forum that are going through or being worked on at the moment. If a report has dissapeared dont worry its in the system. PBBans and PBS bans with IP address will be evidence and used to ban people depending on the offence, yawn shows the ban but isnt used in the process. Spoofed guids can be checked upon and will be spotted.

Here is a list of this weeks busts:

Belgium Hss
Netherlands F0st
Flanders Wilzu
Finland KirurGi/Swaniz
Netherlands Zoot/Chin0
Netherlands Gunner
Latvia kurbads
Netherlands Frizen

I would like to thank all of the Cheatbusters Crew and all those that helped:

Cheatbusters Crew

As i said this its been coming and its only the start of what can only be a good thing and i hope that some of the other leagues and cups follow suit. Thanks to Netherlands TrgT for sticking by the bans for the forthcoming Benelux Cup III. Help us help you and report them all!!! You can check for bans now from CB Home Page click Bans and search for Enemy Territory.

Finally to quote WalesNetherlands lunachick:

Quote If you see anyone on the list that you have recently played a match against, please provide us with screenshots or demos and we'll see what we can do if you had lost the match.