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HiGHBOT 2k10

image: bmwudksg2ahqhdb1bDear Crossfire,

After we dont get an qualifier for EC we decide to make a strong lineup for the upcoming lan event's. FiREBALL criatura and me playing together since 6 years and we have to pickup some new guys to get back on a good lvl. Warm Welcome to s1LENT gr0ss & caTchEr. We decide to play under the name of HighBot because it's hard to find a good multigaming organisation without a EC Spot.
Anyway the praccs are going pretty well and we are motivated enough to play OpenCup to show everyone that our lineup is EC worthy. We will play the next EuroCup then!

Team HighBot 2k10 Germany

Turkey Fatih 'FiREBALL' H. (Captain)
Germany Maksymilian 's1LENT' R. (Captain)
Germany Daniel 'dANIELm' M. (Mainplayer)
Germany Marco 'caTchEr' A. (Mainplayer)
Germany Christopher 'gr0ss' R. (Mainplayer)
Germany Sascha 'criatura' B. (Mainplayer)

Germany Thomas "kresti" M. (3on3 OC only)

STATEMENT Germany Harald: The Maingoal is to battle team SPEEDLINK and to play vs the best teams again, we will show everyone that the polish cb admin is wrong with his attitude against us.

Active in following competitions

- 2on2 CB OpenCup
- 3on3 CB OpenCup
- 5on5 CB OpenCup Premier
- LAN Event's like Crossfire Lans
- ESL Major Series


You can find us in #highbot cheers

STAR is ready

image: star_et1

Dear Crossfire,

After 7 month break me and Turkey FiREBALL decide to give a comeback once again,we are praccing since 2 week's intern to see how it goes and we perform really well vs known teams in practice games. Well we decide to play under the name of STAR.ET you can find us anyway in the HIGHBOT Community Channel, we are motivated enough to play 3-4 times per week and we are looking forward to pracc vs some good teams.
In my oppinion Speedlink will be direct invite to EuroCup for Germany, we hope that we get a qualifier spot to show everyone that we have the potential to play EuroCup.

HB WC final results

image: hbcup


Europe S.N Battalion (HB WC Champions)
Europe H2k (CC5 Champions)
Croatia Team Croatia
4th Netherlands Overload

In the last days Europe S.N Battalion have shown an amazing performance, with an end result of 4-2 in favor of the Battalion, ending the HighBot WC 2009.

Europe H2k lost their first game under the flag of the Multigaming Organisation, and we will all be looking forward to the big tournament in the future called ET-MASTERS which is starting this week.

Thank you to all teams which were a part of this Winter Challenge, and we had very few forfeit wins, showing a good reputation for ET.


Europe S.N Battalion vs Europe H2k 4 - 2

We wish every team the best of luck in ET masters.

#HIGHBOT @ Quakenet Regards Admin HB WC Crew

HBWC! 08/09 Groups

image: b4uh39in4m9b4bpnd

Dear Crossfire users,

The groups have been put together randomly by the QuickCup system , we can rate the teams and stuff but we can't change anything. We made one change about the Seedings France Gamerz Connexion switched with Spain THEPINPALS. You have to play the maps we choose and not the ClanBase maps in the groupstage. At the playoffs every team can choose their own map of our Mappool.
  • Group A
  • Europe Epsilon CC5 Champions 2008 (Poule A)
  • France Gamerz Connexion (Poule C)
  • Germany HighBot (Poule B)
  • United Kingdom unKind (Poule D)

HBWC! 08/09 Invites

image: b4uh39in4m9b4bpnd

Dear Crossfire Users,

Highbot presents you the HighBot Winter Challenge 08/09. The tournament will start at 2nd January '09 and the Final will most likely be played at 3rd February '09. We invite 16 teams directly to the Challenge. We tried to invite the best teams of each nation. Even 2 - 3 NationsCup teams are going to play to have a great warmup for the upcoming NationsCup XII. The Nations teams will be Croatia Team Croatia , Hungary Team Hungary & mostly France Team French under the name of Gamerz-Connexion.

We have also have 7 EuroCup teams, the OpenCup Premier League Champion Europe aToOn and the Crossfire Challenge 5 Winner Europe Epsilon for this kinda special event. We have a competent admin crew for the event, so that we can held et active once again and we take the coverage for most matches by ourself.

HighBot XMAS Present!

image: b4sdxpyla2wijmkx7 Dear Crossfire Users,

After the Crossfire Challenge 5, we started our plans to make a german top-team once again.

After we saw that Germany Tomas "kReSti" M. & Germany Stefan "flopjehZ" P. are not a part of AoW anymore, we saw our chance to create an all german lineup.

We played with kReSti already in the last OpenCup, and knowing flopje as well from the lan, both are great ppl and having a nice knowledge in ET. On cc5 everyone was surprised about the performance of kReSti & AoW, and also we think they have the aim and the professional attitude to play at EuroCup level. We would like to announce also a comeback of the HighBot Wolfenstein Panzer Germany Jens "souX" G, who will also be a part of HighBot.ET. During the last 3 year's he has spent a lot of time managing other teams, but after specing at CC5, he is motivated and back playing.

