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Cracow Gamespot Live Update

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There was a lot of speculations about delays at LAN and that no games have been played. We will try to keep you updated with the situation at LAN. I will edit this post during the weekend with updates, so you won't miss that anything that occurs here. We will do our best to setup GTV for ET games, United Kingdom Marcus is doing his best to fix it but we have some problems with network (this is now resolved).

Cracow Gamespot Deadline (1 day left)

It's been ages since last updated about Cracow Gamespot was posted here, on Crossfire. I was kinda busy last few weeks, I'm realy sorry I wasn't able to keep you up with what's going on. As you could see annoucment of lan in Poland made some old faces come back to game again.

Cracow Gamespot Seeding Tournament & Mappool

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More news about the Cracow Gamespot event with the mappool which will have two additions added to it, which will be decided by you! The current map list you can find below. As well as this there will be a seeding tournament in the run up to CGS with the winner taking home a nice little prize for themselves, more details can also be found below.

Cracow Gamespot more details

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Last time I gave you new informations about accomodation and other important stuff you will need if you want to come to Cracow, but this time we have few changes with out bank account and more details.

Cracow Gamespot More Updates

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I didn't had much time recently to let you know about what's going on with Cracow Gamespot lan but now I want to present you some more detailed informations and few new photos of actual computer area. To not make this any longer check the entire post!

Cracow Gamespot new prizes

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Some of you may already hear from interview for GtkG series that we picked up few new partners, sponsors and I've been lucky enough to gather extra prizes worth 300 €! It wasn't easy week for our admin crew, many problems apeared on our way and we are not done with few of them yet but we are still doing our best to make CGS Lan best possible. In this news I will present you new prize pools and few photos that some of you requested. I hope you will appreciate our effort, stay tuned for more updates!

Cracow Gamespot Update

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It's been over a week since lan annoucment. Today, we're here to let you know what is going on with event and post some updates. To make you pleased we involved some changes and added some new stuff. In this news post you can read about some of them, so go ahead! During last week we had a lot of discussions about lan and we did our best to try to promote it, both ET and League of Legends. You can read about us on biggest polish LoL site here!. There are more to come, will try to post them in upcoming news.

Cracow Gamespot ET Lan

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It's been a while since last lan in Poland took place, so we came with idea of refreshing polish ET scene a bit with the new event. Last time tMoe with old lineup took 1st place at EGU 2010 in 5on5 format. I hope that with hosting this event we will motivate some players to create new teams, I was missing few polish teams recently...
Finally we're ready to annouce you Cracow Gamespot ET Lan in 6on6 format.

ET:ZombieMod on the way!

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You may of seen all of the random journals & forum posts about this new mod called ET:Zombies. Well I took the time to speak to the team behind this mod, and I think you will find this mod of interest to the ET Community.
You can find all the information about ET:Z and what's going to be avaible, screenshots from game and interview with entire team in this news post.

Crossfire League of Legends Cup - brackets

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Finally after almost 2 weeks of signups and we're proud to annouce to you brackets of the 1st Crossfire Community League of Legends Cup. Seeds were generated as mentioned in rules - more CF users you got in your team - higher seed you get. For East server there is no bracket because we had only 5 teams - but that's not a problem - each team will play group matches and 2 with best scores will play in final BO3 game.

Also I got good news for you - there will be 2 streams of cup so you can watch few games - since bronze final and gold final will be played at the same time you won't miss much!

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