The team has got two main goals, the upcoming EuroCup in February/March and the Crossfire Devoti Challenge 6 in the first week of April.

Turkey HIGHBOTFiREBALL (Captain)
Germany HIGHBOTKRESTI (Mainplayer)
Germany HIGHBOTCRIATURA (Mainplayer)
Germany HIGHBOTFLOPJEHZ (Mainplayer)
Germany HIGHBOTSOUX (Mainplayer)
Germany HIGHBOTHUMM3L (Mainplayer)

Germany HIGHBOTVIRTU (Backup)
Chile HIGHBOTM@x (Backup)


Statement Germany flopjehZ :

"Im really looking forward to play with such experience guys, after my well lan performance im kinda happy to be a part of highbot now. I met fireBall & humM3L on the lan allready and they are nice guys. Im sure the team can perform really well, we are all motivated for cc6 lan and online events"

Statement Germany souX :

"I’m really happy to be a part of this team.I noticed that every team and just every game without fireBall and humM3L just discourage me.With this strong team my desire to play is back and I’m thankful that this team gave me a chance to play with them!"

Statement Germany criatura :

"Im really happy that we are playing now with these guy's , was really fun to hang around with kReSti & flopje on cc5. They suprised alot on the LAN and im really glad to play with souX aswell hes a oldschool wolfenstein player from highbot and what i heard from fatih and daniel they was amazing in the past. We focus now on that team wish us the best of luck"

I also can anounce that we organize a nice direct invite cup

HIGHBOT Winter Challenge Only direct invites (News will follow)


#HIGHBOT @ Quakenet

GMPO with some Major Changes !

image: arop7rbzjwdw05qxsAfter the CDC3 event in the netherlands the german team thought it would be the right time to call it the day.We had a lot of discussions about what's going to happen now with the result that we will keep on playing another EuroCup.

As you can see the team consists of some oldschoolers and also some newfaces.The main focus is to place well in the upcoming EuroCup,though they are going to play one or the other 1-day-cup.Right after the EuroCup GMPO will step back from the et-scene and people will most likely split up.

Finland GMPO Jussi "twidi" T.
Finland GMPO Tino "chmpp" V.
Sweden GMPO Jhonny "GlasS" G.
Russia GMPO Daniel "humM3L" M.
Belgium GMPO Gelin "Ganon" C.
Germany GMPO Ludwig "haZer" B.
Netherlands GMPO Jorryt "abort" D.

We played only some praccs right now , it was a nice feeling to play with these guys. Everyone was still motivated and i feel really good with the team about the upcoming EuroCup. We Only focus on the EuroCup after that we split up.

www.gmpo.org & #GMPO @ Quakenet !

AuX folded , HighBot is back !

image: aqzhosf4h03iktqdw

After 8 months of AuxiliA.ET, the clan stated today that it is not possible for them to send a team to the
Crossifre Devotii Challange 3. This was a huge disappointment for the members of AuxiliA.ET at first.
But as we see our chances quite good for reaching Top5 at CDC3 - we decided to travel on our own.
Back under the name of our very own clan HighBot we will try to attack once more.
The sponsor spickmich.de will stay with us along our journey and try to support us as good as possible, also regarding
the Enlarged IV Lan in Germany.

#HighBot with some Changes!

After a lot of nice 6on6 achievements, thrilling matches and a brilliant time - Team HighBot must also switch lanes to a 5v5 future.

Following on from extensive discussions with the Clanbase Admin doneX , clans like the Swedish Power House Sweden Noll8 & Europe zP it´s also time for HighBot to play 5on5. From this day, we will practice for the upcoming EuroCup IX, the PGA.Lan and of course the CPC.2 (Crossfire Lan 2).

Unfortunatly it is time for HighBot to make some lineup changes to accomodate this, so Ludwig "haZer" B. & Andreas "FlixX" S. will leave the team due to their lack of LAN activity. So it´s time to present a oldschool face in the HighBot Lineup, named Daniel "jiGGy" S. who will take the 5th spot in our main lineup.

Turkey Fatih "fireBall" H. (Captain)
Poland Mateusz "z3R0" W.
Germany Daniel "jiGGy" S.
Germany Sascha "criatura" B.
Russia Daniel "humM3L" M.

Russia Arthur "murDa" R.
Germany Sebastian "vrael" W. (Rifle for 6on6)

The Bots back in Enemy Territory

image: et_a
After a long period without play we are going to be active again.

The old Europe HighBot.et team, which lost very unfortunately against kujuneb.ee in the EuroCup XIII qualification, will be reformed step by step.
Its the team around Team-Cpt. Fatih fireBall H. and Players like Daniel humM3L M. Sascha criatura B. & MateuZ z3R0 W. who will be back in the ET business and hopefully they will find a return to their old skill-level.

At the moment there are no real goals set by the team but as you can see by cups like #vib-cup, TEK||Cup or the IPS, we are on the best course to re-establish ourselves in the ET community.
Regarding the xfire.lan event, its a bit too late, but we wish all the teams the best of luck in Rotterdam.
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